Jorg De Winne

Jorg De Winne is a doctoral Student at Ghent since September 2018 and is affiliated with WAVES research group, department of Information Technology (INTEC) and IPEM, the Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music, Department of Art, Music and Theatre sciences. He holds the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering main subject Communication and Information Technology. He is currently working on the FERARI project (Feedback system for a more Engaging, Rewarding and Activating Rhythmic Interaction) where he aims to proof that an automatic neurofeedback system can be used to make the interaction of humans with a digital environment more engaging, rewarding and activating, in particular when it comes to rhythmic stimulation and attention focusing. In order to do so, brain activity is measured by means of EEG (electroencephalography) and fNIRS (functional Near-InfraRed Spectroscopy). The project requires an interdisciplinary approach with topics like machine learning, interaction, signal processing, rhythm and music, etc. Jorg is also interested in soundscape design, VR, auralization and other immersive experiences.
IPEM, the Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music, Department of Art, Music and Theatre sciences, Ghent University