Wout Joseph

Wout Joseph (Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8807-0673) was born in Ostend, Belgium on October 21, 1977. He received the M. Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Ghent University (Belgium), in July 2000. From September 2000 to March 2005 he was a research assistant at the Department of Information Technology (INTEC) of the same university. During this period, his scientific work was focused on electromagnetic exposure assessment. His research work dealt with measuring and modelling of electromagnetic fields around base stations for mobile communications related to the health effects of the exposure to electromagnetic radiation. This work led to a Ph. D. degree in March 2005. From April 2005-2009, he was postdoctoral researcher for iMinds-UGent/INTEC. From October 2007 to October 2013, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow of the FWO-V (Research Foundation – Flanders). Since October 2009, he is professor in the domain of Experimental Characterization of wireless communication systems. He is IMEC PI since 2017. He was elected council board lid of EBEA (European Bioelectromagnetics Association) in 2015-2018,and re-elected board member at large in 2019. In 2022, he was elected board member of the new Bioelectromagnetics society and since 2024 he is re-elected as board member of the Bioelectromagnetics society .

His professional interests are electromagnetic field exposure assessment, in-body electromagnetic field modelling, electromagnetic medical applications, propagation for wireless communication systems, IoT, antennas and calibration. Furthermore, he specializes in wireless performance analysis and Quality of Experience.   

His research is ranked first in number of dosimetric peer-reviewed studies for the radiofrequency range, and ranked second for studies covering the entire frequency range (Bodewein et al. BioEM 2016 www.emf-portal.org).


Publications (865), h-factor: 45 (ISI web of science), 66 (google Scholar), 23 awards

A1 - Articles in journals, ISI Web of Science (385)

  1. W. Joseph, Christof Olivier, and L. Martens, "A Robust, Fast and Accurate Deconvolution Algorithm for EM-field Measurements around GSM and UMTS base stations with a spectrum analyser", IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas., vol. 51, no. 6, 1163 – 1169, Dec. 2002. (Impactfactor: 0.832)
  2. W. Joseph and L. Martens, “The Influence of the Measurement Probe on the Evaluation of Electromagnetic Fields,” IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., vol 43, no. 2, pp. 339 – 349, May 2003. (Impactfactor: 0.835)
  3. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, and L. Martens, “An Accurate Low-Cost Measurement Technique for Occupational Exposure Assessment of Base Station Antennas,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 886 – 887, 12 June 2003. (Impactfactor: 1.009)
  4. W. Joseph and L. Martens, “Safety Factor for the Determination of Occupational Exposure by SAR in Phantom Model,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol 39, no. 23, pp. 1663 – 1664, 13 November 2003. (Impactfactor: 1.009)
  5. W. Joseph and L. Martens, “An Improved Method to Determine the Antenna Factor,” IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas., vol. 54, no 1, 252 – 257, Feb. 2005. (Impactfactor: 0.832)
  6. W. Joseph and L. Martens, “Comparison of Safety Distances of Electromagnetic Field and SAR for Occupational Exposure of a Base Station Antenna”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 977 - 985, Nov. 2005. (Impactfactor: 0.873)
  7. L. Roelens, S. Van den Bulcke, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, “Path loss model for wireless narrowband communication above a flat phantom,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol 42, no. 1, pp. 14 – 15, Jan. 2006. (Impactfactor: 1.063)
  8. W. Joseph, L. Verloock and, L. Martens, “Reconstruction of the Polarization Ellipse of the EM field of Base Station Antennas by a Fast and Low-cost Measurement Method”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., Vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 385 – 396, May 2006. (Impactfactor: 0.770)
  9. W. Joseph, L. Roelens and, L. Martens, “Disturbance of Measurement Probe for Exposure Assessment near Ground Plane” Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 1610 – 1613, Aug. 2006. (Impactfactor: 0.568)
  10. W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, Correction Factor to be applied to the SAR in Phantom Models for Occupational Electromagnetic Exposure, Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 652 – 655, March 2007. (Impactfactor: 0.631)
  11. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, and L. Martens, “Measurements of ELF electromagnetic exposure of general public from Belgian power distribution substations”, Health Phys, vol 94, no. 1, pp. 57- 66, January 2008. (Impactfactor: 0.870,)
  12. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, and L. Martens, “Evaluation of Vehicle Penetration Loss at Wireless Communication Frequencies,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Techn., vol 57, no. 3, pp. 2036 – 2041, July 2008. (Impactfactor: 1.308)
  13. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, Henk Capoen, Kobe Van Herwegen, and Wim Vantomme, “The Industrial Indoor Channel: Large-Scale and Temporal Fading at 900, 2400, and 5200 MHz”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 2740-2751, July 2008. (Impactfactor: 2.101)
  14. W. Joseph, C. Olivier and, L. Martens, “Accurate Estimation of Human Exposure from WiMAX Signals using a Spectrum Analyser”, IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas., vol 57, no 3, pp. 518 – 521, March 2008. (Impactfactor: 0.978)
  15. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, C. Olivier, and L. Martens, Statistical multipath exposure of a human in a realistic electromagnetic environment, Health Phys, vol 94, no. 4, pp. 345-354, April 2008. (Impactfactor: 0.870)
  16. L. Roelens, W. Joseph, E. Reussens, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, “Characterization of Scattering Parameters near a Flat Phantom for Wireless Body Area Networks, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., vol 50, no. 1, pp. 185 – 193, Feb. 2008. (Impactfactor: 1.083)
  17. W. Joseph, L. Verloock and, L. Martens, “Accurate determination of the electromagnetic field due to WiMAX base station antennas”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., vol 50, no. 3, pp. 730-735, Sep. 2008. (Impactfactor: 1.083)
  18. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, E. Deventer, and H. Gauderis, “Influence of Reception Condition, MPE-FEC Rate and Modulation Scheme on Performance of DVB-H”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (Special Issue on Quality Issues in Multimedia Broadcasting), pp. 590-598, Sept. 2008. (Impactfactor: 1.673)
  19. W. Joseph, D. Plets, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, E. Deventer, and H. Gauderis “Procedure to Optimize Coverage and Throughput for a DVB-H System Based on Field Trials”, IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, pp. 347-355, Sept. 2008. (Impactfactor: 1.673)
  20. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, and L. Martens, “General Public Exposure by ELF Fields of 150-36/11 kV Substations in Urban Environment”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, pp. 642-649, April 2009. (Impactfactor: 1.161)
  21. W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, M. Heredia, and L. Martens, “Characterization of personal RF electromagnetic field exposure and actual absorption for general public”, Health Phys, vol 95, no 3, pp. 317-330, Sept. 2008. (Impactfactor: 0.870)
  22. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Whole-body SAR in spheroidal adult and child phantoms in a realistic exposure environment”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol 44, no. 13, pp. 790 – 791, June 2008. (Impactfactor: 1.140)
  23. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, H. Capoen, K. Van Herwegen, and T. Buysschaert, “Statistical Validation of WLAN Range Calculated with Propagation Models for Industrial Environments by Chipset-level RSS Measurements”, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 244-255, May 2009. (Impactfactor: 0.706)
  24. J. De Bruyne, W. Joseph, L. Martens, C. Olivier, W. De Ketelaere, “Field measurement and performance analysis of an 802.16 system in a suburban environment”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1424 – 1434, March 2009. (Impactfactor: 1.903)
  25. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, Hugo Gauderis, and Etienne Deventer, “Extensive Penetration Loss Measurements and Models for Different Building Types for DVB-H in the UHF Band”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 55, no.3, pp. 213-222, June 2009. (Impactfactor: 2.242)
  26. E. Reusens, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, and L. Martens, “Transmission model for coils near a flat conducting medium simulating a Wireless Body Area Network at 10.8 MHz”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol 44, no. 19, pp. 1115 – 1116, Sept. 2008. (Impactfactor: 1.140)
  27. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, and L. Martens, “In-situ measurement procedures for temporal RF electromagnetic field exposure of the general public”, Health Phys, vol 96, no 5, pp. 529-542, May 2009. (Impactfactor: 0.917)
  28. J. V. Ooteghem, B. Lannoo, K. Casier, S. Verbrugge, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, D. Colle, M. Pickavet, I. Moerman, P. Demeester, “Municipalities as a Driver for Wireless Broadband Access”, Wireless Personal Communications (WPC) Journal (Special Issue on Global Information Multimedia Communications Village GIMCV), vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 391-414, April 2009, (Impactfactor: 0.418)
  29. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, H. Gauderis and E. Deventer, “New Method to Determine the Range of DVB-H Networks and the Influence of MPE-FEC Rate and Modulation Scheme”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2009 , Article ID 524163, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/wcn/2009/524163.html, 2009. (Impactfactor: 0.732)
  30. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, ”Path Loss Model for In-Body Communication in Homogenous Human Muscle Tissue”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 45, no. 9, pp 453 – 454, April 2009. (Impactfactor: 0.970)
  31. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, “Characterization of coverage and indoor penetration loss of DVB-H signal of indoor gap filler in UHF band”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 589-597, Sept. 2009. (Impactfactor: 2.242)
  32. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, H. Capoen, K. Van Herwegen, and T. Buysschaert, “The Industrial Indoor Channel: Statistical Analysis of the Power Delay Profile”, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ), vol, 64, pp. 806–812, 2010. (Impactfactor: 0.317)
  33. E. Reusens, W. Joseph, B. Latré, B. Braem, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, C. Blondia, and I. Moerman, “Characterization of On-Body Communication Channel and Energy Efficient Topology Design for Wireless Body Area Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 933-945, Nov. 2009. (Impactfactor: 1.694)
  34. W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, and L. Martens, “Estimation of whole-body SAR from electromagnetic fields using personal exposure meters”, Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 286-295, May 2010 (Impactfactor: 2.759)
  35. L. Verloock, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, “Procedure for assessment of general public exposure from WLAN in offices and in wireless sensor network testbed”, Health Physics, vol 98, no 4, pp. 628-638, 2010. (Impactfactor: 1.207)
  36. J. De Bruyne, W. Joseph, D. Plets, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Martens,“ Comparison of the link budget with experimental performance of a WiMAX system“, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2009, Article ID 247436, 2009. doi:10.1155/2009/247436, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/wcn/2009/247436.html. (Impactfactor: 0.732)
  37. K. De Moor, I. Ketyko, W. Joseph, T. Deryckere, L. De Marez, L. Martens, G. Verleye, “Proposed framework for evaluating Quality of Experience in a mobile, testbed-oriented Living Lab setting”, Mobile Networks & Applications MONET (special issue: advances in Wireless Testbeds), DOI 10.1007/s11036-010-0223-0, Jan 2010, http://www.springerlink.com/content/d7k26556k6j81822/. (Impactfactor: 1.013)
  38. E. Reussens, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, and L. Martens, “WBAN Transmission Model for Coils at 10.8 MHz in Free Space and near a Flat Conducting Medium”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., ISSN 0018-9375, vol. 52, no.. 3, August 2010, pp. 521-529. (Impactfactor: 0.835)
  39. K. De Moor, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, I. Ketyko, T. Deryckere, L. Martens, and Lieven De Marez, “Linking Users’ Subjective QoE Evaluation to Signal Strength in an IEEE 802.11b/gWireless LAN Environment”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (special issue on Advances in Quality and Performance Assessment for Future Wireless Communication Services), vol. 2010, Article ID 541568, 12 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/541568. (Impact Factor: 0.815)
  40. K. De Moor, K. Berte, L. De Marez, W. Joseph, T. Deryckere, L. and Martens, “User-driven innovation? Challenges of user involvement in future technology analysis”, Science and Public Policy, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 51-61, Feb. 2010. (Impact Factor: in 2010)
  41. M. Röösli, P. Frei, J. Bolte, G. Neubauer, E. Cardis, M. Feychting, P. Gajsek, S. Heinrich, W. Joseph, S. Mann, L. Martens, E. Mohler, R. Parslow, A.H. Poulsen, K. Radon, J. Schüz, G. Thuroczy, J.-F. Viel, M. Vrijheid, “Conduct of a personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurement study: proposed study protocol”, Environmental Health), 2010, 9:23 Online available at: http://www.ehjournal.net/content/9/1/23. (predicted Impact Factor: 2.450).
  42. D. Plets, W. Joseph, P. Angueira, J. A. Arenas, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “On the Methodology for Calculating SFN Gain in Digital Broadcast Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol 56, no 3, pp. 331 – 339, Sept. 2010. (Impact Factor: 1.444)
  43. W. Joseph and L. Verloock, “Influence of traffic on general public base station exposure”, Health Physics, vol 99, no 5, pp. 631-638, 2010. (Impactfactor: 1.207)
  44. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, F. Goeminne, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, “Assessment of general public exposure to LTE and RF sources present in an urban environment”, Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 576-579, 2010. (Impact Factor: 2.291)
  45. W. Joseph, P. Frei, M. Roösli, G. Thuróczy, P. Gajsek, T. Trcek, J. Bolte, G. Vermeeren, E. Mohler, P. Juhasz, V. Finta, L. Martens, “Comparison of personal radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in different urban areas across Europe”, Environmental Research,, vol. 110 (2010), pp.658 – 663, 2010. (Impact Factor: 3.500)
  46. G. Vermeeren, MC. Gosselin, S. Kuhn, V. Kellerman, W. Joseph, J. Wiart, N. Kuster and L. Martens, “Influence of the reflective environment on the absorption of a human male exposed to representative base station antennas from 300 MHz to 5 GHz”, Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 55(2010), pp. 5541–5555, 2010. (Impact Factor: 3.056)
  47. W. Vereecken, W. V. Heddeghem, M. Deruyck, B. Puype, B. Lannoo, W. Joseph, M. Pickavet, L. Martens, Piet Demeester, “Power Consumption in Telecommunication Networks: Overview and Reduction Strategies”, IEEE Communications Magazine Feature Topic Issue on Green Communications, Vol. 49 no. 6 pp. 62-69, June 2011. (Impact Factor: 2.873)
  48. T. De Pessemier, K. De Moor, I. Ketykó, W. Joseph, L. Demarez and L. Martens, “Investigating the Influence of QoS on Personal Evaluation Behaviour in a Mobile Context”, Multimedia Tools and Applications (ISSN: 1380-7501) Special Issue on Recent Advances and Future Directions in Multimedia and Mobile Computing, accepted 2010. (Impact Factor: 0.856)
  49. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, M. Liénard, A. Nasr, P. Stefanut, L. Martens, and P. Degauque, “Statistical Analysis of Multipath Clustering in Indoor Office Environments”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2011, Article ID 263134, 16 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/263134. (Impact Factor: 0.815)
  50. M-C Gosselin, G. Vermeeren, S. Kuehn, V. Kellerman, S. Benkler, T. Uusitupa, W. Joseph, A. Gati, M. Wong, J.Wiart, F. Meyer, L. Martens, Q. Balzano, A. Christ, and N.Kuster, “Estimation Formula for the SAR in Human Bodies Exposed to Base Station Antennas”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 0.803)
  51. M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, W. Vereecken, M. Pickavet, L. Martens, and B. Dhoedt, “Model for Power Consumption of Wireless Access Networks”, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, vol 5, no 4, July 2011. (Impact Factor: 0.414)
  52. D. Kurup, M. Scarpello, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, K. Dhaenens, F. Axisa, L. Martens, D. V. Ginste, H. Rogier, and J. V. Fleteren, ” In-body Path Loss Models for Implants in Heterogeneous Human Tissues using Implantable Slot Dipole Conformal Flexible Antennas”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (Special Issue on Towards the Connected Body: Advances in Body Communications), 2011, 2011:51 http://jwcn.eurasipjournals.com/content/2011/1/51. (Impact Factor: 0.82)
  53. M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, "Modelling and Optimization of Power Consumption in Wireless Access Networks", Elsevier Computer Communications (special issue: European Wireless 2010), accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 0.815)
  54. M. L. Scarpello, D. Kurup, H. Rogier, D. Vande Ginste, F. Axisa, J. Vanfleteren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, G. Vermeeren “Design of an Implantable Slot Dipole Conformal Flexible Antenna for Biomedical Scope”, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 1.728)
  55. W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, and F. Goeminne, “In-situ magnetic field exposure and ICNIRP based safety distances for electronic article surveillance systems”, Radiation protection dosimetry, ID: NCR206 doi 10.1093/rpd/NCR206, pp. 1- 8, May 2011. (Impact Factor: 0.966)
  56. D. Pareit, M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, I. Moerman, L. Martens, and P. Demeester, “Detailed modeling of MAC throughput and ranges for Mobile WiMAX ”, IEEE Communications Letters, accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 1.059)
  57. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, F. Goeminne, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, “Assessment of RF exposures from emerging wireless communication technologies in different environments”, Health Physics, accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 1.207)
  58. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, ”In-body Path Loss Model for Homogeneous Human Tissues”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 0.803)
  59. L. Verstrepen, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, D. Pareit, D. Naudts, J. Keymeulen, P. De Cleyn, C. Blondia, L. Martens, and I. Moerman, “Models for wireless data communications in indoor train environment”, Wireless Personal Communications, accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 0.503)
  60. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “Extraction of Antenna Gain from Path Loss Model for In-Body Communication”, IET Electronics Letters, vol. 47 no. 23, pp. 1262-1263, November 2011. (Impact Factor: 1.004)
  61. F. Heereman, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, and Luc Martens, “Path Loss Model and Prediction of Range, Power and Throughput for 802.11n in Large Conference Rooms”, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ), accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 0.519)
  62. D. Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, “Simple Indoor Path Loss Prediction Algorithm and Validation in Living Lab Setting”, Wireless Personal Communications, accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 0.507)
  63. E. Tanghe, D. P. Gaillot, W. Joseph, M. Liénard, P. Degauque, and L. Martens, “Robustness of High-Resolution Channel Parameter Estimators in the Presence of Dense Multipath Components”, IET Electronics Letters, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 130-132, January 2012. (Impact Factor: 1.004)
  64. D. Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, “Coverage Prediction and Optimization Algorithms for Indoor Environments”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Special Issue on,Radio Propagation, Channel Modeling, and Wireless,Channel Simulation Tools for Heterogeneous, Networking Evaluation, accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 0.815)
  65. J. A. Arenas, U. Gil, D. Plets, P. Angueira, W. Joseph, and Luc Martens, “Statistical Analysis of Field Strength Location Variability for UHF Multimedia Broadband Services”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 1.032)
  66. W. Joseph, F. Goeminne, L. Verloock, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, “In-situ Occupational and General Public Exposure to Non-directional Beacons for Air Traffic Control”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 2.291
  67. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, F. Goeminne, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, “In-situ LTE exposure of general public: characterization and extrapolation”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2011. (Impact Factor: 2.291)
  68. W. Joseph, F. Goeminne, L. Verloock, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, “In-situ occupational and general public exposure to VHF/UHF transmission for air traffic communication”, Radiation protection dosimetry, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 0.966)
  69. A. Bamba, W. Joseph, J. B. Andersen, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, J. Ø. Nielsen, and L. Martens, “Experimental Assessment of Specific Absorption Rate Using Room Electromagnetics”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat. accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 0.808)
  70. W. Vereecken, M. Deruyck , D. Colle , W. Joseph , M. Pickavet, L.Martens and P. Demeester, “Evaluation of the Potential for Energy Saving in Macrocell and Femtocell Networks using a Heuristic Introducing Sleep Modes in Base Stations”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Special Issue on Green Radio, accepted 2012.
  71. W. Joseph, P. Frei, M. Roösli, G. Vermeeren, J. Bolte, G. Thuróczy, P. Gajsek, T. Trcek, E. Mohler, J. Péter, V. Finta, L. Martens, “Between-country comparison of whole-body SAR from personal exposure data in urban areas”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 2.291)
  72. W. Joseph, F. Goeminne, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, and L. Martens, “Occupational and public field exposure from communication, navigation, and radar systems used for air traffic control”, Health Physics, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 1.207)
  73. T. De Pessemier, K. De Moor, W. Joseph, L. De Marez, and L. Martens, “Quantifying Subjective Quality Evaluations for Mobile Video Watching in a Semi-Living Lab Context”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 1.455)
  74. M. Deruyck , W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Power consumption model for macrocell and microcell base stations”, European transactions on telecommunications, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 0.454)
  75. M. Deruyck, E Vanhauwaert, D. Pareit, B. Lannoo, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “WiMAX based monitoring network for a utility company: a case study”, European transactions on telecommunications, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 0.454)
  76. M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Characterisation and Optimisation of the Power consumption in Wireless Access Networks by Taking Daily Traffic Variations Into Account”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking special issue on Recent Advances in Optimization Techniques in Wireless Communication Networks, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 0.87)
  77. A. Bamba, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, D. P. Gaillot, J. B. Andersen, J. Ø. Nielsen, M. Lienard, and L. Martens, “Experimental whole-body SAR assessment method and its validation”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 2.76)
  78. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, P. Ruckebusch, L. Martens, I. Moerman, “Intra-, Inter-, and Extra-container Path Loss for Shipping Container Monitoring Systems”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, accepted 2012.(Impact Factor: 1.374)
  79. M. Deruyck, W. Vereecken, W. Joseph, B. Lannoo, M. Pickavet and L. Martens, “Reducing the Power Consumption in Wireless Access Networks: Overview and Recommendations”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER), accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 5.298)
  80. G Vermeeren, W Joseph and L Martens, “Statistical multi-path exposure method for assessing the whole-body SAR in a heterogeneous human body model in a realistic environment”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 1.842)
  81. Toon De Pessemier, Katrien De Moor, Wout Joseph, Lieven De Marez, and Luc Martens, “Quantifying the influence of rebuffering interruptions on the user’s Quality of Experience during mobile video watching”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, accepted 2012 to be published in 2013. (Impact Factor: 1.703)
  82. S. Aerts, D., Deschrijver, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, F. Goeminne, L. Martens, T. Dhaene, “Exposure assessment of base station radiation using sequential surrogate modeling”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted. (Impact Factor: 1.842)
  83. W. Joseph, D. Pareit, G. Vermeeren, D. Naudts, L. Verloock, L. Martens, I. Moerman, “Determination of the duty cycle of WLAN for realistic radio frequency electromagntic field exposure assessment”, Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, accepted. (Impact Factor: 3.203)
  84. D. Plets, W. Joseph, E. De Poorter, L. Martens, and I. Moerman, “Concept and Framework of a Self-Regulating Symbiotic Network”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, accepted. (Impact Factor: 0.87)
  85. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, ” Specific absorption rate and Path Loss in specific body location in Heterogeneous Human Model”, IEE Proceedings IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 0.681)
  86. L. Verloock, W. Joseph, A. Gati, N. Varsier, J. Wiart, L. Martens, B. Hansson, “low-cost extrapolation method for maximal LTE radio base station exposure estimation: test and validation”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 0.822)
  87. A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, D. Kurup, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Compliance Boundaries for Multiple-Frequency Base Station Antennas in three directions”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 1.842)
  88. M. Deruyck, W. Joseph, B. Lannoo, D. Colle, and L. Martens, “Designing Energy-Efficient Wireless Access Networks: LTE and LTE-Advanced”, IEEE Internet Computing, accepted 2012. (Impact Factor: 2.000)
  89. S. Aleksic, M. Deruyck, W. Vereecken, W. Joseph, M. Pickavet, and . Martens, “Energy Efficiency of Femtocell Deployment in Combined, Wireless/Optical Access Networks”, Computer Networks, accepted, to be published in 2013. (Impact Factor: 1.200)
  90. S. Agneessens, P. Van Torre, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, and H. Rogier, “On-body Wearable Repeater as a Data Link Relay for In-body Wireless Implants”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters AWPL special issue on Wireless Power and Data Telemetry for Medical Applications, accepted, to be published in 2013. (Impact Factor: 1.374)
  91. O. Lauer, P. Frei, M-C. Gosselin, W. Joseph, M. Roösli, and J. Frohlich, “Combining Near- and Farfield Exposure for an Organ- Specific and Whole-Body RF-EMF Proxy for Epidemiological Research: A Reference Case”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted. (Impact Factor: 1.842)
  92. A. Bamba, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren and L. Martens. “Circuit Model for Diffuse Multipath and Electromagnetic Absorption Prediction in Rooms”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2013. (Impact Factor: 2.151, Q1).
  93. D. Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, L. Martens, “Exposure Optimization in Indoor Wireless Networks by Heuristic Network Planning”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research PIER, accepted 2013. (Impact Factor: 5.298, Q1).
  94. A. Thielens, H. De Clercq, S. Agneessens, J. Lecoutere, L. Verloock, F. Declercq, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, H. Rogier, R. Puers, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Personal Distributed Exposimeter for Radio Frequency Exposure Assessment in Real Environments”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2013. (Impact Factor: 1.842, Q2).
  95. A Thielens, G Vermeeren, W Joseph and L Martens, “Stochastic Method for Determination of the Organ-Specific Averaged SAR in Realistic Environments at 950 MHz”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2013. (Impact Factor: 1.842, Q2)
  96. S. Aerts, D. Deschrijver, L. Verloock, T. Dhaene, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, Assessment of outdoor RF-EMF exposure through hotspot localization using kriging-based sequential sampling, Environmental Research, accepted 2013 (Impact Factor: 3.398, Q1).
  97. Z. Mahfouz, L. Verloock, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, A. Gati, J. Wiart, D. Lautru, V. F. Hanna, and L. Martens, “Comparison of the Temporal Realistic RF Exposure with Worst-Case Estimation in Two Countries”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted 2013 (Impact Factor: 0.822, Q3).
  98. S. Aerts, D. Deschrijver, L. Verloock, T. Dhaene, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, Response to Comments by Beekhuizen et al. on "Exposure Assessment of Mobile Phone Base Station Radiation in an Outdoor Environment Using Sequential Surrogate Modeling”, Bioelectromagnetics, in press 2013. (Impact Factor: 1.842, Q2)
  99. S. Aerts, L. Verloock, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Compliance boundaries for train protection systems”, Radiation protection dosimetry, accepted 2013. (Impact Factor: 0.822, Q3)
  100. G. Vermeeren, I. Markaki, F. Goeminne, T. Samaras, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Spatial and temporal RF electromagnetic field exposure of children and adults in indoor micro environments in Belgium and Greece”, Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, accepted 2013. (Impact Factor: 3.203, Q2)
  101. Thijs Castel, Patrick Van Torre, Emmeric Tanghe, Sam Agneessens, Günter Vermeeren, Wout Joseph and Hendrik Rogier, “Improved Reception of In-Body Signals by Means of a Wearable Multi-Antenna System," Special issue Channel Modeling for Radio and Optical Wireless Communication Systems of International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2013. (Impact Factor: 0.683, Q3)
  102. S. Aerts, D. Plets, L. Verloock, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Assessment and comparison of RF exposure dose in femtocell and macrocell scenario”, Radiation protection dosimetry, accepted 2013. (Impact Factor: 0.822)
  103. K. Lopez-Linares Roman, G. Vermeeren, A. Thielens, W. Joseph, L. Martens, , “Characterization of path loss and absorption for a wireless radio frequency link between an in-body endoscopy capsule and a receiver outside the body”, Eurasip Journal on wireless Communications and Networking, accepted 2014.
  104. B. Thors, A. Thielens, J. Fridén, D. Colombi, C. Törnevik, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Radio frequency electromagnetic field compliance assessment of multi-band and MIMO equipped radio base stations”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 1.842, Q2)
  105. D. Plets, W. Joseph, S. Aerts, K. Vanhecke, L. Martens, “Prediction and comparison of downlink electric-field and uplink localized SAR values for realistic indoor wireless planning”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 0.822, Q3)
  106. T. De Pessemier, I. Stevens, S. Dooms, L. Martens, L. De Marez, W. Joseph, “Analysis of the Quality of Experience and Usage Patterns of a Commercial Voice-over-IP Service”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 1.014, Q2)
  107. A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, L., Verloock, E. Tanghe, H. Rogier, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “On-body Calibration and Processing for a combination of two radio frequency personal exposimeters”, Radiation Protection dosimetry, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 0.909, Q2)
  108. D. Urbinello, A. Huss, W. Joseph, L. Verlock, L. Martens, J. Beekhuizen, R. Vermeulen and M. Röösli, Radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure levels in relation to regulatory limits in different outdoor urban environments across several European cities”, Environment International, vol 68 (2014), pp. 49-54, April. 2014. (Impactfactor: 6.248)
  109. E. Tanghe, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Experimental Analysis of Dense Multipath Components in an Industrial Environment”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2014. (Impactfactor: 2.332, Q1)
  110. L. Verloock, W. Joseph, F. Goeminne, L. Martens, M. Verlaek, and K. Constandt, “Assessment of radio frequency exposures in schools, homes, and public places in Belgium”, Health Physics, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 1.680, Q1)
  111. L. Verloock, W. Joseph, F. Goeminne, L. Martens, M. Verlaek, and K. Constandt, “Temporal 24-hour assessment of radio frequency exposure in schools and homes”, Measurement, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 1.130, Q2)
  112. M. Van Den Bossche, L. Verloock, S. Aerts, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “In-situ exposure assessment of intermediate frequency fields of diverse devices”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 0.909, Q2)
  113. D. Urbinello, W. Joseph, L. Verlock, L.c Martens, and M. Röösli, Temporal trends of radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure in everyday environments across European cities”, Environmental Research (2014), pp. 134-142, 2014. (Impact Factor: 3.951, Q1)
  114. M. Deruyck, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, and L. Martens, “Reducing the Power Consumption in LTE-Advanced Wireless Access Networks by a Capacity Based Deployment Tool”, Radio Science special issue “Green Radio Communications”, 2014. . (Impact Factor: 1.450, Q)
  115. A. Bamba, D. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, M. Lienard, and L. Martens. “ Assessing Human Whole-Body Specific Absorption Rate For Diffuse Exposure From Reverberation Chamber Measurements”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat., accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 1.351, Q2)
  116. N. Liu, D. Plets, S. K. Goudos, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Multi-Objective Network Planning Optimization Algorithm: Human Exposure, Power Consumption, Cost, and Capacity”, Wireless Networks WINE, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 1.055, Q3)
  117. A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, H. De Clercq, J. Lecoutere, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, S. Aerts, R. Puers, H. Rogier, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “On-body calibration and measurements using a personal, distributed exposimeter for wireless fidelity”, Health Physics, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 1.680, Q1)
  118. A Bamba, W Joseph, G Vermeeren, A Thielens, E Tanghe, and L Martens, “A Formula for Human Whole-body averaged SAR under Single Plane Wave and Diffuse Fields Exposure in the GHz region”, Physics in Medicine and Biology PMB, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 2.922, Q1)
  119. F. Heereman, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, and . Martens, “Performance Degradation Due to Multipath Noise for Narrowband OFDM Systems: Channel-based Analysis and Experimental Determination”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 2.762, Q1)
  120. T. De Pessemier, I. Stevens, S. Dooms, L. De Marez, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Quality Assessment and Usage Behavior of a Mobile Voice-over-IP service”, Telecommunication Systems, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 1.163, Q2)
  121. A. Samoudi, K. Van Audenhaege, G. Vermeeren, M. Poole, E. Tanghe, R. Van Holen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Analysis of Eddy Currents Induced by Transverse and Longitudinal-Gradient Coils in Different Tungsten Collimators Geometries for SPECT/MRI Integration”, Journal of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 3.398, Q1)
  122. M. Pakparvar, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, D. Deschrijver, W. Liu, K. Chemmangat, I. Moerman, T. Dhaene, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “A Cognitive QoS Management Tool for WLANs”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, accepted 2014. . (Impact Factor: 0.80, Q3)
  123. A. Thielens, P. Vanveerdeghem, S. Agneessens, P. Van Torre, G. Vermeeren, H. Rogier, L. Martens, and W. Joseph. “Whole-Body Averaged Specific Absorption Rate Estimation using a Personal”, Distributed Exposimeter, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters AWPL special issue on Antennas for Wireless Body Area Networks, accepted 2014 . (Impact Factor: 1.374, Q2).
  124. D. Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, G. Vermeeren, J. Wiart, S. Aerts, N. Varsier, L. Martens, “Joint Minimization of Uplink and Downlink Whole-Body Dose in Indoor Wireless Networks”, BioMed Research International Special issue Public health Assessment of Impact of Heterogeneous Wireless Systems in Nonionizing Radiation Exposure, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 2.706, Q1)
  125. D. Kurup, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “In-to-Out Body Antenna Independent Path Loss Model for Multilayered Tissues and Heterogeneous Medium”, Sensors, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 2.048, Q1).
  126. A. Bamba, M.-T. Martinez-Ingles, D. P. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, B. Hanssens, J-M. Molina-Garcia-Pardo, M. Lienard, L. Martens, and Wout J., “Experimental Investigation of Electromagnetic Reverberation Characteristics as a function of UWB Frequencies”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, published 2014. (Impact Factor: 1.374, Q2).
  127. E. Vinogradov, W. Joseph, C. Oestges, “Measurement-Based Modeling of Time-Variant Fading Statistics in Indoor Peer-to-Peer Scenarios”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2015. (Impact factor: 2.332, Q1\)
  128. S. Aerts, D. Plets, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Impact of a small cell on the RF-EMF exposure in a train”, Special issue electromagnetic fields and health of the international journal of environmental research and public health, accepted 2015. (Impact factor: 1.993, Q2).
  129. D. Plets, M. Van Den Bossche, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Exposure assessment of microwave ovens and impact on total exposure in WLANs”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 0.861, Q2)
  130. R. Chávez-Santiago, C. Garcia-Pardo, A. Fornes-Leal, A. Vallés-Lluch, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, I. Balasingham, and N. Cardona, “Experimental Path Loss Models for In-Body Communications within 2.36-2.5 GHz”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE J-BHI) special issue RF and Communication Technologies for Wireless Implants, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 2.072, Q1)
  131. M. Marinova, A. Thielens, E. Tanghe, L. Vallozzi, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, H. Rogier, L. Martens, “Diversity Performance of Off-body UWB-MIMO”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 2.459, Q1)
  132. N. Varsier, D. Plets, Y. Corre, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, S. Aerts, L. Martens and . Wiart, “A novel method to assess the human population exposure induced by a telecommunication network”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 1.859, Q1)
  133. P. Vanveerdeghem, P. Van Torre, A. Thielens, J. Knockaert, W. Joseph, H. Rogier, “Compact Personal Distributed Wearable Exposimeter”, IEEE Sensors Journal, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 1.852, Q1)
  134. J. Trogh, D. Plets, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Advanced Real-Time Indoor Tracking Based on the Viterbi Algorithm and Semantic Data”, Special issue on Location-Related Challenges and Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks of the International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 0.923, Q3)
  135. D. P. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, P. Laly, V-C. Tran, M. Lienard, and L. Martens, "Polarization Properties of Specular and Dense Multipath Components in a Large Industrial Hall", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2014. (Impact Factor: 2.459, Q1)
  136. A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, G. Vermeeren, H. Rogier, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Response of Personal Exposimeters for Exposure Assessment in the GSM900 Downlink Band”, The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (COMPEL), accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 0.404, Q3)
  137. N. Liu, D. Plets, K. Vanhecke, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Wireless Indoor Network Planning for Advanced Exposure and Installation Cost Minimization”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 0.80, Q3)
  138. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph and L. Martens, “SAR compliance assessment of PMR 446 and FRS walkie-talkies”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 1.859, Q2)
  139. S. Lambert, M. Deruyck, W. Van Heddeghem, B. Lannoo, W. Joseph, D. Colle, M. Pickavet, P. Demeester, “Post-peak ICT: Graceful degradation for communication networks in an energy constrained future”, Green Communications and Computing Networks Series Communications Magazine, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 4.46, Q1)
  140. S. K. Goudos, D. Plets, N. Liu, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Multi-Objective Approach to Indoor Wireless Heterogeneous Networks Planning Based on Biogeography-Based Optimization”, Computer Networks, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 1.256, Q2)
  141. A. M. Samoudi, K. Van Audenhaege, G. Vermeeren, G. Verhoyen L. Martens, R. Van Holen, and W. Joseph, “Compatibility of metal additive manufactured tungsten collimator for SPECT/MRI”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, accepted 2015. . (Impact Factor: 1.283, Q1)
  142. X. Gong, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “A Generic Method for Energy-Efficient and Energy-Cost-Effective Production at the Unit Process Level”, Journal of Cleaner Production, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 3.884, Q1)
  143. D. Plets, W. Joseph, S. Aerts, K. Vanhecke, G. Vermeeren, N. Varsier, J. Wiart, and L. Martens, “Assessment of contribution of other users to own total whole-body RF absorption in train environment”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 1.705, Q2)
  144. J. Lecoutere, A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, H. De Clercq, H. Rogier, W. Joseph, R. Puers, “Wireless fidelity eletromagnetic field exposure monitoring with wearable body sensor networks”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 2.482, Q1)
  145. A. Bamba, W. Joseph, A. Boursianis, T. Samaras, G. Vermeeren, A. Thielens, and L., Martens “Fast assessment of RF power absorption in indoor environments by room electromagnetics theory”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 0.913, Q3)
  146. S. Ulaganathan, D. Deschrijver, M. Pakparvar, I. Couckuyt, W. Liu, D. Plets, W. Joseph, T. Dhaene, L. Martens, I. MoermanBuilding Accurate Radio Environment Maps from Multi-Fidelity Spectrum Sensing Data, Wireless Networks, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 0.961, Q3)
  147. B. Hanssens, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, C. Oestges, and W. Joseph, “Measurement-based Analysis of Delay-Doppler Characteristics in an Indoor Environment”, IEEETransactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 2.181, Q1)
  148. M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Optimizing Wireless Access Networks towards Power Consumption and Electromagnetic Exposure of Human Beings”, Computer Networks, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 1.256, Q2)
  149. J. Trogh, D. Plets, A. Thielens, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Enhanced Indoor Location Tracking Through Body Shadowing Compensation”, IEEE Sensors Journal, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 1.762, Q2)
  150. X. Gong, J. Trogh, Q. Braet, E. Tanghe, P. Singh, D. Plets, D. Deschrijver, J. Hoebeke, T. Dhaene, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “A Measurement-Based Wireless Network Planning, Monitoring, and Reconfiguration Solution for Robust Radio Communications in Indoor Factories”, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, accepted 2015. (Impact Factor: 0.95, Q3)
  151. A. Thielens, P. Vanveerdeghem, P. Van Torre, S. Gängler, H. Rogier, M. Röösli, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “A Personal, Distributed Exposimeter: Procedure for design, calibration, validation, and application”, Sensors-111693; doi: 10.3390/s16020180, www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/16/2/180/pdf, 2016. (Impact Factor: 2.245, Q1)
  152. S. Cheng, D P. Gaillot, E Tanghe, P Laly, T Demol, W Joseph, L Martens, and M Lienard, “Polarimetric Distance-Dependent Models For Large Hall Scenarios”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 2.181, Q1)
  153. W. Joseph, S. Aerts, M. Vandenbossche, A. Thielens, L. Martens, “Drone based measurement system for radio frequency exposure assessment”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2016 (Impact Factor: 1.705, Q2).
  154. T. Castel, P. Van Torre, L. Vallozzi, W. Joseph M. Marinova, S. Lemey, W. Joseph, C. Oestges, H. Rogier, “MIMO-OFDM Capacity in Indoor Broadband Body-to-Body Communication Channels between Firefighters equipped with wearable SIW antennas," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and propagation, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 2.181, Q1).
  155. A. Samoudi, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, R. Van Holen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Numerically-Simulated Exposure of Children and Adults to Pulsed Gradient Fields in MRI”, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI), accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 3.210, Q1, Rank: 23/125)
  156. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, A. Bamba, L. Kone, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “On-Body Calibration and Measurements Using Personal Radio-Frequency Exposimeters in Indoor Diffuse and Specular Environments”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 1.705, Q2)
  157. C. R. Bhatt, A. Thielens, M. Redmayne, M. J Abramson, B. Billah, M. R Sim, R. Vermeulen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, Geza Benke, Measuring personal exposure from mobile phone base stations in Australia and Belgium using a novel personal distributed exposimeter, Environment International, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 5.559, Q1, Rank: 8/223)
  158. S. Aerts, W. Joseph; M. Maslanyj; D. Addison; T. Mee; L. Colussi; J. Kamer; J. Bolte, “Prediction of RF-EMF exposure levels in large outdoor areas through car-mounted measurements on the enveloping roads”, Environment International , accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 5.559, Q1, Rank: 8/223)
  159. M. T. Mehari, E. De Poorter, I. Couckuyt, D. Deschrijver, G. Vermeeren, D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Martens, T. Dhaene, I. Moerman, Efficient Identification of a Multi-Objective Pareto Front on a Wireless Experimentation Facility, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 2.925, Q1, Rank: 6/82)
  160.  Nuno Carvalho, Apostolos Georgiadis, Alessandra Costanzo, Nobby Stevens, Jan Kracek, Luís Pessoa, Luca Roselli, Fortunato Dualibe8, Dominique Schreurs, Senol Mutlu, Hendrik Rogier, Huib Visser, Alexandru Takacs, Paolo Rocca, Antonis Dimitriou, Jerzy Michalski, Zbynek Raida, Smail Tedjini, W. Joseph, Yvan Duroc, John N. Sahalos, Aggelos Bletsas, Theodoros Samaras, Sotiris Nikoletseas5, Theofanis Raptis, Alírio Boaventura, Ana Collado, Riccardo Trevisan , Ben Minnaert, Milan Svanda5, Mário Pereira, Mauro Mongiardo, Grigory Popov, Ning Pan, Herve Aubert, Federico Viani4, Stavroula Siachalou, Przemyslaw Kant, Gianfranco Andiavera, Anastasis C. Polycarpou, Pedro Cruz, Milos Mazanek, Hugo Santos , Hugo Garía-Vázquez, Sofie Pollin, Lorenzo Poli , Daniel Belo, Jan Machac, Vítor Tavares, Papy Ndungidi, Giacomo Oliveri, Ricardo Fernandes, Henrique Salgado, Véronique Moeyaert, Andrea Massa, Ricardo Gonçalves, Pedro Pinho, “European Contributions for Wireless Power Transfer Technology”, IEEE Microwave Magazine, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 1.975, Q1, Rank: 20/82)
  161. S. Benaissa, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Verloock, L. Martens, J. Hoebeke, B. Sonck, F. A. M. Tuyttens, N. Stevens, W. Joseph, “Experimental Characterisation of the Off-Body Wireless Channel at 2.4 GHz for Dairy Cows in Barns and Pastures”, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 1.892, Q2, Rank: 35/104)
  162. C. R. Bhatt, A. Thielens, B. Billah, M. Redmayne, M. J. Abramson, M. R Sim, R. Vermeulen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, G. Benke, “Assessment of personal exposure from radiofrequency-electromagnetic fields in australia and belgium using on-body calibrated exposimeters”, Environmental Research, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 3.088, Q2, Rank: 31/172)
  163. S. Benaissa, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Verloock, L. Martens, J. Hoebeke, B. Sonck, F. A. M. Tuyttens, N. Stevens, W. Joseph, “Characterization of the On-Body Path Loss at 2.45 GHz and Energy Efficient WBAN design for Dairy Cows”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 2.181, Q1, Rank: 19/82)
  164. D. Plets, G. Vermeeren, E. De Poorter, I. Moerman, S. K. Goudos, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Experimental optimization of exposure index and quality of service in WLAN networks”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 0.913, Q3)
  165. M. Matalatala, M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, L. Martens and W. Joseph, “Performance evaluation of 5G millimeter-wave cellular access networks using a capacity-based network deployment tool”, special issue "5G Communications: Energy Efficiency" of Mobile Information Systems, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 1.462, Q2)
  166. S. Goudos; M. Deruyck; D. Plets; L. Martens; W. Joseph "Optimization of Power Consumption in 4G LTE Networks Using a Novel Barebones Self-adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm", Telecommunication Systems (Springer), accepted 2016 (Impact Factor: 0.822)
  167. E. Tanghe, D. P. Gaillot, D. Plets, W. Joseph, M. Lienard, W. De Ketelaere, L. Martens, “Capacity Analysis of an IEEE 802.11n System in a Residential House Based on Estimated Specular and Dense Multipath Components”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, accepted, 2017. (Impact Factor: 0.883, Q2)
  168. A. Thielens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Can Body-Worn Devices be used for Measuring Personal Exposure to mm Waves?”, Bioelectromagnetics, 2017. (Impact Factor: 1.705, Q2)
  169. W. Liu, E. De Poorter, J. Hoebeke, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, P. Willemen, M. Mehari, I. Moerman, “Assessing coexistence of heterogeneous wireless technologies with a generic SDR-based signal emulator”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted 2016. (Impact Factor: 2.925, Q1)
  170. S. Aerts, C. Calderon, B. Valič, M., D. Addison, T. Mee, C. Goiceanu, L. Verloock, M. Van den Bossche, P. Gajšek, R. Vermeulen, M. Röösli, E. Cardis, L. Martens, .W. Joseph, “Measurements of intermediate-frequency electric and magnetic fields in households”, Environmental Research, accepted 2016.  (Impact Factor: 4.38, Q1)
  171. A. M. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, E. Tanghe, J. C. Széles, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, W. Joseph, “Numerical Modelling of Percutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: A Realistic 3D Model to Evaluate Sensitivity of Neural Activation to Electrode Position”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, accepted 2017. (Impact Factor: 1.797, Q2, Rank: 40/104)
  172. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, H. Li, C. Leduc, M. Zhadobov, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Personal Exposimeter for Radiation Assessment in Real Environments in the 60-GHz Band”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted 2017. (Impact Factor: 0.894, Q4, Rank: 142/173)
  173.  A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, O. Caytan, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, J. Bauwelinck, H. Rogier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Radiofrequency Exposure near an Attocell as Part of an Ultra-High Dense Access Network”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2017. (Impact Factor: 1.705, Q2, Rank: 53/72)
  174. A. Krayni, A. Hadjem, G. Vermeeren, A Sibille, C. Roblin, W. Joseph, L. Martens, J. Wiart, Modeling and Characterization of the Uplink and Downlink Exposure in Wireless Networks, International journal on Antennas and Propagation IJAP, accepted. (Impact Factor: 1.164, Q3, Rank: 65/89)
  175. E. Vinogradov, A. Bamba, W. Joseph, C. Oestges, “Physical-Statistical Modeling of Dynamic Indoor Power Delay Profiles," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted. (Impact Factor: 4.951, Q1, Rank: 8/89)
  176. R. M. Alonso, D. Plets, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, G. G. Nieto, W. Joseph, “TV White Space and LTE Network Optimization towards Energy Efficiency in Suburban and Rural Scenarios”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, accepted 2017. (Impact Factor: 3.765, Q1, Rank: 16/89)
  177. M. Deruyck, J. Hoebeke, E. De Poorter, E. Tanghe, I. Moerman, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Intelligent TDMA Heuristic Scheduling by Taking into Account Physical Layer Interference for an Industrial IoT Environment”, Computer networks, accepted. . (Impact Factor: 2.516, Q1, Rank: 45/146)
  178. S. Benaissa, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, J. Trogh, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, L. Verloock, F. A. M. Tuyttens, B. Sonck, W. Joseph, “Internet of animals: characterization of LoRa sub-GHz off-body wireless channel in dairy barns”, IET Electronic Letters, accepted. . (Impact Factor: 1.155, Q3, Rank: 178/260)
  179. A. Thielens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Comments on Assessment of Polarization Dependence of Body Shadow Effect on Dosimetry Measurements in 2.4 GHz Band”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted. (Impact Factor: 1.933, Q2, Rank: 33/84)
  180. X. Gong, M. Van der Wee, T. De Pessemier, S. Verbrugge, D. Colle, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Integrating labor awareness to energy-efficient production scheduling under real-time electricity pricing: an empirical study”, Journal of Cleaner Production, accepted. (Impact Factor: 5.715, Q1, Rank: 6/49)
  181. M. Deruyck, D. Renga, M. Meo, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Accounting for the Varying Supply of Solar Energy when Designing Wireless Access Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, accepted (Impact Factor: xxx, Q1, Rank: xxx,)
  182. S. Benaissa, F. Tuyttens, D. Plets, T. de Pessemier, J. Trogh, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, A. Van Nuffel, J. Vangeyte, W. Joseph, B. Sonck, “On the use of on-cow accelerometers for the classification of behaviours in dairy barns”, Research in veterinary science, accepted (Impact Factor: 1.298, Q2, Rank: 41/136)
  183. S. Aerts, J. Wiart; L. Martens; W. Joseph, “Assessment of Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure”, Environmental Research, accepted (Impact Factor: 3.385, Q1, Rank: 25/176)
  184. X. Gong, T. Depessemier, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “An efficient genetic algorithm for large-scale planning of robust industrial wireless networks”, Expert Systems With Applications, accepted 2017. (Impact Factor: 3.928, Q1, Rank: 18/133)
  185. G. Torfs, H. Li, S. Agneessens, J. Bauwelinck, L. Breyne, O. Caytan, W. Joseph, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, A. Thielens, D. Vande Ginste, J. Van Kerrebrouck, G. Vermeeren, X. Yin, P. Demeester, “ATTO: Wireless Networking at Fiber Speed”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology (Impact Factor: 3.671, Q1, Rank: 13/92)
  186. A. Thielens, M. Van den Bossche, C. Brzozek, C. R. Bhatt, M. J. Abramson, G. Benke, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Representativeness and repeatability of microenvironmental personal and head exposures to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields”, Environmental Research, accepted. (Impact Factor: 3.385, Q1, Rank: 25/176)
  187. B. Hanssens, M-T. Martinez-Ingles, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, J-M. Molina-Garcia-Pardo, C. Oestges, L. Martens, W. Joseph, Measurement-based Analysis of Polarization Characteristics at 94 GHz in an Indoor Environment”, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, accepted 2018. (Impact Factor: 1.263)
  188. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Radio frequency exposure assessment of baby surveillance devices in the frequency range 400 MHz – 2.45 GHz”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2018. (Impact Factor: 1.705, Q2, Rank: 53/72).
  189. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, P. Van Torre, M. Van den Bossche, S. Dongus, M. Eeftens, A. Huss, R. Vermeulen, R. de Seze, P. Mazet, E. Cardis, H. Rogier, M. Röösli, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Multi-Band Body-Worn Distributed Radio-Frequency Exposure meter: Design, On-body Calibration and Study of Body Morphology”, Sensors, accepted. (Impact Factor: 2.245, Q2, Rank: 25/76)
  190. X. Gong, T. Depessemier, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “An Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Large-Scale Transmit Power Control of Dense Industrial Wireless Networks”, Expert Systems With Applications, accepted. (Impact Factor: 3.541, Q1, Rank:18/133)
  191. T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, E. Tanghe, “Dependence of excitability indices on membrane channel dynamics, myelin impedance, electrode location and stimulus properties in myelinated and unmyelinated fibre models”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, accepted. (Impact Factor: 1.916, Q2, Rank: 52/105)
  192. B. Hanssens, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, C. Oestges, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, T. Li, H. Steendam, L. Martens, W. Joseph, An Indoor Variance-Based Localization Technique Utilizing the UWB Estimation of Geometrical Propagation Parameters, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2018. (Impact Factor: 2.053, Q1, Rank: 19/82)
  193. A. Thielens, D. Bell, D. B. Mortimore, M. K Greco, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz", Nature Scientific Reports, 2018 (Q1)
  194. G. Vallero, M. Deruyck, M. Meo, W. Joseph, “Accounting for energy cost when designing energy-efficient wireless access networks”, Energies, accepted. (Impact Factor: 2.262, Rank: 45/92, Q2)
  195. N. Podevijn, J. Trogh, L. Martens, P. Suanet, K. Hendrikse, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “TDoA-based outdoor positioning in a public LoRa network with Tracking Algorithm”, special issue on “Advanced Signal Processing for Wireless Localization Systems” in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, accepted. (Impact factor: 1.899, Rank: 72/146, Q2)
  196. M. Deruyck, J. Wyckmans, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Designing UAV Aided Emergency Networks for Large-Scale Disaster Scenarios”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, accepted. (Impact factor: 1.529, Rank: 55/89, Q3)
  197. A. M. Samoudi, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Improved Coil Design and Assessment of the Induced fields using MIDA Model”, BioMed Research International, accepted 2018. (Impact factor: 2.476, Rank: 67/160, Q2)
  198. X. Gong, Y.G. Liu, N. Lohse, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Integrated Energy-Cost-Efficient and Labor-Aware Production Scheduling: A Memetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization”, IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics . (Impact factor: 6.837, Rank: 2/60, Q1)
  199. M. Foerster, A. Thielens, W. Joseph, M. Eeftens, M. Röösli, “Prospective cohort study on adolescents' memory performance and individual brain dose of microwave radiation from wireless communication” Environmental Health Perspectives, accepted. (IF: 9.78, Rank: 4/229, Q1)
  200. B. Hanssens, E. Tanghe, D. Gaillot, M. Lienard, C. Oestges, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph , “Extension of the RiMAX Multipath Estimation Algorithm for Ultra-Wideband Channel Modeling”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, accepted. (IF: 1.529, Rank: 55/89, Q3)
  201. S. Benaissa, A. Samoudi, D. Plets, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, B. Minnaert, N. Stevens, L. Martens, F. Tuyttens, B. Sonck, W. Joseph, “Numerical Assessment of EMF Exposure of a Cow to a Wireless Power Transfer System for Dairy Cattle”, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, accepted. (IF: 2.201, Rank: 6/56, Q1)

  202. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Statistical Approach for Human Electromagnetic Exposure Assessment in Future Wireless ATTO-cell Networks”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted. (IF: 0.917)
  203. R. Martinez Alonso, D. Plets, E. Fontes Pupo, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, G. Guillen Nieto, W. Joseph, “IoT-based Management Platform for Real-Time Spectrum and Energy Optimization of Broadcasting Networks”, Wireless communications and Mobile Computing, accepted 2018. (IF: 0.869, Rank: 72/146, Q2)
  204. A. Karaagac, P. Suanet, W. Joseph, I. Moerman, J. Hoebeke, “Light-Weight Integration and Interoperation of Localization Systems in IoT”, Sensors, accepted 2018 (Impact Factor: 2.677, Q2, Rank: 25/76).
  205. R. Aminzadeh, A. K. Fall, J. Sol, A. Thielens, P. Besnier, M. Zhadobov, N. De Geerter, P. P. Vasudevan, L. Dupré, R. Van Holen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Design and Calibration of A mm-Wave Personal Exposure Meter for 5G Exposure Assessment in Indoor Diffuse Environments”, Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, accepted. (Impact Factor: 1.667, Q2, Rank: 80/262).
  206. B. Minnaert, B. Thoen, D. Plets, W. Joseph, N. Stevens, “ Wireless Energy Transfer by Means of Inductive Coupling for Dairy Cow Health Monitoring” , Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, accepted 2018. (IF: 2.201, Rank: 6/56, Q1).
  207. T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, E. Tanghe, “Computational Modeling of Ultrasonic Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, accepted 2018. (Impact Factor: 4.288, Q1, Rank: 7/407).
  208. B. Hanssens, K. Saito, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, Jun-ichi Takada, “Modeling the Power Angular Profile of Dense Multipath Components using Multiple Clusters”, IEEE Access, accepted 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.557, Q1).
  209. M. Matalatala, M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Optimal low-power design of a multi-cell multi-user massive MIMO system at 3.7 GHz for 5G wireless networks”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, accepted. (IF: 0.869, Rank: 72/146, Q2).
  210. S. Aerts, L. Verloock, M. Van Den Bossche, X. Vergara, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Residential radiofrequency emissions from smart meters and IoT devices”, Health Physics, accepted. (Impact Factor: 0.933, Q2)
  211. X. Gong, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “ Energy- and labor-aware flexible job shop scheduling under dynamic electricity pricing: A many-objective optimization investigation for consideration”, Journal of Cleaner Production, accepted 2018. (Impact Factor: 5.651, Q1, Rank 6/33)
  212. T. Mazloum, S. Aerts, W. Joseph, J. Wiart, “RF-EMF exposure induced by mobile phones operating in LTE small cells in two different urban cities”, Annals of Telecommunications special issue “Exposure to Electromagnetic Field (EMF) and Radio Frequency (RF)", accepted 2018. (Impact Factor: 1.168)
  213. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, P. Van Torre, M. Van den Bossche, S. Dongus, M. Eeftens, A. Huss, R. Vermeulen, R. de Seze, P. Mazet, E. Cardis, H. Rogier, M. Röösli, L. Martens, W. Joseph, "The Effect of Antenna Polarization and Body Morphology on the Measurement Uncertainty of a Wearable Multi-Band Distributed Exposure Meter", Annals of Telecommunications special issue “Exposure to Electromagnetic Field (EMF) and Radio Frequency (RF)" accepted 2018 (Impact Factor: 1.168, Q4, Rank 70/87)
  214. S. Benaissa, F. Tuyttens, D. Plets, H. Cattrysse, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, W. Joseph, B. Sonck, “Classification of ingestive-related cow behaviours using RumiWatch halter and neck-mounted accelerometers”, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, accepted 2018. (Impact Factor: 1.954, Q1)
  215. K. Shen, T. De Pessemier, X. Gong, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Genetic Optimization of Energy and Failure Aware Continuous Production Scheduling in Pasta Manufacturing”, Sensors Special Issue on Algorithm and Distributed Computing for the Internet of Things, accepted 2019 ((Impact Factor: 2.475, Q2, Rank: 25/76).
  216. S. Benaissa, D. Plets, D. Nikolayev, M. Deruyck, L. Verloock, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, E. De Poorter F.A.M. Tuyttens, B. Sonck, W. Joseph, “Experimental Characterization of In-to-Out-Body Path Loss at 433 MHz in Dairy Cows”, IET Electronic Letters, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.155, Q3)
  217. A. M. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, E. Tanghe, J. C. Széles, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, W. Joseph, “Sensitivity Analysis of a Numerical Model for Percutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation”, Applied Sciences, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.689)
  218. D. Nikolayev, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, T. Tarnaud, C. Mora Lopez, M. Welkenhuysen, L. Martens, “Uniform Current Density Electrodes for a High-Density Deep-Brain-Stimulation Lead”, Brain Stimulation, 2019, Vol. 12, no. 2,pp. e12–e13, March–April 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2018.12.041 (Impact Factor: 6.120, Q1).
  219. J. Trogh, W. Joseph, L. Martens, D. Plets, “An Unsupervised Learning Technique to Optimize Radio Maps for Indoor Localization”, Sensors special issue on Sensor Fusion and Novel Technologies in Positioning and Navigation, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.475, Q2, Rank: 25/76)
  220. J. Trogh, D. Plets, E. Surewaard, M. Spiessens, M. Versichele, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Outdoor 3G Location Tracking of Mobile Devices in Cellular Networks." Eurasip journal wireless communications networking, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.693, Q3, Rank: 144/260)
  221. D. Nikolayev, W. Joseph, M. Zhadobov, R. Sauleau, L. Martens. “Optimal Radiation of Body-Implanted Capsules”, Physical Review Letters, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 8.839, Q1, Rank: 6/78)
  222. D. Plets, Y. K. Y. Almadani, S. Bastiaens, M. Ijaz, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Efficient 3D trilateration algorithm for Visible Light Positioning”, Journal of Optics, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.323, Q1)
  223. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, P. Demeester, L. Martens, G. Torfs, W. Joseph, “Hybrid Ray-Tracing/FDTD method for exposure evaluation of a massive MIMO technology in an industrial indoor environment”, IEEE Access, accepted 2019, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2897921. (Impact Factor: 3.557, Q1)
  224. M. Mohamed, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, M. Cheffena, Characterization of Dynamic Wireless Body Area Network Channels During Walking, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, accepted 2019.  (Impact Factor: 1.693, Q3, Rank: 144/260)
  225. D. Plets, S. Bastiaens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “An Analysis of the Impact of LED Tilt on Visible Light Positioning Accuracy”, Electronics (Microwave and Wireless Communications), accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.110)
  226. K. Sun, B. De Coensel, K. Filipan, F. Aletta, T. Van Renterghem, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, D. Botteldooren, “Classification of soundscapes of urban public open spaces”, Landscape and Urban Planning, accepted 2019 (Impact Factor: 4.994, Q1, Rank: 16/160)
  227. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, D.P. Gaillot, M. Liénard, L. Koné, S. Agneessens, P. Van Torre, M. Van den Bossche, L. Verloock, S. Dongus, M. Eeftens, A. Huss, R. Vermeulen, R. de Seze, E. Cardis, H. Rogier, M. Röösli, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Multi-Band Body-Worn Distributed Exposure Meter for Personal Radio-Frequency Dosimetry in Diffuse Indoor Environments ”, IEEE Sensors journal, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.617, Q2, Rank: 88/260).
  228. F. Challita, P. Laly, M. Lienard, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, D. P. Gaillot, “Hybrid Virtual Polarimetric Massive MIMO Measurements at 1.35 GHz”, Special Issue: Metrology for 5G Technologies for the IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.739, Q3, Rank: 136/260)
  229. A. Thielens, A. Bockstael, S. Declerck, R. Aminzadeh, S. Aerts, D. Botteldooren, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Mobile Phones: A Trade-off between Speech Intelligibility and Exposure to Noise Levels and to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields”, Environmental Research, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.732, Q1, Rank: 24/242)
  230. M. Velghe, A. Thielens, S. Debouvere, R. Aminzadeh, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “characterisation of spatial and temporal variability of RF-EMF exposure levels in urban environments in Flanders”, Environmental Research, acccepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.732, Q1, Rank: 24/242).
  231. Hervis Santana, D. Plets, R. Martinez Alonso, G. A. Guillen Nieto, N. Garcia Fernandez, M. Deruyck, W. Joseph, “Tool for Recovering after Meteorological Events using a Real-Time REM and IoT Management Platform”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Special Issue "Emergency Networks and Future Public Safety Systems”, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.396, Q3, Rank:186/265)
  232. M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, F. Challita, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Stationarity Analysis of V2I Radio Channel in a Suburban Environment”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.432, Q1, Rank: 10/87).
  233. D. Plets, S. Bastiaens; L. Martens; N. Stevens; W. Joseph, “On the Impact of LED Power Uncertainty on the Accuracy of 2D and 3D Visible Light Positioning”, Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, accepted 2019 (Impact Factor: 1.914, Q3, Rank:50/95).
  234. J. David, B. De Coensel, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, L. Deconinck, W. Joseph, D. Botteldooren, “Detection of road pavement quality using statistical clustering methods”, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.589, Q3, Rank: 87/133).
  235. E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, M. Tittgemeyer, F. Panetsos, R. Fernandez Gines, M. Papa, A. Kiss, B. K Podesser, A. M. Cassara, E. Tanghe, A. M. Samoudi, T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, V. Marozas, A. Lukosevicius, N. Ištuk, A. Šarolic, S. Lechner, W. Klonowski, G. Varoneckas, J. C. Szeles, “Current Directions in the Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation II – an engineering perspective”, Frontiers in Neuroscience, accepted 2019 (Impact Factor: 3.648, Q2, Rank: 92/267).
  236. S. K. Goudos, M. Deruyck, D. Plets, L. Martens, K. E. Psannis, P. Sarigiannidis, W. Joseph, “A Novel Design Approach for 5G Massive MIMO and NB-IoT Green Networks Using a Hybrid Jaya-Differential Evolution Algorithm”, IEEE Access, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.098, Q1, Rank: 19/88).

  237. G. Castellanos, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Performance Evaluation of direct-link Backhaul for UAV-aided emergency networks”, Sensors special issue on UAV-Based Applications in the Internet of Things (IoT), accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.031, Q1, Rank: 15/61).

  238. E. Kaniusas, S. Kampusch, M. Tittgemeyer, F. Panetsos, R. Fernandez Gines, M. Papa, A. Kiss, B. K Podesser, A. M. Cassara, E. Tanghe, A. M. Samoudi, T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, V. Marozas, A. Lukosevicius, N. Ištuk, A. Šarolic, S. Lechner, W. Klonowski, G. Varoneckas, J. C. Szeles,, “Current Directions in the Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation I - a physiological perspective”, Frontiers Neuroscience, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.648, Q2, Rank: 92/267)

  239. M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, J. Pascual-Garcia, J.-M. Molina, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Frequency-dependency Characterization of Electromagnetic Reverberation in Indoor Scenarios Based on 1-40 GHz Channel Measurements”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters AWPL, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.510, Q2, Rank: 26/88).
  240. J. Gomez-Tames, T. Tarnaud, Keishi Miwa, A. Hirata, T. Van de Steene, L. Martens, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, “Brain Cortical Stimulation Thresholds to Different Magnetic Field Sources Exposures at Intermediate Frequencies”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat. accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.274, Q1, Rank: 165 / 661)
  241. T. Li, B. Hanssens, W. Joseph, H. Steendam, “Parameter Estimation and Channel Reconstruction Based on Compressive Sensing for Ultra-wideband MB-OFDM System Signal Processing”, Signal Processing, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.086, Q1, Rank: 53/265).
  242. Nikolayev, W. Joseph, A. Skrivervik, M. Zhadobov,  L. Martens, R. Sauleau, “Family of Dielectric-Loaded Conformal Microstrip Antennas for Versatile In-Body Applications at434, 868, and 1400 MHz”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters AWPL, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.510, Q1, Rank: 26/88)
  243. Y. Almadani, D. Plets, M. Ijaz, S. Bastiaens, S. Rajbhandari, W. Joseph, “A Novel 3-D Visible Light Positioning Method using Received Signal Strength for Industrial Applications”, Electronics, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 1.764, Q3, Rank: 154/266)
  244. E. Kaniusas, A.M. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, K. Bald, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, J. C. Széles, “Stimulation Pattern Efficiency in Percutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Experimental versus Numerical data”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.491, Q1, Rank: 11/81)

  245. M. Matalatala, M. Deruyck, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, S. Goudos, K. E. Psannis, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Multi-objective optimization of massive MIMO 5G wireless networks towards power consumption, uplink and downlink exposure”, Applied Sciences, accepted 2019 (Impact Factor: 2.52, Q1, Rank: 41/275)
  246. T Van Renterghem; Kris Vanhecke, K. Filipan, K. Sun, T. De Pessemier, B. De Coensel, W. Joseph, D. Botteldooren, “Interactive soundscape augmentation by natural sounds in a noise polluted urban park”, Landscape and Urban Planning, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.994, Q1, Rank: 16/160)
  247. F. Challita, P. Laly, M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, M. Liénard, D. P. Gaillot, P. Degauque, “Massive MIMO Communication Strategy Using Polarization Diversity For Industrial Scenarios”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters AWPL, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.510, Q1, Rank: 26/88).
  248. A. Eerdekens, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, J. Fontaine, L. Martens, E. De Poorter, W. Joseph, “Automatic equine activity detection by convolutional neural networks using accelerometer data”, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.171, Q1, Rank: 5/57).
  249. S. Benaissa, F.A.M. Tuyttens, D. Plets, J. Trogh, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, W. Joseph, B. Sonck, “Calving and estrus detection in dairy cattle using a combination of indoor localization and accelerometer sensors", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.171, Q1, Rank: 5/57).
  250. Y. Miao, E. Tanghe, J. Takada, T. Pedersen, P. Laly, D.D. Gaillot, M. Liénard, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “ Measurement-based Feasibility Exploration on Detecting and Localizing Multiple Humans Using MIMO Radio Channel Properties”, IEEE Access, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.098, Q1, Rank: 19/88)

  251. S. Aerts, L. Verloock, M. Van den Bossche, D. Colombi, L. Martens, C. Törnevik, W. Joseph, “In-Situ Measurement Methodology for the Assessment of 5G NR Massive MIMO Base Station Exposure at Sub-6 GHz Frequencies”, IEEE Access, accepted 2019. (Impact Factor: 4.098, Q1, Rank: 19/88)

  252. Thielens, M. K Greco, L. Verloock, L. Martens, W. Joseph, Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure of Western Honey Bees", Scientific Reports, accepted 2019 (Impact Factor: 4.011, Q1, Rank: 15/69)
  253. N. BniLam, E. Tanghe, J. Steckel, W. Joseph, M. Weyn, “ANGLE: ANGular Location Estimation Probabilistic Models”, IEEE Access, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 4.098, Q1, Rank: 19/88)
  254. Aerts, M. Van den Bossche, X. Vergara, S. Odie, L. Verloock, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Spatial and temporal assessment of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields emitted by smart meters and smart meter banks in urban environments”, Environmental Research, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 5.026, Q1, Rank: 24/242)
  255. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, G. Torfs, W. Joseph, “Massive MIMO Propagation Modelling with User-Coupling Effects Using Ray-Tracing and FDTD”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications JSAC special issue multiple antenna technologies for beyond 5G, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 9.302, Q1, Rank: 5/88)
  256. T. Van de Steene, E. Tanghe, T. Tarnaud, S. Kampusch, E. Kaniusas, L. Martens, R. Van Holen, W. Joseph, “Sensitivity Study of Neuronal Excitation and Cathodal Blocking Thresholds of Myelinated Axons for Percutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 4.491, Q1, Rank: 11/81)
  257. German Castellanos, Margot Deruyck, Luc Martens, Wout Joseph, System Assessment of WUSN using NB-IoT UAV-Aided networks in Potato Crops, IEEE Access, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 4.098, Q1, Rank: 19/88)

  258. E. Chiaramello, D. Plets, S. Fiocchi, M. Bonato, G. Tognola, M. Parazzini, L. Le Brusquet, L. Martens, W. Joseph, P. Ravazzani, “Innovative stochastic modeling of residential exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic field sources”, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: TBD, Q, Rank: TBD).

  259. K. Deprez, S. Bastiaens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Passive Visible Light Detection Of Humans”, Sensors, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.031, Q1, Rank: 15/61). 

  260.  S. Bastiaens, W. Raes , N. Stevens , L. Martens , L. Martens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Impact of a Photodiode’s Angular Characteristics on RSS-based VLP accuracy”, IEEE Access, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 4.098, Q1, Rank: 19/88)

  261. R. Martinez Alonso, D. Plets, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, G. G. Nieto, W. Joseph, ”Dynamic Interference Optimization in Cognitive Radio Networks for Rural and Suburban areas”, Special issue on Broadband Wireless Access for Rural and Remote Areas in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, accepted 2020 (Impact Factor: 1.396, Q3, Rank: 113/155)
  262. C. Li, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, P. Suanet, J. Hoebeke, E. De Poorter, W. Joseph, “ReLoc: Hybrid RSSI- and Phase-based Relative UHF-RFID Tags Localization with COTS Devices, ”IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.067, Q1, Rank: 14/61)
  263. B. De Beelde, N. Podevijn, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, Dieter Dekeyzer, L. Martens, W. Joseph, "Channel Modelling of a Cooker Hob Environment for Smart Kitchens”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 1.739, Q3, Rank: 136/260).
  264. Cabré-Riera, H. El Marroun, R. Muetzel, L. van Wel, I. Liorni, A. Thielens, L. E. Birks, L. Pierotti, A. Huss, W. Joseph, J. Wiart, M. Capstick, M. Hillegers, R. Vermeulen, E. Cardis, M. Vrijheid, T. White, M. Röösli, H. Tiemeier, M. Guxens, “Estimated whole-brain and lobe-specific radiofrequency electromagnetic fields dose and brain volumes in preadolescents”, Environment International, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 7.943, Q1, Rank: 8/251)
  265. C. Regrain, J. Caudeville, R. De Seze, M. Guedda, A. Chobineh, P. De Doncker, L. Petrillo, E. Chiaramello, M. Parazzini, W. Joseph, S. Aerts, A. Huss, J. Wiart, “: Design of an integrated platform for mapping residential exposure to Rf-Emf sources”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, accepted 2020 (Impact Factor: 2.415, Q2, Rank: 116/241).
  266.  M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, F. Challita, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, B. Lannoo, R. Halili, R. Berkvens, M. Weyn, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Experimental Study on The Impact of Antenna Characteristics on Non-stationary V2I Channel Parameters in Tunnels”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 4.432, Q1, Rank: 10/87)

  267. M. Velghe, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, “Field Enhancement and Size of Radio-Frequency Hotspots Induced by Maximum Ratio Field Combining in 5th Generation Networks”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 0.810, Rank: 148/178, Q3).
  268. I. Liorni, M. Capstick, L. van Wel, J. Wiart, W. Joseph, E. Cardis, M. Guxens, R. Vermeulen, , A. Thielens, “Evaluation of Specific Absorption Rate in the Far-Field, Near-to-Far Field and Near-Field Regions for Integrative Radiofrequency Exposure Assessment”, Radiation Protection dosimetry, accepted 2020 (Impact Factor: 0.810, Rank: 148/178, Q3).
  269. T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, R. Schoeters, L. Martens, E. Tanghe, “SECONIC: Towards multi-compartmental models for ultrasonic brain stimulation by intramembrane cavitation”, Journal of Neural Engineering, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 4.810, Q1, Rank: 16/87)
  270. N. Podevijn, J. Trogh, M. Aernouts, R. Berkvens, L. Martens, M. Weyn, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “LoRaWAN Geo-Tracking using Map Matching and Compass Sensor Fusion”, Sensors; special issue "Intelligent Sensors for Positioning, Tracking, Monitoring, Navigation and Smart Sensing in Smart Cities, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.031, Q1, Rank: 15/61)
  271. B. Van Herbruggen, J. Fontaine, A. Eerdekens, M. Deruyck, W. Joseph, E. De Poorter, “Feasibility Of Wireless Horse Monitoring Using a Kinetic Energy Harvester Model”, Electronics, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 2.412, Q2, Rank: 125/266)
  272. S. Bastiaens, K. Deprez, L. Martens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “A Comprehensive Study on Light Signals of Opportunity for Subdecimetre Unmodulated Visible Light Positioning”, Sensors, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.031, Q1, Rank: 15/61)
  273. Van Leemput, J. Bauwens, R. Elsas, J. Hoebeke, W. Joseph, E. De Poorter, “Adaptive Multi-PHY IEEE802.15.4 TSCH in Sub-GHz Industrial Wireless Networks”, Ad Hoc Networks, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.643, Q1, Rank: 36/156)
  274. J. Trogh, D. Botteldooren, B. De Coensel, L. Martens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Map Matching and Lane Detection Based on GPS and Accelerometer Data”, IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 6.319, Q1, Rank: 2/134)
  275. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, S. Aerts, L. Verloock, G. Torfs, L. Martens, P. Demeester, W. Joseph, “Ray-Tracing-based numerical assessment of the spatial duty cycle of 5G Massive MIMO in an outdoor urban environment”, Applied Sciences Special Issue "Human Exposure in 5G and 6G Scenarios", accepted 2020, invited. (Impact Factor: 2.474, Q2, Rank: 88/177)

  276. R. M. Alonso, D. Plets, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, G. G. Nieto, W. Joseph, “Multi-objective Optimization of Cognitive Radio Networks”, Computer Networks, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.111, Q1, Rank: 13/53)

  277. M. Matalatala, S. Shikhantsov, M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, S. Goudos, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Combined Ray-tracing/FDTD and Network planner methods for the design of massive MIMO networks”, IEEE Access, accepted 2020. . (Impact Factor: 4.098, Q1, Rank: 19/88)

  278. M. Song, M. Ding, E. Tiurin, K. Xu, E. Allebes, G. Singh, P. Zhang, R. Aminzadeh, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, Y-H. Liu, C. Bachmann, “A Millimeter-Scale Crystal-Less MICS Transceiver for Insertable Smart Pills”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), accepted 2020, invited. (Impact Factor: 4.042, Q1, Rank: 18/87)

  279. A. Bamba, A. Kamagaté, A. M.-Agnès Gnahoua, , E. Tanghe, D. Gaillot, M. Liénard, A. Konaté, W. Joseph, “Angular Characteristics of Multipath Propagation in an Indoor Industrial Environment”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 1.739, Q3, Rank: 136/260).

  280. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, M. Zhadobov, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “WBAN Channel Modeling for 900 MHz and 60 GHz Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 4.435, Q1, Rank: 19/82)

  281. L. van Wel, L. Ilaria, A. Huss, A. Thielens, J. Wiart, W. Joseph, M., Capstick, E. Cardis, R. Vermeulen “Radio-frequency electromagnetic field exposure and contribution of sources in the general population: an organ-specific integrative exposure assessment”, Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.531, Q1, Rank: 38/193)

  282. A. Cabré-Riera, H. El Marroun, R. Muetzel, L. van Wel, I. Liorni, A. Thielens, L. E. Birks, L. Pierotti, A. Huss, W. Joseph, J. Wiart, M. Capstick, M. Hillegers, R. Vermeulen, E. Cardis, M. Vrijheid, T. White, M. Röösli, H. Tiemeier, M. Guxens, “Association between estimated whole-brain radiofrequency electromagnetic fields dose and cognitive function in preadolescents and adolescents”, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 4.801, Q1, Rank: 18/193)

  283. Y. Almadani, D. Plets, S. Bastiaens, W. Joseph, M. Ijaz; Z. Ghassemlooy, S. Rajbhandari;, “Visible Light Communications for Industrial Applications - Challenges and Potentials”, Electronics, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 2.412, Q2, Rank: 125/266)
  284. E. Birks, L. Van Wel, L. Pierotti, I. Liorni, M. Guxens, A. Huss, M. Foerster, M. Eeftens, M. Estarlich, M. Gallastegi, L. G. Safont , P. Jansen, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, L. Santa-Marina, M. Torrent, T. Vrijkotte, M. Röösli, E. Cardis, R. Vermeulen, M. Vrijheid, “Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields from Mobile Communication: Description of Modeled Dose to Brain Tissue and Body in European Children and Adolescents, Environmental Research, accepted 2020. (Impact Factor: 5.026, Q1, Rank: 24/242)

  285. S. Benaissa, L. Verloock, D. Nikolayev, M. Deruyck, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, J. Govaere, F.A.M. Tuyttens, B. Sonck, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Propagation-loss Characterization for Livestock Implantables at 433, 868, and 1400 MHz”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2020 (Impact Factor: 4.435, Q1, Rank: 19/82)
  286. Ridolfi, A. Kaya, R. Berkven, M. Weyn, W. Joseph, E. De Poorter, “Self-calibration and Collaborative Localization for UWB Positioning Systems: a Survey and Future Research Directions”, ACM Computing Surveys, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 7.990, Q1, Rank: 4/108)
  287. A. Eerdekens, M. Deruyck, J. Fontaine, L. Martens, E. De Poorter, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “A framework for energy-efficient equine activity recognition with leg accelerometers”, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.171, Q1, Rank: 5/57)
  288. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, M. Yusuf, D. Plets, E. Depoorter, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Radio Channel Modelling in a Ship Hull: Path Loss at 868 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 5.25 GHz and 60 GHz”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters AWPL, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.726, Q1, Rank: 27/90)
  289. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, P. Demeester, L. Martens, G. Torfs, W. Joseph, “Spatial Correlation in Indoor Massive MIMO: Measurements and Ray-Tracing”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters AWPL, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.726, Q1, Rank: 27/90)
  290. M. Velghe, S. Aerts, L. Martens, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, “Protocol for Personal RF-EMF Exposure Measurement Studies in 5th Generation Telecommunication Networks”, Environmental Health, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 4.690, Q1, Rank: 50/265)
  291. M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, B. Debeelde, P. Laly, M. Ridolfi, E. Depoorter, L. Martens, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, W. Joseph, “Human Sensing in Reverberant Environments: RF-based Occupancy and Fall Detection in Ships”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 5.379, Q1, Rank: 13/90)
  292. G. Vallero, M. Deruyck, M. Meo, W. Joseph, “Base Station Switching and Edge Caching Optimisation in High Energy-Efficiency Wireless Access Network”, Computer networks, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.111, Q1, Rank: 13/53)
  293. S. Aerts, K. Deprez, M. Van den Bossche, D. Colombi, L. Verloock, L. Martens, C. Törnevik, W. Joseph, “In-Situ Assessment of 5G NR Massive MIMO Base Station Exposure in a Commercial Network in Bern, Switzerland”, Applied Sciences, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 2.474, Q2, Rank: 88/177)
  294. Schoeters, T. Tarnaud, L. Martens, W. Joseph, R. Raedt, E. Tanghe, “Double Two-state Opsin Model with Autonomous Parameter Inference”, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 2.535, Q2, Rank: 16/59)
  295. B. De Beelde, A. A. Lopéz, D. Plets, M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, “Directive mmWave radio channel modelling in a ship hull”, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 0.939, Q4, Rank: 81/90)
  296. G. Tognola, D. Plets, E. Chiaramello, S. Gallucci, M. Bonato, S. Fiocchi, M. Parazzini, L. Martens, W. Joseph, P. Ravazzani, “Use of Machine Learning for the estimation of down- and up-link field exposure in complex multi-source indoor WiFi scenarios”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 2.278, Q2, Rank: 41/93).
  297. T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, R. Schoeters, L. Martens, E. Tanghe, “Membrane charge oscillations during ultrasonic neuromodulation by intramembrane cavitation”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 4.491, Q1, Rank: 11/81)
  298. C. Li, E. Tanghe, P. Suanet, D. Plets, J. Hoebeke, E. De Poorter, and W. Joseph, “ReLoc 2.0: UHF-RFID Relative Localization for Drone-Based Inventory Management," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, pp. 1-13, March, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3069377 (Impact Factor: 3.067, Q1, Rank: 14/61)
  299. A. Huss, S. Dongus, R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, P. Van Torre, R. De Sèze, E. Cardis, M. Eeftens, W. Joseph, R. Vermeulen, M. Röösli, “Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields: Comparison of Exposimeters with a Novel Body-Worn Distributed Meter”, Environment International, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 7.943, Q1, Rank: 8/251)
  300. C. De Cock, W. Joseph, L. Martens, J. Trogh, D. Plets. “Multi-floor Indoor Pedestrian Dead Reckoning with Backtracking Particle Filter and Viterbi-based Floor Number Detection ”, Sensors, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q1, Rank: 14/64)
  301. S. Bastiaens , S. Goudos , W. Joseph , D. Plets, “Metaheuristic Optimization of LED Locations for Visible Light Positioning Network Planning”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.765, Q1, Rank: 16/89)
  302. B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, C. Desset, A. Bourdoux, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Office Room Channel Modelling and Object Attenuation at Sub-THz Frequencies”, Electronics, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 2.412, Q2, Rank: 125/266)
  303.  D. Toribio, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, “Near Field Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure of a Western Honey Bee”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 4.435, Q1, Rank: 19/82)

  304. G. Castellanos, G. Vallero, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, M. Meo, W. Joseph, “Evaluation of Flying Caching Servers in a UAV-BS based realistic environment”, Vehicular Communications, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 6.910, Q1, Rank: 11/91)
  305. R. M. Alonso, D. Plets, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, G. G. Nieto, W. Joseph, “Experimental Assessment of New Generation Radio Networks based on Layer Division Multiplexing”, IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.765, Q1, Rank: 16/89)

  306. K. Shen, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Multi-objective Flexible Flowshop Scheduling in Pasta Manufacturing”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 5.431, Q1, Rank: 21 / 112)

  307. A. Hirata, Y. Diao, T. Onishi, K. Sasaki, S. Ahn, D. Colombi, V. De Santis, I. Laakso, L. Giaccone, W. Joseph, E. A. Rashed, W. Kainz, J. Chen, “Safety Assessment of Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Review and Future Directions”, IEEE Trans. Electromag. Compat. accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 2.274, Q1, Rank: 165 / 661)

  308. Y. Hervis Santana, D. Plets, T. Depessemier, R. M. Alonso, G. A. Guillen Nieto, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “SFN Gain Prediction by Neural Networks for Enhancing Layer 2 Coverage in LDM Systems”, IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.765, Q1, Rank: 16/89)
  309. C. Li, S. De Bast, E. Tanghe, S. Pollin, W. Joseph, “Towards Fine-Grained Indoor Localization based on Massive MIMO-OFDM System: Experiment and Analysis”, IEEE Sensors journal, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 3.073, Q2, Rank: 88/260)
  310. A. Eerdekens, M. Deruyck, J. Fontaine, B. Damiaans, L. Martens, E. De Poorter, J. Govaere, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Horse jumping and dressage training activity detection using accelerometer data”, Animals, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 2.752, Q1, Rank)
  311. E. De Borre, W. Joseph, R. Aminzadeh, P. Mueller, M. Boone, I. Josipovic, S. H. Zadeh, N. Kuster, S. Kuehn, A. Thielens, “Radio-Frequency Exposure of Yellow Fever Mosquito (Aedes Aegypti) at 2 to 240 GHz”, PLOS Computational Biology, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 4.475, Q1, Rank: 16/77)
  312. A. Cabré-Riera, L. van Wel, I. Liorni, M. E. Verhoeff, L. Imaz, J. Ibarluzea, A. Huss, J. Wiart, R. Vermeulen, W. Joseph, M. Vrijheid, E. Cardis, M. Röösli, M. Capstick, A. Thielens, H. Tiemeier, M. Guxens, “Estimated total day and evening whole-brain radiofrequency electromagnetic fields doses, and sleep in preadolescents”, Environmental Research, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 6.498, Q1, Rank: 16/203)
  313. B. De Beelde, D. Plets, C. Desset, E. Tanghe, A. Bourdoux, W. Joseph, “Material Characterisation and Radio Channel Modelling at D-Band Frequencies”, IEEE Access, accepted 2021. . (Impact Factor: 3.367, Q2, Rank: 36/91)
  314. B. De Beelde, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Wireless Sensor Networks for Enabling Smart Production Lines in Industry 4.0”, Applied Sciences, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 2.474, Q2, Rank: 88/177)
  315. J. Vanhie-Van Gerwen, K. Goebelen, J. Wan, W. Joseph, J. Hoebeke, E. De Poorter, “Indoor Drone Positioning: Accuracy and Cost Trade-off for Sensor Fusion”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 5.379, Q1, Rank: 13/90)
  316. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, R. Schoeters, L. Martens, E. Tanghe, “Improved alpha-beta power reduction via combined Electrical and Ultrasonic stimulation in a Parkinsonian Cortex-Basal Ganglia-Thalamus Computational Model Brain Stimulation”, Journal of Neural Engineering, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 4.810, Q1, Rank: 16/87)
  317.  M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, W. Joseph, “Autoregressive Modeling Approach for Non-stationary Vehicular Channel Simulation”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted 2021. (Impact Factor: 5.379, Q1, Rank: 13/90)

  318. R. Halili, N. B. Lam, M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, M. Weyn, R. Berkvens, “Vehicle Localization using Doppler Shift and Time of Arrival Information in a Tunnel Environment”, Sensors, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/273)
  319. C. Li, E. Tanghe, J. Fontaine, L. Martens, J. Romme, G. Singh, E. De Poorter, W. Joseph, Multi-Static UWB Radar-based Passive Human Tracking Using COTS Devices, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.726, Q1, Rank: 27/90)
  320. S. Aerts, G. Vermeeren, M. Van Den Bossche, R. Aminzadeh, L. Verloock, A. Thielens, P. Leroux, J. Bergs, B. Braem,  A. Philippron, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Lessons Learned from a Distributed RF-EMF Sensor Network”, Sensors, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/273)
  321. B. Beelde, A. Almarcha, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “V-Band Channel Modeling, Throughput Measurements and Coverage Prediction for Indoor Residential Environments”, Electronics, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 2.412, Q2, Rank: 125/266)
  322. M. Sun, Y. Wang, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Indoor Localization Using Mind Evolutionary Algorithm-based Geomagnetic Positioning and Smartphone IMU Sensors”, IEEE Sensors, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.073, Q2, Rank: 88/260)
  323. T. De Pessemier, T. Van Renterghem, K. Vanhecke, A. All, K. Filipan, K. Sun, B. De Coensel, L. De Marez, L. Martens, D. Botteldooren, W. Joseph, “Enhancing the park experience by giving visitors control over the park’s soundscape”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 2.105, Q3, Rank: 86/139)
  324. M. Sun, Y. Wang, L. Huang, H. Jia, J. Bi, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Geomagnetic Positioning-Aided Wi-Fi FTM Localization Algorithm for NLOS Environment”, IEEE Communication Letters, accepted 2022. . (Impact Factor: 3.436, Q2, Rank: 34/91)

  325. C. Li, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, J. Romme, G. Singh, E. De Poorter, W. Joseph, “Device-Free Pedestrian Tracking Using Low-Cost Ultra-Wideband Devices”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.067, Q1, Rank: 14/61)
  326. K. Deprez, L. Verloock, L. Colussi, S. Aerts, M. Van den Bossche, J. Kamer, J. Bolte, L. Martens, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “In-situ 5G NR base station exposure of the general public: comparison of assessment methods”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, accepted 2022 (Impact Factor: 0.810, Rank: 148/178, Q3).
  327. Y. H. Santana, R. M. Alonso, G. G. Nieto, L. Martens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Indoor Genetic Algorithm-based 5G Network Planning using a Machine Learning Model for Path Loss Estimation”, Applied Sciences, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 2.474, Q2, Rank: 88/177)
  328. G. Tognola, M. Bonato, M. Benini, S. Aerts, S. Gallucci, E. Chiaramello, S. Fiocchi, M. Parazzini, B. Masini, W. Joseph, J. Wiart, P. Ravazzani, “Exposure to RF Electromagnetic Fields in the Connected Vehicle: Survey of Existing and Forthcoming Scenarios”, IEEE Access, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.367, Q2, Rank: 36/91)
  329. S. Bastiaens, J. Vanhie-Van Gerwen, N. Macoir, K. Deprez, C. De Cock, W. Joseph, E. De Poorter, D. Plets, “Experimental Benchmarking of Next-Gen Indoor Positioning Technologies (Unmodulated) Visible Light Positioning and Ultra-Wideband”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 9.471, Q1, 6/161)
  330. M. Deruyck, S. Bova, G. Vallero, M. Meo, L. Martens, M. Meo, W. Joseph, “Designing a Hybrid Renewable Energy Source System to Feed the Wireless Access Network”, Elsevier Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, accepted 2022 .(Impact Factor: 3.899, Q1. 68/273)
  331. K. Shen, S. Safapourhajari, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, Y. Miao, “Optimizing the Focusing Performance of Non-Ideal Cell-Free mMIMO Using Genetic Algorithm for Indoor Scenario”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 7.016, Q1. 10/91)
  332. G. Castellanos, A. Colpaert, M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, E. Vinogradov, L. Martens; S. Pollin, W. Joseph, “Evaluation of Beamsteering performance in MultiuserMIMO Unmanned Aerial Base Stations networks”, IEEE Access, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.367, Q2, 65/161)
  333. M. Sun, Y. Wang, L. Huang, S. Xu, H. Cao, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Simultaneous WiFi Ranging Compensation and Localization for Indoor NLoS Environments”, IEEE Communication Letters, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.436, Q2, Rank: 34/91)
  334. A. Kaya, B. De Beelde, W. Joseph, M. Weyn, R. Berkvens, Geodesic Path Model for Indoor Propagation Loss Prediction of Narrowband Channels, Sensors, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/273)
  335. G. D. Castellanos, S. De Gheselle; M. Deruyck; L. Martens; N. Kuster; W. Joseph; S. Kuehn, “Multi-objective optimisation of human exposure for various of 5G network topologies in Switzerland”, Computer Networks, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.111, Q1, Rank: 13/53)G. D. Castellanos, S. De Gheselle; M. Deruyck; L. Martens; N. Kuster; W. Joseph; S. Kuehn, “Multi-objective optimisation of human exposure for various of 5G network topologies in Switzerland”, Computer Networks, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.111, Q1, Rank: 13/53)
  336. J. Goethals, D. Nikolayev, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Combined Antenna-Channel Modeling for the Harsh Horse Hoof Environment”, Sensors, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/273)
  337. B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Outdoor Channel Modeling at D-Band Frequencies for Future Fixed Wireless Access Applications”, IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 4.348)
  338. T. De Pessemier, K. Vanhecke, P. Thomas, F. Aletta, T. Vander Mynsbrugge, D. Van de Velde, P. De Vriendt, W. Joseph, L. Martens,D. Botteldooren, P. Devos, “Personalising augmented soundscapes for supporting persons with dementia”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.16, Q1, rank: 12/61)
  339. B. De Beelde, R. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, K. Verheyen, W. Joseph, “Vegetation Loss at D-Band Frequencies and New Vegetation-Dependent Exponential Decay Model”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 4.435, Q1, Rank: 19/82)
  340. B. De Beelde, Z. Verboven, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Outdoor mmWave Channel Modeling 2 for Fixed Wireless Access at 60 GHz”, Radio Science, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 1.678, Q3, Rank: 47/69)
  341. B. De Beelde, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Characterization of Vegetation Loss and Impact on Network Performance at V-Band Frequencies”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, accepted 2022. (Impact Factor: 3.726, Q1, Rank: 27/90)
  342. R. Wydaeghe, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, P. Demeester, W. Joseph, “Realistic Human Exposure at 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz for Distributed and Collocated MaMIMO in Indoor Environments using Hybrid Ray-Tracing and FDTD”, IEEE Access, accepted 2022.  (Impact Factor: 3.367, Q2, 65/161)
  343. G. D. Castellanos, B. De Beelde, Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, M. Deruyck, “Evaluating 60 GHz FWA Deployments for Urban and Rural Environments in Belgium”, Sensors, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/273)
  344. H. Herssens, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, “A Survey of On-Body Antenna Arrays”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.179, Q2, Rank: 46/93)

  345. E. De Kuyffer, K. Shen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, T. De Pessemier, “Offshore windmill and substation maintenance planning with Distance, Fuel consumption and Tardiness optimisation”, Operations Research Perspectives, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.382, Q2, Rank: 32/87)

  346. B. De Beelde, M. Vantorre, G, D, Castellanos, M, Pickavet, W. Joseph, “MmWave Physical Layer Network Modeling and Planning for Fixed Wireless Access Applications”, Sensors, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/273)
  347. C. Li, S. De Bast, E. Tanghe, S. Pollin, W. Joseph, “Contact-Free Multi-Target Tracking Using Distributed Massive MIMO-OFDM Communication System: Prototype and Analysis”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted 2023 .(Impact Factor: 9.471, Q1, 6/161)
  348. K. Deprez, L. Colussi, E. Korkmaz-, S. Aerts, D. Land-, S. Littel, L. Verloock, D. Plets, W. Joseph, J. Bolte, A Comparison of Low-cost 5G-NR Electromagnetic Field Sensors, Sensors, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/273)
  349. S. Benaissa, F.A.M. Tuyttens, D. Plets, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, W. Joseph, B. Sonck, “Improved cattle behaviour monitoring by combining Ultra-Wideband location and accelerometer data”, Animals, special issue on “Automated Monitoring of Livestock and Poultry with Machine Learning Technology”, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.231, Q1, 13/62)
  350. S. Aerts, K. Deprez, L. Verloock, R. G Olsen, L. Martens, P. Tran, W. Joseph, “RF-EMF exposure near 5G NR small cells”, Sensors, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/273)
  351. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Numerical assessment of the human EMF exposure to collocated and distributed massive MIMO deployments in an industrial indoor environment”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 2.036, Q3, Rank: 63/93).
  352. S. Benaissa, D. Nikolayev, G. Vermeeren, K. Deprez, J. Goethals, B. Sonck, F.A.M. Tuyttens, L. Martens, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Design and Experimental Validation of a Multiband Conformal Patch Antenna for Animal Ingestible Bolus Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 4.435, Q1, Rank: 19/82)
  353. T. De Pessemier, K. Vanhecke, A. All, S. Van Hove, D. Plets, L. Demarez, W. Joseph, “Recipe recommendations for individual users and groups in a cooking assistance app”, Applied Intelligence, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 5.3, Q2, Rank: 66/192)
  354. T. Van de Steene, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, C. Garripoli, S. Stanzione , W. Joseph, “Optimal Frequency and Wireless Power Budget for Miniature Receivers in Obese People”, Sensors, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/273)
  355. C. De Cock, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, D. Plets. “Robust IMU-based Mitigation of Human Body Shadowing in UWB Indoor Positioning”, Sensors, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.576, Q2, Rank: 82/27)
  356. S. Coene, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, J. Romme, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Noise-Based Threshold Ranging Method Using Region-of-Interest in UWB Signals”, IEEE Sensors Journal, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 4.3, Q2, Rank: 91/275)
  357.  B. Yin, W. Joseph, M. Deruyck, “RIS-Aided mmWave Network Planning towards Connectivity Enhancement and Minimal Electromagnetic Field Exposure”, IEEE Access, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.9, Q2, Rank: 72/158)

  358. R. Martinez Alonso, D. Plets, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, G. G. Nieto, W. Joseph, “White Spaces Pattern Finding and Inference based on Machine Learning for Multi-frequency Spectrum Footprints”, Computer Networks, accepted 2023. (Impact Factor: 3.111, Q1, Rank: 13/53)
  359. V. P. Rekkas, L. A. Iliadis, S. P. Sotiroudis, A. D. Boursianis, P. Sarigiannidis, D. Plets, W. Joseph, S. Wan, C. G. Christodoulou, G. K. Karagiannidis, S. K. Goudos, “Artificial Intelligence in Visible Light Positioning for Indoor IoT: A Methodological Review”, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, accepted 2023.  (Impact Factor: 7.9, Q1, Rank: 42/352)
  360. A. Eerdekens, M. Papas, B. Damiaans, L. Martens, J. Govaere, W. Joseph, M. Deruyck, “Automatic Early Detection of Induced Colic in Horses Using Accelerometer Devices”, Equine Veterinary Journal, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 2.2, Q2, Rank: 38/144)
  361. W. B. Chikha, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, S. Wang , S. Sandeep, A. F. Veludo, M. Roosli , W. Joseph , M. Guxens , J. Wiart, “Assessment of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Induced by Base Stations in Several Micro-Environments in France”, IEEE Access, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 3.9, Q2, Rank: 72/158)
  362. S. Bastiaens , M. Alijani , W. Joseph , D. Plets, Visible Light Positioning as a Next-Generation Indoor Positioning Technology: A Tutorial”, IEEE communications Surveys & Tutorials, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 35.6, Q1, Rank: 1/158)
  363. G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, S. Aerts, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “In-situ assessment of uplink duty cycle for 4G and 5G wireless communications”, Sensors, accepted 2024 . (Impact Factor: 3.9, Q2, Rank: 91/275)
  364. S. Coene, C. Li, S. Kram, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Location-Aware Range Error Correction for Improved UWB Localization”, Sensors, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 3.9, Q2, Rank: 91/275)
  365. H. Santana, R. M. Alonso, G. G. Nieto, L. Martens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “5G mmWave Network Planning Using Machine Learning for Path Loss Estimation”, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 7.9, Q1, Rank: 42/352)
  366. S. Goegebeur, K. Deprez, D. Colombi, J. E. Bischoff, C. Di Paola, B. Stroobandt, L. Verloock, S. Aerts, C. Törnevik, W. Joseph, “A Comparative Study of In Situ Methodologies for RF EMF Exposure Assessment from an Indoor 5G Base Station in FR2”, IEEE Access, accepted 2024.  (Impact Factor: 3.4, Q2, Rank: 87/249)
  367.  Y. Yang, B. M. Massini, G. Vermeeren, D. van den Akker, S. Aerts, L. Verloock, E. Chiaramello, M. Bonato, J. Wiart, G. Tognola, W. Joseph, “Assessment of Human RF Exposure from ITS-5.9 GHz V2X Connectivity by Numerical Dosimetry and Experimental Measurements”, IEEE Access, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 3.4, Q2, Rank: 87/249)

  368. V. P. Rekkas, S. P. Sotiroudis, L. A. Iliadis, S. Bastiaens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, C. G. Christodoulou, G. K. Karagiannidis, S. K. Goudos, “3D Visible Light Positioning Using Machine Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 3.2, Q2, Rank: 50/119)

  369. T. Plovie, R. Schoeters, T. Tarnaud, L. Martens, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, “Non-linearities and Timescales in Temporal Interference Deep Brain Stimulation”, Bioelectromagnetics special issue on Neurostimulation, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 1.8, Q3, Rank: 58/109)
  370. K. Deprez, T. Van de Steene, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Gommé, M. Verlaek, M. Goethals, K. Van Campenhout, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “50 Hz magnetic field sensor for temporal monitoring of fields from high-voltage power lines: design and experimental validation”, Sensors, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 3.4, Q2, Rank: 100/275
  371. M. Alijani , W. Joseph , E. De Poorter, M. Deruyck, D. Plets, “ChickSense: towards Poultry Welfare with Machine Learning-Assisted Visible Light Sensing”, IEEE Sensors, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 3.9, Q2, Rank: 91/275)
  372. Soyka, T. Tarnaud, C. Alteköster, R. Schoeters, T. Plovie, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, “Action Potential Threshold variability for Different Electrostimulation Models and the Impact on Occupational Exposure Limit Values”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 1.8, Q3, Rank: 57/109)
  373. E. De Kuyffer, W. Joseph, L. Martens, T. De Pessemier, “Travel route and formation optimization for flocks of drones in package delivery by using an ACO based V-Shape algorithm”, Results in Engineering, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 6.5, Q1, Rank: 10/180)
  374. H. Yang, Y. Wang, M. Sun, C. K. Seow, S. Coene, L. Huang, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Fuzzy Transformer Machine Learning for UWB NLOS Identification and Ranging Mitigation”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, accepted 2024 . (Impact Factor: 5.6, Q1, Rank: 9/76)
  375. A. F. Fernandes Veludo, B Stroobandt, H van Bladel, N Sandoval-Diez, M. Guxens, W. Joseph, M. Röösli, “Exploring RF-EMF levels in Swiss microenvironments: An evaluation of environmental and auto-induced downlink and uplink exposure in the era of 5G”, Environmental Research, accepted 2024. (Impact Factor: 7.7, Q1, Rank: 32/275)
  376. H. Yang, Y. Wang, C. K. Seow, Z. Li, M. Sun, S. Coene, C. Decock, J. Bi, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “NLOS Identification and Ranging Trustworthiness for Indoor Positioning with LLM-based UWB-IMU Fusion”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, accepted 2025 . (Impact Factor: 5.6, Q1, Rank: 9/76)
  377.  G. Vallero, M. Meo, W. Joseph, M. Deruyck, “Threshold-based 5G NR Base Station Management for Energy Saving”, Computer Networks, accepted 2025. (Impact Factor: 4.4, Q1, Rank: 9/59)
  378. B. Stroobandt, H. Van Bladel, A. F. Veludo, K., Deprez, S. Aerts, L. Verloock, G. Thuróczy, P. Politanski, K. Polanska, G. Tognola, M. Parazzini, J. Wiart, M. Guxens, M. Röösli, W. Joseph, “Auto-induced uplink 4G and 5G RF-EMF exposure assessment using a network monitoring application in different microenvironments across seven European countries”, Environmental research, accepted 2025 (Impact Factor: 7.7, Q1, Rank: 36/358)
  379. M. Leeman, R. Wydaeghe, J. Vanderstraeten, S. Goegebeur, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, “City-scale spatio-temporal modelling of 5G downlink exposure using ray-tracing in a real urban environment”, IEEE Access, accepted 2025 (Impact Factor: 3.4, Q2, Rank: 87/250)
  380. E. De Kuyffer, W. Joseph, L. Martens, T. De Pessemier, “Intervention schedule optimization with travel time minimization for a Value Added Reseller by solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem”, Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, accepted 2025. (Impact Factor: 6.9, Q1, Rank: 8/106)
  381. Y. Diao, W. Joseph, D. Poljak, L. Giaccone, S. Kodera, I. Laakso, K. Yamazaki, K. Li, M. Cvetković, K. Sasaki, E. Tanghe, M. Cvetkovic, W. El Hajj, T. Hikage, F. Kaburcuk, G. Schmid, A. Š. Nejašmic, T. Tarnaud, V. Anderson, K. R. Foster, N. Kuster, T. Samaras, R. A. Tell, S. Watanabe, C-K. Chou, A. Hirata, “Recent advances and future perspective in computational bioelectromagnetics for exposure assessments”, Bioelectromagnetics, accepted 2025. (Impact Factor: 1.8, Q3, Rank: 57/109)
  382. Y. Yang, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, M. Guxens, W. Joseph, “A Survey of IEEE 802.11ax WLAN Temporal Duty-Cycle for the Assessment of RF Electromagnetic Exposure”, Applied Sciences, accepted 2025. (Impact Factor: 2.5, Q1, Rank: 44/181)
  383. M. Alijani , C. De Cock, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Device-Free Visible Light Sensing: A Survey”, IEEE communications Surveys & Tutorials, accepted 2025. (Impact Factor: 34.4, Q1, Rank: 1/250)
  384. J. Van der Straeten, H. Van Bladel, K. Deprez, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, “Design and validation of a low-cost triaxial 5G RF-EMF exposure sensor”, IEEE Sensors, accepted 2025. (Impact Factor: 4.3, Q1, Rank: 84/353)
  385. H. Van Bladel, B. Stroobandt, A. F. Veludo, K. Deprez, M. Roosli, G. Tognola, G. Thuróczy, K. Polanska, J. Wiart, M. Guxens, W. Joseph, “RF-EMF exposure assessment with add-on uplink exposure sensor in different microenvironments in seven European countries”, Environment International, accepted 2025. (Impact Factor: 10.3, Q1, Rank: 21/358)

A2 - international articles not included in (a1)

  1. K. Berte, K. De Moor, L. De Marez, W. Joseph, T. Deryckere, and L. Martens, “User-driven innovations? Reassessing the value of bottom-up approaches within an interdisciplinary mobile media context”, ECPR Communication & Strategies journal (special issue of Science and Public Policy on FTA), Feb. 2010, accepted.
  2. N. Varsier, J. Wiart, A. Gati, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, B. Hanssen, M. Ruttner, L. Puranen, J. Pedl, D. Vaccarone, R. Vogt. Contribution to CENELEC standard EN50492 “LTE measurement”. 2011.
  3. N. Liu, Z. Qin, D. Plets,W. Joseph, “Multi-objective indoor heterogeneous wireless network planning based on the hybrid algorithm”, Application Research of Computers, accepted 2015.

A3 - national articles not (a1) and (a2)

A4 - Articles in journals not included in (a1), (a2) or (a3)

B1 - Book author or co-author

  1. Milieurapport Vlaanderen, Achtergronddocument 2005, niet-ioniserende straling, Adang D., Decat, G., Joseph W., Martens L., Bossuyt M., Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij, http://www.milieurapport.be, 2005.
  2. W. Joseph and L. Martens, “Blootstelling aan niet-ioniserende stralen in huis”, (viWTA), viWTA/INTEC-IMEC/UGent: viWTA/05/A118-1, Vlaams Instituut voor Wetenschappelijk en technologisch aspectenonderzoek, Parys Printing, Editor: Bobby Berloznik, Vlaams Parlement 1011 Brussel, 2007. 176 pag.
  3. W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Elektrostress in huis: feit of fictie? Blootstelling aan niet-ioniserende straling”, viWTA dossier no. 6, Vlaams Instituut voor Wetenschappelijk en Technologisch Aspectenonderzoek, Parys Printing, Editor: Robby Berloznik, Vlaams Parlement, Brussel, 2007, 31 pag.
  4. Milieurapport Vlaanderen, Achtergronddocument 2011, niet-ioniserende straling, Verschaeve L., Bossuyt M., Adang D., Decat G., Martens L., Joseph W.., Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij, http://www.milieurapport.be, 2011.

B2 - Book chapters

  1. W. Joseph and L. Martens, chapter in “Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting Multi-Standards: Application Handbook”, Fundamentals of DVB-H Broadcasting Transmission and Reception, edited by Fa-Long Luo, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009.
  2. W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, M Liénard, contributors of section 3.3 Modeling Diffuse Multipaths of chapter 3 “Radio Channel Modeling for 4G networks” in COST2100 book. “Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications COST Action 2100 book”, editors: Roberto Verdone, Alberto Zanella, Pervasive mobile and ambient wireless communications, Signals and Communication Technology, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2315-6 ISSN 1860-4862 Signals and Communications Theory ISBN 978-1-4471-2314-9, Springer-Verlag, London Limited, 2012.
  3. W. Joseph, L. Martens, contributors of section 15.2 In-body implants and channel chapter 15 “Body Communications” in “COST2100 book”, “Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications COST Action 2100 book”, editors: Roberto Verdone, Alberto Zanella, Pervasive mobile and ambient wireless communications, Signals and Communication Technology, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2315-6 ISSN 1860-4862 Signals and Communications Theory ISBN 978-1-4471-2314-9, Springer-Verlag, London Limited, 2012.
  4. W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, A. Bamba, contributors of Chapter 3 and section 3.3.1 “Characterisation of the Indoor Channel Using Room Electromagnetics (REM) and Diffuse Multipath”, Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments”, editor; Narcis Cardona, RIVER PUBLISHERS SERIES IN COMMUNICATIONS, ISBN 978-87-93379-15-2, River Publishers, Lange Geer 44 2611 PWDelft, The Netherlands, 666 pag, pp. 72-76
  5. W. Joseph, M. Deruyck, contributors of Chapter 6 and section 6.4.1 “Energy Efficiency in Cellular Networks”, editor; Narcis Cardona, RIVER PUBLISHERS SERIES IN COMMUNICATIONS, ISBN 978-87-93379-15-2, River Publishers, Lange Geer 44 2611 PWDelft, The Netherlands, 666 pag, pp. 227-232
  6. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, Chapter “Surrogate Modeling for Fast Experimental Assessment of Specific Absorption Rate” in UMEMA book edited by Flavio Canavero, Springer Verlag, published 2019.

B3 - Book editor

C1/P1 - Articles in conference proceedings

P1 - Conference Proceedings

  1. L. Roelens, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Characterization of the path loss near flat and layered biological tissue for narrowband wireless body area networks”, International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, ISBN 0-7695-2547-4, 3-5 April 2006, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 50-53.
  2. W. Joseph, W. Reynders, J. Debruyne, L. Martens, “Influence of channel modes and MIMO on the performance of a system based on IEEE 802.16”, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC 2007), ISBN 1-4244-0659-5 (CD-ROM), 11-15 March 2007, Hong Kong, China, pp. 1828-1832.
  3. E. Reusens, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “On-body measurements and characterization of wireless communication channel for arm and torso of human”, 4th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2007) - IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 13, ISBN: 978-3-540-70993-0, 26-28 March 2007, Aachen, Germany, pp. 264-269.
  4. E. Reusens, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, B. Latré, I. Moerman, B. Braem, C. Blondia, “Path loss models for wireless communication channel along arm and torso: measurements and simulations”, 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 1-4244-0878-4, 10-15 June 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 345-348.
  5. D. Plets, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Analysis of propagation of actual DVB-H signal in a suburban environment”, 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 1-4244-0878-4, 10-15 June 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 1997-2000.
  6. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, H. Capoen, K. Van Herwegen, W. Vantomme, “Large-scale fading in industrial environments at wireless communication frequencies”, 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 1-4244-0878-4, 10-15 June 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 3001-3004.
  7. W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, D. Pareit, L. Martens, “Building penetration measurements for indoor coverage prediction of DVB-H systems”, 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 1-4244-0878-4, 10-15 June 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 3005-3008.
  8. B. Latré, B. Braem, I. Moerman, C. Blondia, E. Reusens, W. Joseph and P. Demeester, A Low-delay Protocol for Multihop Wireless Body Area Networks, Fourth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking & Services 2007, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2007, pp. 479-486.
  9. J. De Bruyne, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Evaluation of link performance of an indoor 802.11g network”, Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2008), ISBN 1-4244-1457-1, 10-12 January 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 425-429.
  10. J. De Bruyne, W. Joseph, L. Martens, C. Olivier, K. Haelvoet, “Cost-efficient node splitting of hybrid fiber/coax networks using two heuristic techniques”, Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2008), ISBN 1-4244-1457-1, 10-12 January 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 839-840.
  11. E. Reusens, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, D. Kurup, L. Martens, “Real human body measurements, model, and simulations of a 2.45 GHz wireless body area network communication channel”, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2008) in conjunction with the 5th International Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and Biosensors (ISSS-MDBS 2008), ISBN 978-1-4244-2253-1, 1-3 June 2008, Hong Kong, China, pp. 149-152.
  12. T. Deryckere, W. Joseph, L. Martens, L. De Marez, K. De Moor, K. Berte, “A software tool to relate technical performance to user experience in a mobile context”, 3rd IEEE Workshop on Advanced Experimental Activities on Wireless Networks and Systems (EXPONWIRELESS 2008), in conjunction with the 9th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM 2008) - (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), ISBN 978-1-4244-2100-8, 23-26 June 2008, Newport Beach, California, USA, pp. 673-678.
  13. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, H. Capoen, K. Van Herwegen, T. Buysschaert, “Range of an IEEE 802.11b/g system in industrial environments based on site survey measurements and propagation models”, 2008 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 978-1-4244-2042-1, 5-12 July 2008, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 372-375.
  14. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, H. Capoen, K. Van Herwegen, W. Vantomme, “Characterization of temporal fading for a traffic monitoring system”, 2008 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 978-1-4244-2042-1, 5-12 July 2008, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 484-487.
  15. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, “Influence of building type on penetration loss in UHF band for 100 buildings in Flanders”, 2008 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 978-1-4244-2042-1, 5-12 July 2008, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 464-467.
  16. J. V. Ooteghem, B. Lannoo, K. Casier, S. Verbrugge, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, D. Colle, M. Pickavet, I. Moerman, P. Demeester, “Municipalities as a Driver for Wireless Broadband Access”, Closed-Door Strategic Workshop on Global Information Multimedia Communication Village, MAY 28-30, 2008 Madeira, PORTUGAL Wireless Personal Communications (WPC) Journal (Special Issue on Global Information Multimedia Communications Village GIMCV), vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 391-414, April 2009.
  17. J. De Bruyne, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Measurements and evaluation of the network performance of a fixed WiMAX system in a suburban environment”, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2008), ISBN 978-1-4244-2489-4, 21-24 October 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 98-102.
  18. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, “Influence of modulation scheme on the range for good reception in DVB-H networks”, Proceedings of the 1st European Wireless Technology Conference (EuWIT 2008), ISBN 978-2-87487-008-8, 27-31 October 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 57-60.
  19. D. Plets, L. Verloock, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Influence of DVB-H network deployment on total RF exposure”, Proceedings of the 20th International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, ISBN 978-3-9523286-6-8, 12-16 January 2009, Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 329-332.
  20. L. Martens, D. Plets, L. Verloock, W. Joseph, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, “Penetration loss measurements and models for a DVB-H SFN (Invited)”, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2009), ISBN 978-3-8007-3152-7, 23-27 March 2009, Berlin, Germany, pp. 3596-3600, (invited).
  21. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, J. De Bruyne, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Statistical modelling of power delay profiles and small-scale fading in industrial environments”, 2009 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), ISBN 978-1-4244-3647-7, 1-5 June 2009, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
  22. D. Plets, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, “Evaluation of temporal fading characteristics of a DVB-H signal for different reception categories”, 2009 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), ISBN 978-1-4244-3647-7, 1-5 June 2009, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
  23. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “Simulation of the path loss between insulated dipoles embedded in homogeneous human muscle tissue”, 2009 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), ISBN 978-1-4244-3647-7, 1-5 June 2009, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
  24. D. Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, S. Bouckaert, I. Moerman, P. Demeester, “Validation of path loss by heuristic prediction tool with path loss and RSSI measurements”, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC/USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, ISBN 978-1-4244-4968-2, 11-17 July 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  25. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, M. Scarpello, D. Vande Ginste, H. Rogier, “Simulation of path loss between biocompatible antennas embedded in homogeneous human tissues and comparison of their specific absorption rate”, 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC/USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, ISBN 978-1-4244-4968-2, 11-17 July 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

C1 - Conference Proceedings

  1. W. Joseph and L. Martens, "Calibration of field probes and study of the disturbance on the evaluation of electromagnetic fields", Proceedings of the 9th URSI Forum 2001, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, pp. 48, Dec 2001.
  2. W. Joseph and L. Martens, "Calibration of and disturbance by electromagnetic field probes", 2nd FTW PHD Symposium, Interactive Poster Session, Paper 40 (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), Ghent, Belgium, Dec. 2001 (2 pagina’s).
  3. C. Olivier, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Preliminary electromagnetic measurements of the exposure around a UMTS base station,” in 5th International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association, Helsinki, Finland, 2001, pp. 120–121.
  4. L. Martens, C. Olivier, and, W. Joseph, “First experiences with electromagnetic measurements around UMTS base stations,” in COST281 Management Committee Meeting and COST281/EBEA Forum in Rome (Workshop Emerging Technologies), Rome, Italy, May 2002 (4 pagina’s).
  5. W. Joseph and L. Martens, “The Influence of the Measurement Probe on the Evaluation of Electromagnetic Exposure around a Base Station,” 24th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Quebec, pp. 150 – 152, June 2002.
  6. W. Joseph and, L. Martens" A New Antenna Calibration Method and a Selection of a Measurement Probe with Minimal Disturbance and Sufficient Sensitivity for Electromagnetic Exposure Measurements around Wireless Base Stations", the 27th triennial General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Maastricht, Aug. 2002, paper 1565 (4 pagina’s).
  7. W. Joseph and L. Martens, “Comparison of compliance boundaries for occupational exposure of a base station antenna using electromagnetic field and SAR assessment,” 25th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Wailea Maui, pp. 69 – 70, June 2003.
  8. W. Joseph and L. Martens, “Evaluation of electromagnetic fields and SAR for occupational exposure of base station antennas,” in International NIR workshop & Symposium, Seville, Spain, May 2004, session 4 (2 pagina’s).
  9. W. Joseph and L. Martens, “Determination of the correction factor for occupational exposure compliance evaluation using different homogeneous phantoms,” in 26th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Washington, D.C., June 2004, pp. 92–95.
  10. W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Assessment of safety distances of GSM base station antennas operating at 900 and 1800 MHz for occupational exposure”, Bioelectromagnetics 2005: A joint meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association, 19-24 June 2005, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 118-121.
  11. W. Joseph, L. Martens, “General correction factor to be applied to the SAR for occupational electromagnetic exposure in phantom models”, Bioelectromagnetics 2005: A joint meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association, 19-24 June 2005, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 358-360.
  12. W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Determination of a complex incident field based on electromagnetic measurements”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 0-7803-8883-6 (ISBN CD-ROM: 0-7803-8884-4), Vol. 3A, 3-8 July 2005, Washington DC, USA, pp. 424-427.
  13. W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Performance evaluation of broadband fixed wireless system based on IEEE 802.16”, Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2006), ISBN 1-4244-0270-0, Vol. 2, 3-6 April 2006, Las Vegas, NV, USA, pp. 978-983.
  14. W. Joseph, C. Olivier, L. Martens, “Spectrum analyzer settings for evaluation of exposure due to wimax signals”, 28th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2006), 11-15 June 2006, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 23-26.
  15. W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Disturbance of electromagnetic field of base station by probes above ground plane”, 28th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2006), 11-15 June 2006, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 234-237.
  16. L. Roelens, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Comparison of path loss near homogeneous medium, layered medium and anatomically correct human model”, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 1-4244-0123-2, Vol. 1, 9-14 July 2006, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, pp. 672-675.
  17. W. Joseph, L. Roelens, L. Martens, “Path loss model for wireless applications at 3500 MHz”, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, ISBN 1-4244-0123-2, Vol. 5, 9-14 July 2006, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, pp. 4751-4754.
  18. G. Neubauer, S. Cecil, P. Preiner, N. Mitrevski, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, S. Kuehn, N. Kuster, “The relation between SAR and the electromagnetic field distribution for heterogeneous exposure conditions”, Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2006) - (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), ISBN 92-9092-937-5, 6-10 November 2006, Nice, France.
  19. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Characterizing the industrial wireless channel at practical frequencies”, Seventh FirW PhD Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, Interactive Poster Session, Paper 90, 29 November 2006, Gent, Belgium.
  20. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Martens, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, “Evaluation and validation of the performance of a DVB-H network”, 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), 28-29 March 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  21. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Assessment of ELF electromagnetic exposure of the general public due to distribution substations”, 29th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2007), 10-15 June 2007, Kanazawa, Japan, pp. 36-38 (presentation award).
  22. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, C. Olivier, L. Martens, “Statistical multipath exposure of a human in a realistic electromagnetic environment”, 29th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2007), 10-15 June 2007, Kanazawa, Japan, pp. 249-252.
  23. G. Vermeeren, C. Olivier, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Statistical model of the electromagnetic fields in a realistic environment”, 29th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2007), 10-15 June 2007, Kanazawa, Japan, pp. 288-290.
  24. G. Neubauer, P. Preiner, S. Cecil, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, S. Kuhn, N. Kuster, “Averaging methods for reliable measurements”, 29th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2007), 10-15 June 2007, Kanazawa, Japan, pp. 333-334.
  25. B. Braem, B. Latré, I. Moerman, C. Blondia, E. Reusens, W. Joseph, L. Martens, P. Demeester, “The need for cooperation and relaying in short-range high path loss sensor networks”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM 2007), ISBN 0-7695-2988-7, 14-20 October 2007, Valencia, Spain, pp. 566-571.
  26. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Martens, H. Gauderis, E. Deventer, “Evaluation of performance characteristics of a DVB-H network for different reception conditions”, 57th Annual IEEE Broadcast Symposium (Presentation available on CD-ROM), Vol., Nr., 31 October - 2 November 2007, Washington, DC, USA. Winner of very prestigious IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Symposium BTS Matti Suikula Award 2007.
  27. W. Joseph, D. Plets, L. Martens, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, K. Van Bruwaene, “DVB-H broadcast network design for indoor reception of DVB-H in Flanders”, 57th Annual IEEE Broadcast Symposium (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), 31 October - 2 November 2007, Washington, DC, USA.
  28. B. Lannoo, S. Verbrugge, J. Van Ooteghem, J. De Bruyne, W. Joseph, D. Colle, M. Pickavet, L. Martens, P. Demeester, “Economic feasibility study of a mobile WiMAX rollout in Belgium: sensitivity analysis and real options thinking”, Broadband Europe 2007 (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), ISBN 978-1-4244-1942-5, 3-6 December 2007, Antwerp, Belgium.
  29. J. De Bruyne, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Extensions of the capacity of broadband access networks”, 8th FirW PhD Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, Interactive Poster Session, Paper 101, 5 December 2007, Gent, Belgium.
  30. K. Berte, K. De Moor, L. De Marez, W. Joseph, T. Deryckere, L. Martens, “User-driven innovations? Reassessing the value of bottom-up approaches within an interdisciplinary mobile media context”, Proceedings of the European Communications Policy Research Conference (EuroCPR 2008) - Innovations in Communications: The Role of Users, Industry, and Policy (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), ISBN 978-87-90288-38-9, 31 March - 1 April 2008, Seville, Spain.
  31. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, “Evaluation of building penetration loss for 100 buildings in Belgium”, Proceedings of the 2008 NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference, ISBN 978-0-89324-394-4, 11-17 April 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 446-450.
  32. K. De Moor, L. De Marez, T. Deryckere, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Bringing troubled water: Quality of experience in a mobile media context (Invited)”, TERENA Networking Conference 2008 (TNC 2008) - Online publication, 19-22 May 2008, Bruges, Belgium.
  33. W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, M. Heredia, L. Martens, “Personal RF electromagnetic field exposure and relation with actual absorption for general public”, 30th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2008), 9-12 June 2008, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 165-168.
  34. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Electromagnetic ELF exposure of general public due to 150-36/11 kV substations”, 30th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2008), 9-12 June 2008, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 244-246.
  35. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Whole-body SAR in spheroidal adult and child phantoms in a realistic exposure environment”, 30th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2008), 9-12 June 2008, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 279-281.
  36. K. Van Bruwaene, P. Veevaete, O. Braet, E. Deventer, W. Joseph, L. De Marez, L. Martens, P. Ballon, “Determining the viability of a mobile TV ecosystem with the Monte Carlo method”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Telecommunications & Multimedia (TEMU 2008) - (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), 16-18 July 2008, Crete, Greece.
  37. T. Deryckere, W. Joseph, L. Martens, L. De Marez, K. De Moor, “Development of a software tool for correlating user experience to network QoS in a mobile network”, Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2008 - 6th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavorial Research, ISBN 978-90-74821-81-0, 26-29 August 2008, Maastricht, The Netherlands, pp. 277-278.
  38. B. Lannoo, J. De Bruyne, J. Van Ooteghem, W. Joseph, D. Colle, L. Martens, M. Pickavet, P. Demeester, “Comparison of a mobile WiMAX rollout at 700 MHz and 2500 MHz”, 47th FITCE Congress: The Forum for European ICT Professionals, 21-24 September 2008, London, United Kingdom, pp. 191-196.
  39. D. Plets, L. Verloock, W. Joseph, L. Martens, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, “New method to determine the SFN gain of a DVB-H network with multiple transmitters”, 58th Annual Broadcast Symposium (Proceedings available on CD-ROM), 15-17 October 2008, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
  40. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, J. De Bruyne, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “The industrial indoor channel: statistical analysis of the power delay profile”, 15th Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux (SCVT 2008) - Proceedings available on USB stick), 13 November 2008, Antwerp, Belgium.
  41. D. Plets, L. Verloock, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, “Optimal selection of DVB-H system settings for indoor reception”, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, ISBN 978-1-4244-2591-4, 13-15 May 2009, Bilbao, Spain, Paper mm09-33.
  42. D. Plets, L. Verloock, W. Joseph, L. Martens, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, “Weighing the benefits and drawbacks of an SFN by comparing gain and interference caused by SFN operation”, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, ISBN 978-1-4244-2591-4, 13-15 May 2009, Bilbao, Spain, Paper mm09-34.
  43. G. Vermeeren, M.-C. Gosselin, S. Kühn, W. Joseph, L. Martens, N. Kuster, “Influence of a reflective environment on the absorption of a human male exposed to representative base station antennas from 300 MHz to 5 GHz”, Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association (BioEM 2009), 14-19 June 2009, Davos, Switzerland, Paper P-31.
  44. W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “Calculation of whole-body SAR from exposimeter measurements for different phantoms”, Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association (BioEM 2009), 14-19 June 2009, Davos, Switzerland, Paper P-45.
  45. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Measurements of temporal RF exposure of the general public”, Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association (BioEM 2009), 14-19 June 2009, Davos, Switzerland, Paper P-65.
  46. M.-C. Gosselin, V. Kellerman, G. Vermeeren, S. Benkler, S. Kühn, A. Hadjem, A. Gati, W. Joseph, M.-F. Wong, J. Wiart, F. Meyer, L. Martens, N. Kuster, “Hybrid SAR analysis of various human models in front of base station antennas in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 5000 MHz”, Joint Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association (BioEM 2009), 14-19 June 2009, Davos, Switzerland, Paper 1-2. (presentation award)
  47. B. Lannoo, J. De Bruyne, W. Joseph, J. Van Ooteghem, E. Tanghe, D. Colle, L. Martens, M. Pickavet, P. Demeester, “Influence of technical improvements on the business case for a mobile WiMAX network”, Fourth International Conference on Access Networks (ACCESSNETS 2009), 1-3 November 2009, Hong Kong, China.
  48. I. Ketyko, K. De Moor, W. Joseph, L. Martens, L. De Marez, “Performing QoE-measurements in an actual 3G network”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, 24-26 March 2010, Shanghai, China.
  49. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, “Evaluation of indoor penetration loss and floor loss for a DVB-H signal at 514 MHz”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, 24-26 March 2010, Shanghai, China.
  50. M. Deruyck, W. Vereecken, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, M. Pickavet, L. Martens, P. Demeester, “Power consumption in wireless access networks (Invited)”, Proceedings of the 16th European Wireless Conference (EW 2010), 12-15 April 2010, Lucca, Italy, pp. 924-931.
  51. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, M. Lienard, A. Nasr, P. Stefanut, L. Martens, P. Degauque, “Statistics of multipath component clustering in an office environment”, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2010), 12-16 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
  52. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “In body path loss model for homogeneous human muscle, brain, fat and skin tissues”, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2010), 12-16 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
  53. D. Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, “Development of an accurate tool for path loss and coverage prediction in indoor environments”, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2010), 12-16 April 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
  54. M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, D. Pareit, L. Martens, I. Moerman, “Performance analysis of WiMAX for mobile applications”, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC 2010), 18-21 April 2010, Sydney, Australia.
  55. D. Pareit, V. Petrov, B. Lannoo, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, I. Moerman, P. Demeester, L. Martens, “A throughput analysis at the MAC layer of mobile WiMAX”, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC 2010), 18-21 April 2010, Sydney, Australia.
  56. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, F. Goeminne, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “Assessment of mobile WiMAX exposure in an urban environment”, EMF Bordeaux Event/COST BM0704-URSI K Conference on Research Strategies related to RF Emerging Technologies, 25-29 May 2010, Bordeaux, France.
  57. L. Verstrepen, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, J. Van Ooteghem, B. Lannoo, M. Pickavet, L. Martens, P. Demeester, “Making a well-founded choice of the wireless technology for train-to-wayside data services”, 9th Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE 2010), 7-9 June 2010, Ghent, Belgium.
  58. M. Deruyck, W. Vereecken, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, M. Pickavet, L. Martens, P. Demeester, “Comparison of power consumption of mobile WiMAX, HSPA and LTE access networks”, 9th Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE 2010), 7-9 June 2010, Ghent, Belgium.
  59. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, G. Vermeeren, L Martens, “General public exposure due to electromagnetic fields of new wireless technologies in different environments”, 32nd Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2010), 13-18 June 2010, Seoul, Korea.
  60. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Influence of the body on exposimeter reading”, 32nd Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2010), 13-18 June 2010, Seoul, Korea.
  61. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, G. Vermeeren, L Martens, “Accurate assessment of WLAN exposure in a wireless sensor testbed”, 32nd Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS 2010), 13-18 June 2010, Seoul, Korea.
  62. D. Geerts, K. De Moor, I. Ketyko, A. Jacobs, J. Van den Bergh, W. Joseph, L. Martens, L. De Marez, “Linking an integrated framework with appropriate methods for measuring QoE”, Second International IEEE Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience, 21-23 June 2010, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 158-163.
  63. M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, W. Vereecken, M. Pickavet, B. Dhoedt, L. Martens, “Towards a deployment tool for wireless access networks with minimal power consumption (Invited)”, 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2010): International Workshop on Green Wireless (W-GREEN), 26-29 September 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 294-299. invited
  64. A. J. Verdejo, K. De Moor, I. Ketykó, K. T. Nielsen, J. Vanattenhoven, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, L. Martens, L. De Marez, ”QoE estimation of a location based mobile game”, IFIP / IEEE Wireless Days 2010 Conference, 20-22 October, 2010, Venice, Italy.
  65. I. Ketyko, K. De Moor, T. De Pessemier, A.J. Verdejo, K. Vanhecke, W. Joseph, L. Martens, L. De Marez, “QoE measurement of mobile YouTube video streaming”, ACM Multimedia 2010 Workshop – Mobile Video Delivery (MoViD), 25-29 October 2010, Firenze, Italy.
  66. M. Deruyck, W. Joseph, L. Martens, Characterization of Green Wireless Access Networks, FirW PhD symposium 2010, Gent, Belgium, December 1, 2010.
  67. W. Joseph, P. Frei, M. Roösli, G. Thuróczy, P. Gajsek, T. Trcek, J. Bolte, G. Vermeeren, E. Mohler, J. Péter, Viktoria Finta, L. Martens, “Personal radio frequency exposure comparison among five countries in urban areas”, 10th International Conference of the European Bioelectromagnetic Association (EBEA 2011), 21-24 February 2011, Rome, Italy, accepted.
  68. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, F. Goeminne, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “General public exposure to LTE in an urban environment”, 10th International Conference of the European Bioelectromagnetic Association (EBEA 2011), 21-24 February 2011, Rome, Italy, accepted.
  69. D Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, and Luc Martens, “Automatic network optimization and dynamic network management using a propagation prediction tool in a living lab setting”, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2010, 11-15 April 2011, Rome, accepted.
  70. D. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, P. Stefanut, W. Joseph, M. Lienard, P. Degauque and L. Martens, “Accuracy of Specular Path Estimates with ESPRIT and RiMAX in the Presence of Measurement-based Diffuse Multipath Components”, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2010, 11-15 April 2011, Rome, accepted.
  71. F. Heereman, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, D Plets, and Luc Martens, “prediction of range, power consumption and throughput for IEEE 802.11n in conference rooms”, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2010, 11-15 April 2011, Rome, accepted.
  72. D. Plets, E. Depoorter, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, L. Martens, I. Moerman, “Development of a Dynamic Symbiotic Network Planner and Application to a Living Lab Testbed”, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 3-8, 2011, Pokane, Washington, USA, accepted.
  73. A. Bamba, W. Joseph, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, J. B. Andersen, J. Ø. Nielsen “Assessment of reverberation time by two measurement systems for room electromagnetics analysis”, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 3-8, 2011, Pokane, Washington, USA, accepted.
  74. F. Heereman, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, Luc Martens, Ingrid Moerman, “Development of Path Loss Model for 802.11n in Large Conference Rooms ”, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 3-8, 2011, Pokane, Washington, USA, accepted.
  75. M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph and L. Martens, “Modelling the energy efficiency of microcell base stations”, First International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies ENERGY 2011, May 22-27, 2011, Venice, Italy, accepted.
  76. W. Joseph, Bart Braem, Elisabeth Reusens, Benoit Latré, Luc Martens, Chris Blondia, and Ingrid Moerman, “Design of Energy Efficient Topologies for Wireless On-Body Channel”, 17th European Wireless Conference, Vienna, Austria, Italy, pp. 82-88, April 27 to April 29, 2011, invited.
  77. D. Plets, W. Joseph, P. Angueira, J. A. Arenas, L. Verloock, Luc Martens, “SFN Gain in Broadcast Networks”, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, 8-10 June 2011, Nuremberg, Germany, accepted.
  78. T. De Pessemier, K. De Moor, A. Juan, W. Joseph, L. De Marez, L. Martens, “Quantifying QoE of Mobile Video Consumption in a Real-Life Setting Drawing on Objective and Subjective Parameters”, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting, 8-10 June 2011, Nuremberg, Germany, accepted.
  79. K. De Moor, J. Vanattenhoven, K. Naessens, K. T. Nielsen, A. J. Verdejo, A. Jacobs, D. Geerts, L. De Marez, W. Joseph, L. Martens, Grasping users’ Quality of Experience of a location-based mobile MMORPG played in a city context: a multi-method approach, Proceedings of the International Association for Media and Communication Research conference IAMCR 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-17 July, 2011, accepted
  80. L. Martens, D. Kurup, W. Joseph and G. Vermeeren, “In-body Path Loss Model for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Human Tissues”, 2011 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, August 13-20, 2011.No. 2403, invited.
  81. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Relating Mobile Phone Traffic Data to Base Station Exposure ”, 33th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from June 12 to June 17, 2011, accepted.
  82. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, Günter Vermeeren, Francis Goeminne, L. Martens, “Assessment of Field Exposure by Electronic Article Surveillance Systems”, 33th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from June 12 to June 17, 2011, accepted.
  83. A. Bamba, J. B. Andersen, W. Joseph, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, J.r Ø. Nielsen, and L. Martens, “Experimental specific energy absorption rate assessment from absorption cross section measurement for far-field exposure at 2-3 GHz”, 33th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from June 12 to June 17, 2011, accepted.
  84. A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Organ specific averaged SAR in a realistic environment at 950 MHz”, 33th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from June 12 to June 17, 2011, accepted.
  85. G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Measurement of the duty cycle of WLAN in different environments”, 33th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from June 12 to June 17, 2011, accepted.
  86. G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Statistical multi-path exposure tool for realistic human body models”, 33th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from June 12 to June 17, 2011, accepted.
  87. G. Vermeeren, I. Markakis, W. Joseph, T. Samaras, and L. Martens, “Measurement of the time-evolution of the exposure to electromagnetic fields by exposimeters”, 33th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from June 12 to June 17, 2011, accepted.
  88. N. Kuster, S. Kuhn, G. F. Pedersen, T. Samaras, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, J. B. Andersen, “Exposure from WiFi: Levels of Exposure, Challenges in Exposure Assessment and Compliance Testing”, 33th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada from June 12 to June 17, 2011, accepted. Invited.
  89. T. De Pessemier, K. De Moor, A. J. Verdejo, D. Van Deursen, W. Joseph, L. De Marez and L. Martens, “Exploring the acceptability of the audiovisual quality for a mobile video session based on objectively measured parameters”, Third International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Mechelen, Belgium, September 7-9, 2011, accepted.
  90. S. De Lausnay, T. Standaert, N. Stevens, W. Joseph, F. Goeminne, L. Verloock, L. Martens“ Zigbee as Means to Reduce the Number of Blind Spot Incidents of a Truck”, 22nd IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications, Toronto, Canada, 11-14 September 2011, accepted.
  91. Willem Vereecken, Ivaylo Haratcherev, Margot Deruyck, Wout Joseph, Mario Pickavet, Luc Martens and Piet Demeester, The Effect of Variable Wake Up Time on the Utilization of Sleep Modes in Femtocell Mobile Access Networks, the 9th International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services WONS2012, January 9-11, 2012, Courmayeur, Italy, accepted.
  92. Aliou Bamba, Wout Joseph, Gunter Vermeeren, Emmeric Tanghe and Luc Martens, “The DMC Contribution in the Human Absorption in an Indoor Environment”, 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, on 26-30 March 2012, accepted.
  93. D. Plets, W. Joseph, E. De Poorter, I. Moerman, and Luc Martens, “Cognitive Symbiotic Network Planning for Energy Consumption Reduction in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, on 26-30 March 2012, accepted.
  94. Emmeric Tanghe, Wout Joseph, Peter Ruckebusch, Luc Martens, and Ingrid Moerman, “Propagation Modelling in a Container Environment”, 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, on 26-30 March 2012, accepted.
  95. F. Heereman, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, D. Plets and L. Martens, "Small-scale Fading and Delay in Conference Room with 802.11 Coverage Problems”, 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, on 26-30 March 2012, accepted.
  96. Arno Thielens, Günter Vermeeren, Divya Kurup, Wout Joseph and Luc Martens, "Compliance Boundaries for LTE Base Station Antennas”, 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, on 26-30 March 2012, accepted.
  97. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, " Antenna Independent Path Loss Model for In-Body Communication in Homogeneous Tissue”, 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, Czech Republic, on 26-30 March 2012, accepted, invited.
  98. M. Deruyck, D. De Vulder, W. Joseph and L. Martens, “Modelling the Power Consumption in Femtocell Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference WCNC2012, Paris, France, April 1-4, 2012, accepted.
  99. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Statistical Modeling of Multipath Clusters in an Office Environment”, European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies 5th Edition (Special edition on wireless and mobile applications) ECUMICT 2012, March 22 - 23 2012, Gent, Belgium, accepted.
  100. Toon De Pessemier, Laurens Van Acker, Emilie Van Dijck, Karin Slegers, Wout Joseph and Luc Martens, a mobile conversation assistant to enhance communications for hearing-impaired children, 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2012), April 18-22, Porto, Portugal, accepted.
  101. D. Plets, W. Joseph, P. Angueira, J. A. Arenas, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Influence of Handover Mechanisms and Transmission Delay Difference on SFN Gain”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2012, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 27 - 29 June 2012, accepted (6 pagina’s).
  102. D. Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, L. Martens, “A Heuristic Tool for Exposure Reduction in Indoor Wireless Networks”, 2012 IEEE international symposium on antennas and propagation & Usnc/Ursi national radio science meeting, Chicago, IL., USA, 2012, accepted.
  103. A. Bamba, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, ”Theory for Exposure Prediction in an Indoor Environment due to UWB Systems”, 2012 IEEE international symposium on antennas and propagation & Usnc/Ursi national radio science meeting, Chicago, IL., USA, 2012, accepted.
  104. W. Joseph, F. Goeminne, G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, L. Martens, “Exposure to Air Traffic Control Systems”, 34th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Brisbane, Australia, Jun 17 - 22, 2012, accepted.
  105. S. Aerts, D. Deschrijver, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, F. Goeminne, L. Martens, and T. Dhaene, “Surrogate modeling of base station exposure”, 34th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Brisbane, Australia, Jun 17 - 22, 2012, accepted.
  106. W. Joseph, L. Verloock, F. Goeminne, G. Vermeeren, and L. Martens, “LTE Exposure assessment and Extrapolation”, 34th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Brisbane, Australia, Jun 17 - 22, 2012, accepted.
  107. A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, D. Kurup, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Organ specific averaged SAR near multiple-frequency base station antennas”, 34th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Brisbane, Australia, Jun 17 - 22, 2012, accepted.
  108. A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Influence of the incident angle of single plane-waves on the organ specific SAR at 950 MHz”, 34th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Brisbane, Australia, Jun 17 - 22, 2012, accepted.
  109. A. Bamba, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, and L. Martens, “Validation of the Experimental Whole-body SAR Assessment Method in a Complex Indoor Environment”, 34th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Brisbane, Australia, Jun 17 - 22, 2012, accepted.
  110. G. Vermeeren, F. Goeminne, W. Joseph, and L. Martens,,”Measurement of the electromagnetic field exposure in indoor environments by spectrum analyzer and exposimeters ”, 34th Ann. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Soc, Brisbane, Australia, Jun 17 - 22, 2012, accepted.
  111. Emmeric Tanghe, Luc Martens, Wout Joseph, Davy P. Gaillot, Martine Liénard, and Pierre Degauque, “Specular Path Estimation Errors with ESPRIT, SAGE, and RiMAX in the Presence of Dense Multipath”, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA – IEEE APWC, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-7 2012, accepted.
  112. Milos Rovcanin, Eli De Poorter, Opher Yaron, Ingrid Moerman, David Plets, Wout Joseph, Luc Martens, “Evaluation of cognitive decision making methods in the context of symbiotic networking,” International conference on computer communication networks ICCCN 2012, Munich, Germany, July 30 - August 2, 2012, accepted.
  113. D. Plets, W. Joseph, E. De Poorter, L. Martens, I. Moerman, “Demo: Physical-layer-based Power Consumption Reduction in WSNs”, European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks EWSN2013, Ghent, Belgium, February 13-15, 2013, accepted.
  114. S. Aerts, D. Plets, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, and . Martens, “Path loss model in train car for various wireless communication frequencies”, 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2013) in Gothenburg (Göteborg), Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, accepted.
  115. E. Tanghe, P. Van Torre, G. Vermeeren, S. Agneessens, W. Joseph, H. Rogier and L. Martens, “Propagation Aspects of a Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Link”, 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2013) in Gothenburg (Göteborg), Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, accepted.
  116. F. Heereman, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, A. Bamba, L. Verloock and L. Martens, ” Performance loss due to multipath propagation for IEEE 802.11 systems”, 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2013) in Gothenburg (Göteborg), Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, accepted.
  117. D. Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, L. Martens, ” Exposure Minimization Algorithm in Homogeneous Indoor Networks ”, 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2013) in Gothenburg (Göteborg), Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, accepted.
  118. T. De Pessemier, K. De Moor, L. De Marez, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Modeling Subjective Quality Evaluations for Mobile Video Watching in a Living Lab Context”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB 2013, Uxbridge, West London, UK, June 4 – 7, 2013, accepted.
  119. D. Plets, M. Pakparvar, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Influence of Intra-Network Interference on Quality of Service in Wireless LANs” IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB 2013, Uxbridge, West London, UK, June 4 – 7, 2013, accepted.
  120. Morgade J., Angueira P., Arenas J. A., Basterra A. D. Plets, W. Joseph, “A Software Based DVB-T2 Time Frequency Slicing Evaluation Framework”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB 2013, Uxbridge, West London, UK, June 4 – 7, 2013, accepted.
  121. A. Bamba, W. Joseph, . Tanghe, L. Martens, D. Gaillot, M. Lienard, “Determination of a Whole-Body Absorption Cross Section of a Phantom using RiMAX”, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 7-12, 2013, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, accepted.
  122. D. Plets, S. Aerts, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Prediction of Transmitted and Received Power of Cellular Devices in an Indoor Femtocell Environment”, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 7-12, 2013, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, accepted.
  123. W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, P. Van Torre, G. Vermeeren, S. Agneessens, H. Rogier, and L. Martens, “Power Delay Profiles for a Wireless Endoscopy Link”, ICEAA-IEEE APWC-EMS conference Special Session titled: Propagation and Network Planning, Channel Modeling and Human Exposure: Measurements and Modeling for Future Networks, Torino, Italy, September 9-13, 2013, accepted, invited.
  124. S. Aleksic, M. Deruyck, and W. Joseph, “Energy efficiency of optically backhauled LTE: a case study”, ICEAA-IEEE APWC-EMS conference Special Session titled: Propagation and Network Planning, Channel Modeling and Human Exposure: Measurements and Modeling for Future Networks, Torino, Italy, September 9-13, 2013, accepted, invited.
  125. S. Aerts, D. Deschrijver, L. Verloock, W. Joseph, L. Martens, and T. Dhaene, “Sequential RF-EMF exposure modeling and hotspot localization”, BioEM2013 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 10-14, 2013, accepted.
  126. W. Joseph, P. Frei, M. Röösli, G. Vermeeren, J. Bolte, G. Thuróczy, P. Gajšek, T. Trček, E. Mohler, P. Juhász, V. Finta, L. Martens, “Comparison of child and adult Whole-Body SAR due to downlink sources in 5 Countries from Personal Exposure Measurements”, BioEM2013 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 10-14, 2013, accepted.
  127. W. Joseph, D. Pareit, D. Naudts, G. Vermeeren, I. Moerman, and L. Martens, “Duty Cycles of Wireless Applications and Activities for WiFi Exposure Assessment”, BioEM2013 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 10-14, 2013, accepted.
  128. A. Thielens, H. De Clercq, S. Agneessens, J. Lecoutere, L. Verloock, F. Declerq, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, H. Rogier, R. Puers, L. Martens and W. Joseph, “Personal Distributed Exposimeter for Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Assessment”, BioEM2013 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 10-14, 2013, accepted.
  129. G. Vermeeren, F. Goeminne, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Statistical whole-body averaged SAR in indoor microenvironments by cellular communication and indoor signals”, BioEM2013 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 10-14, 2013, accepted.
  130. Margot Deruyck, Wout Joseph, Emmeric Tanghe, Luc Martens, “Taking user capacity demands into account to reduce power consumption in wireless access networks”, GREENETS Joint COST IC1004 Workshop on SON Algorithms for Energy Efficiency, Ilmenau, Germany, May 28, 2013, submitted 2013.
  131. W. Joseph, “New modelling approaches for RF-EMF invited for Plenary Proposal BioEM 2014 New avenues in epidemiological exposure assessment”, BioEM2014 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-13 June 2014, invited.
  132. A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, G. Vermeeren, H. Rogier, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Response of Personal Exposimeters for Exposure Assessment in the GMS900 Downlink Band”, International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment, Porto, Portugal, April 24-26, 2014, accepted for presentation.
  133. Q. Braet, D. Plets, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, ”Real-time Path Loss Modelling for a More Robust Wireless Performance”, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6-11 April, 2014, accepted 2013.
  134. Emmeric Tanghe, Davy P. Gaillot, Martine Lienard, Luc Martens, and W. Joseph, ”Room Electromagnetics in an Industrial Workshop”, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6-11 April, 2014, accepted 2013.
  135. Brecht Hanssens, Mayte Martínez-Inglés, Aliou Bamba, Emmeric Tanghe, Jose-Maria Molina-Garcia-Pardo, Davy P. Gaillot, Martine Liénard, Claude Oestges, Luc Martens, W. Joseph, ”Estimation of Room Electromagnetics Reverberation Time for Ultra-Wideband Indoor Channels”, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6-11 April, 2014, accepted 2013.
  136. Evgenii Vinogradov, W. Joseph, Claude Oestges, ”Modeling and Simulation of Fast Fading Channels in Indoor Peer-to-Peer Scenarios”, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6-11 April, 2014, accepted 2013.
  137. D. Plets W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, L. Martens, ” Downlink Electric-Field and Uplink SAR Prediction Algorithm in Indoor Wireless Network Planner”, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6-11 April, 2014, accepted 2013.
  138. F. Heereman, W. Joseph, L. Martens, ”Analysis of 802.11 OFDM in high multipath environments”, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6-11 April, 2014, accepted 2013.
  139. Aliou Bamba, W. Joseph, Gunter Vermeeren, Emmeric Tanghe, L. Martens, ”Expression dor Human Whole-Body Averaged SAR of Adults For Single Plane Wave Exposure”, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6-11 April, 2014, accepted 2013.
  140. E. Conil, Y Corre, N Varsier, A. Hadjem, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, S. Aerts, D. Plets, Luc Martens, L. M. Correia, J. Wiart,” Exposure index of EU project LEXNET: principles and simulation-based computation”, 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2014), The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6-11 April, 2014, accepted 2013.
  141. N. Liu, D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Hybrid Multi-Objective Network Planning Optimization Algorithm”, European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies 6th Edition (Special edition on wireless and mobile applications) ECUMICT 2014, March 27 - 28 2012, Gent, Belgium, accepted 2014.
  142. M. Pakparvar, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Physical Model for Predicting Throughput of Wireless LANs”, European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies 6th Edition (Special edition on wireless and mobile applications) ECUMICT 2014, March 27 - 28 2012, Gent, Belgium, accepted 2014.
  143. 99. A. Samoudi, K. Van Audenhaege, G. Vermeeren, M. Poole, R. Van Holen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Influence of Collimator Insertion on Eddy Currents for different Resistivities of Tungsten”, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014, SMRT 23rd Annual Meeting, 10-16 May 2014, Milan, Italy, accepted 2014.
  144. T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Large-Scale, User-Centric Evaluation of a Commercial Voice-over-IP Application”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB 2014, Beijing, China, June 25 – 27, 2014, accepted 2014.
  145. D. Plets, M. Pakparvar, K. Vanhecke, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Spectrum-Sensing-Based WiFi Performance Emulator for Experimental Evaluation of Cognitive Solutions”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB 2014, Beijing, China, June 25 – 27, 2014, accepted 2014.
  146. Brecht Hanssens, Emmeric Tanghe, Luc Martens, Claude Oestges, Wout Joseph, “Measurement-based Analysis of Doppler Characteristics for Ultra-Wideband Radio Channels in an Office Environment”, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 6–12, 2014, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, accepted 2014.
  147. Ning Liu, David Plets, Wout Joseph and Luc Martens “An Algorithm for Optimal Network Planning and Frequency Channel Assignment in Indoor WLANs”, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 6–12, 2014, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, accepted 2014.
  148. D. Plets, N. Machtelinckx, K. Vanhecke, J. Van Ooteghem, K. Casier, M. Pickavet, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Calculation Tool for Optimal Placement and Minimal Installation Cost of Indoor Wireless LANs”, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 6–12, 2014, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, accepted 2014.
  149. Aliou Bamba, Wout Joseph, Emmeric Tanghe, Luc Martens, Davy Gaillot, Martine Lienard, Jose-Maria Molina-Garcia-Pardo, Maria-Teresa Martinez-Ingles, “Experimental Investigation of the Characteristics of the Electromagnetic Reverberation in the UWB bands”, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, July 6–12, 2014, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, accepted 2014.
  150. Amine Samoudi, Karen Van Audenhaege, Günter Vermeeren, Michael Poole, Luc Martens, Roel Van Holen, Wout Joseph, “Temporal Analysis of Z-Gradient Coil Eddy Current in Tungsten Collimator with different resistivities for SPEC/MRI”, 3rd Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR, Kos island, Greece, 19th -21st May 2014, accepted 2014.
  151. W. Joseph, Sam Aerts, David Plets, Luc Martens, “New modelling approaches for RF-EMF invited for Plenary Proposal BioEM 2014 New avenues in epidemiological exposure assessment”, BioEM2014 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-13 June 2014, invited.
  152. W. Joseph, Leen Verloock, Francis, Goeminne, Mart Verlaek, Kim Constandt, and Luc Martens, “In-situ RF Exposure in Schools, Houses, and Public Places”, BioEM2014 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-13 June 2014, accepted 2014.
  153. David Plets, W. Joseph, Kris Vanhecke, and Luc Martens, “Exposure Optimization in Indoor Wireless Networks: Application to Heterogeneous WiFi-LTE Case”, BioEM2014 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-13 June 2014, accepted 2014.
  154. Arno Thielens, Peter Vanveerdeghem, Sam Agneessens, Patrick Vantorre, Günter Vermeeren, Hendrik Rogier, Luc Martens, and W. Joseph, “Whole-body Averaged SAR Assessment Using a Personal, Distributed Exposimeter”, BioEM2014 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-13 June 2014, accepted 2014.
  155. Abdelhamid H., Günter Vermeeren, Nadege Varsier, Emmanuelle Coniel, Anis K., Michal M., Christophe Roblin, W. Joseph, Alain Sibille, Luc Martens, and Joe Wiart, “Characterization of far-field and near-field exposure of the population ro RF-EMF in realistic configurations of ICT usages”, BioEM2014 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-13 June 2014, accepted 2014.
  156. Sam Aerts, David Plets, Leen Verloock, Luc Martens, and W. Joseph, “Influence of an Indoor Small Cell on the Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields”, BioEM2014 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-13 June 2014, accepted 2014.
  157. 113. D. P. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, P. Laly, B. Hanssens, M. Liénard, and L. Martens, "Polarization properties of specular and dense multipath components in a large industrial hall", 2014 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China on August 16-23, 2014, Paper No. 1318, 4 pages.
  158. J. Lecoutere, H. De Clercq, A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, H. Rogier, W. Joseph, R. Puers, “Assessing radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure with a wearable network of dosimeters”, 20th Symposium of the International Society on Biotelemetry (ISOB 2014), Kyoto, Japan, accepted 2014.
  159. M. Deruyck, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, and L. Martens, “Designing Green Wireless Access Networks: Optimizing towards Power Consumption versus Exposure of Human Beings”, First International Workshop on Low‐EMF radio‐link technologies and wireless networks management (in conjunction with IEEE ISWCS) The Eleventh International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems ISWCS, Barcelona, Spain, August 26-29, accepted 2014.
  160. D. Plets, W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, G. Vermeeren, S. Aerts, L. Martens, “Whole-body and Localized SAR and Dose Prediction Tool for Indoor Wireless Network Deployments”, First International Workshop on Low‐EMF radio‐link technologies and wireless networks management (in conjunction with IEEE ISWCS) The Eleventh International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems ISWCS, Barcelona, Spain, August 26-29, accepted 2014.
  161. H. Rogier, S. Agneessens, T. Castel, Sam Lemey, F. Declercq, P. Vanveerdeghem, P. Van Torre, L. Vallozzi and W. Joseph, “Novel wearable antenna systems for high datarate mobile communication in healthcare”, 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth), Athens, Greece, pp. 188–191, Nov. 2014, Invited.
  162. M. Pakparvar, K. Chemmangat, D. Deschrijver, M. Mehari, S. Ulaganathan, D. Plets, T. Dhaene, J. Hoebeke, I. Moerman, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Throughput optimization of wireless lans by surrogate model based cognitive decision making”, IEEE WCNC 2015 International workshop on smart spectrum ISWSS (IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference WCNC), New Orleans, USA, 9 march 2015, accepted 2014.
  163. X. Gong, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “An energy-cost-aware scheduling methodology for sustainable manufacturing”, The 22nd CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering) conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) 2015, Sydney, Australia, 07 - 09 April 2015, accepted 2015.
  164. P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, P. Degauque, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, "Flexible real-time MIMO channel sounder for multidimensional polarimetric parameter estimation," in 2015 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), Chiang Mai, TH, pp. 1-3, Dec. 2015.
  165. F. Heereman, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Analysis of 802.11 OFDM in High Multipath Environments”, IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2015, 11–14 May 2015, Glasgow, Scotland, accepted.
  166. Toon De Pessemier, Luc Martens, Wout Joseph, “Dynamic Optimization of the Quality of Experience during Mobile Video Watching”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB 2015, Ghent, Belgium, June 17 – 19, 2015, accepted.
  167. Mostafa Pakparvar, David Plets, Jeroen Hoebeke, Dirk Deschrijver, Michael Mehari, Tom Dhaene, Ingrid Moerman, Luc Martens and Wout Joseph, “A Heuristic Cognitive Decision Engine for Wireless LANs”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB 2015, Ghent, Belgium, June 17 – 19, 2015, accepted.
  168. A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, J. Lecoutere, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, S. Aerts, R. Puers, H. Rogier, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “On-Body Calibration of a Personal Distributed Exposimeter for Wireless Fidelity for Indoor and Outdoor Measurements”, URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference 2015 (AT-RASC 2015), Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, May 18-22, 2015, accepted, invited.
  169. D. Plets, S. Aerts, K. Vanhecke, W. Joseph, Luc Martens, “Comparison of uplink SAR values in train environment for different wireless technologies”, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 19 - 25 July, 2015 accepted.
  170. D. P. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, P. Laly, M. Liénard, L. Martens Mécanismes de dépolarisation des composantes spéculaires multi-trajets et denses en milieu industriel, XIXèmes Journées Nationales Microondes 3-4-5 Juin 2015 – Bordeaux (National French conference), accepted 2015.
  171. A. M. Samoudi, K. Van Audenhaege, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, R. Van Holen, W. Joseph, “Analysis and reduction of eddy currents effects induced by tesseral end zonal gradient coils in different collimators geometries for SPECT/MRI integration”, 4th Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR PSMR2015, 17-21 May 2015. La Biodola, Isola d' Elba, Italy, accepted 2015.
  172. A. M. Samoudi, K. Van Audenhaege, G. Vermeeren, G. Verhoyen, L. Martens, R. Van Holen, W. Joseph, “Compatibility of Metal Additive Manufactured Tungsten Collimator for SPECT/MRI integration”, 4th Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR PSMR2015, 17-21 May 2015. La Biodola, Isola d' Elba, Italy, accepted 2015.
  173. M. Van Den Bossche, L. Verloock, K. Vanhecke, D. P. Gaillot, M. Liénard, T. Demol, A. Ghysels, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “WIreless Safety for Employees (WISE) Software Tool for the Evaluation of Electromagnetic Field Exposure in Industrial Environments”, BioEM2015 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Asilomar Conference Center, California, 14 to 19 June 2015, accepted 2015.
  174. S. Aerts, L. Díez, Y. Corre, L. Rodríguez de Lope, R. Agüero, M. Brau, J. Stéphan, G Vermeeren, L Martens, and W Joseph, “Optimal dosimeter deployment for wideband RF-EMF exposure assessment”, BioEM2015 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Asilomar Conference Center, California, 14 to 19 June 2015, accepted 2015.
  175. S. Aerts, W. Joseph, L. Colussi, J. Kamer, L. Martens, J. Bolte, “Interpolation of Road Measurements in RF-EMF Exposure Assessment”, BioEM2015 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Asilomar Conference Center, California, 14 to 19 June 2015, accepted 2015.
  176. A. Thielens, A. Bamba, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, L. Koné, D. Gaillot, M. Lienard, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “SARwb-meter in Diffuse Fields, Calibrated in a Reverberation Room”, BioEM2015 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Asilomar Conference Center, California, 14 to 19 June 2015, accepted 2015.
  177. G. Vermeeren, P. Singh, S. Aerts, D. Deschrijver, T. Dhaene, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Surrogate-based fast peak mass-averaged SAR assessment”, BioEM2015 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Asilomar Conference Center, California, 14 to 19 June 2015, accepted 2015.
  178. P. Laly, D.P. Gaillot, E. Simon, M. Liénard, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Real-time MIMO channel Sounder based on a highly flexible Software Architecture”, European Conference on Networks and Communications EuCNC’2015, Paris, France, June 29/July 2, 2015, accepted 2015.
  179. L. Díez, L. Rodríguez de Lope, R. Agüero, .Y. Corre, J. Stéphan, M. Brau, S. Aerts, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Optimal dosimeter deployment into a smartcity platform for wideband EMF exposure assessment”, 2015 European Conference on Networks and Communications EUCNC2015, accepted 2015.
  180. S. Cheng, D. P. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, P. Laly, V-C. Tran, M. Lienard, and L. Martens, “Polarimetric Properties and Modeling of The Power Delay Profile in Large Hall Scenarios”, 2015 European Conference on Networks and Communications EUCNC2015, accepted 2015.
  181. J. Trogh, D. Plets, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Improved Tracking by Mitigating the Influence of the Human Body”, 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 6-10 December 2016, San Diego CA, USA, accepted.
  182. E. Tanghe, D. P. Gaillot, E. W. Joseph, M. Lienard, W. De Ketelaere, L. Martens, “Capacity Simulation and Analysis of an IEEE 802.11n System in a Residential House”, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 11-15 April 2016, accepted.
  183. D. Plets, E. Tanghe, A. Paepens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “WiFi Network Planning and Intra-Network Interference Issues in Very Large Industrial Halls”, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 11-15 April 2016, accepted.
  184. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, A. Bamba, L. Kone, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Personal Radio-Frequency Exposimeters in Indoor Diffuse Environments: Measurement and Simulation”, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 11-15 April 2016, accepted.
  185. S. K. Goudos, M. Deruyck , D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “ Optimization of Power Consumption in Wireless Access Networks Using Differential Evolution with Eigenvector Based Crossover Operator”, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 11-15 April 2016, accepted.
  186. E. Vinogradov, W. Joseph, C. Oestges, “MIMO Indoor Propagation: A Geometry-Based Model Including Time-Variant Fading Statistics”, 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (Eucap 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 11-15 April 2016, accepted.
  187. Said Benaissa, David Plets, Emmeric Tanghe, Leen Verloock, Luc Martens, Nobby Stevens, Jeroen Hoebeke, B art Sonck, Frank Tuyttens, Wout Joseph, Characterization of the Off-Body wireless Channel and Network Planning for Dairy Cows in Barns at 2.4 GHz, Conference on Precision Dairy Farming, Leeuwarden, 21-23 June 2016, accepted.
  188. B. Hanssens, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, C. Oestges, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “An Indoor Localization Technique Based on Ultra-Wideband AoA/AoD/ToA Estimation”, IEEE 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation/USNC-URSI National Radio Science meeting, June 26 - July 1 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, Paper no. 1104, accepted 2016.
  189. D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Indoor Exposure Index Simulation of Macrocell versus Femtocell Deployments”, IEEE 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation/USNC-URSI National Radio Science meeting, June 26 - July 1 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, Paper no. 1292, accepted 2016.
  190. Sotirios K. Goudos, Margot Deruyck, David Plets, Luc Martens, Wout Joseph “Application of Opposition-Based Learning Concepts in Reducing the Power Consumption in Wireless Access Networks”, 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2016), Thessaloniki, May 16-18, 2016, accepted.
  191. A. Thielens, W. Joseph, L. Martens, On-body Design of a Multi-band Personal, Distributed Exposimeter, 21st Symposium of the International Society on Biotelemetry (ISOB 2016), Heverlee, Leuven, Belgium, 22-24 May 2016, accepted.
  192. S. Benaissa, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Verloock, L. Martens, N. Stevens, J. Hoebeke, B. Sonck, F.A.M Tuyttens, L. Vandaele, W. Joseph, Off-Body Channel Modelling and Network planning at 2.4 GHz for Dairy Cows on Pastures, 21st Symposium of the International Society on Biotelemetry (ISOB 2016), Heverlee, Leuven, Belgium, 22-24 May 2016, accepted.
  193. D. Gaillot, P. Laly, M. Lienard and P. Degauque, E. Tanghe, and W. Joseph, “Radio Wave Penetration into Buildings – Polarization and Spatial Characteristics of the Rays”, 15th International Conference on Telecommunications and Informatics (TELE-INFO '16) (TELE-INFO16), Ischia, Italy, June 24-26, 2016, accepted.
  194. S. Aerts, M. Van den Bossche, A. Thielens, L. Martens, W Joseph, “Development of a drone-based measurement system for 3D radiofrequency exposure assessment”, BioEM2016 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent Belgium, June 5-10 2016, accepted.
  195. C. Bhatt, A. Thielens, M. Redmayne, M. Abramson, B. Billah, M. Sim, R. Vermeulen, L. Martens, W Joseph, Geza Benke, “Personal exposure from mobile phone base stations in Australia and Belgium”, BioEM2016 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent Belgium, June 5-10 2016, accepted.
  196. A. Pozzolo, A. Thielens, L. Dekoninck, L. Verloock, J. Knockaert, D. Botteldooren, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Co-Exposure to Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields and Sound Pressure in Industrial Environments: Temporal Measurements near Power Transformers”, BioEM2016 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent Belgium, June 5-10 2016, accepted.
  197. D. Plets, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Exposure Due to Phone Calls of Other Users in Train Scenario”, BioEM2016 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent Belgium, June 5-10 2016, accepted.
  198. G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, W Joseph, and L. Martens, “Compliance assessment of baby phones”, BioEM2016 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent Belgium, June 5-10 2016, accepted.
  199. P. Chadwick, G. Neubauer, A. Peyman, W Joseph, “The Occupational EMF Exposure Directive 2013/35/EU; an interactive workshop for discussion of implementation and compliance issues”, BioEM2016 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent Belgium, June 5-10 2016, accepted.
  200. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, H. Li, C. Leduc, M. Zhadobov, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, L. Martens, W Joseph, “Personal Exposimeter for Radio Frequency Exposure Assessment in the 60-GHz Band”, BioEM2016 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent Belgium, June 5-10 2016, accepted.
  201. S. Benaissa, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Verloock, L. Martens, N. Stevens, J. Hoebeke, B. Sonck, F.A.M Tuyttens, L. Vandaele W Joseph, On-Body Path Loss Modelling at 2.4 GHz for Dairy Cows, International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR - AgEng 2016, Aarhus, Denmark 26 - 29 June 2016, accepted.
  202. G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, A. Thielens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, Wout Joseph, “In-to-out body Path Loss for Wireless Radio Frequency Capsule Endoscopy in a Human Body”, Invited Session (Latest advances in radio frequency technology medical communications, imaging, and processing) for the EMBC'16 conference 8th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’16), Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA August 16-20, accepted, invited.
  203. A. M. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, E. Tanghe, J. C. Széles, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, W. Joseph, “Neural Simulation for Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation”, EMBC'16 conference 8th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’16), Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA August 16-20, accepted.
  204. M. Deruyck, S. K. Goudos, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Optimizing Wireless Access Networks towards Power Consumption: Influence of the Optimization Algorithm”, The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016), July 18 – 22, 2016, The University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, accepted.
  205. X. Gong, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “A stochasticity handling heuristic in energy-cost-aware scheduling for sustainable production”, The 23th CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering) conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE), 2016, Berlin, Germany, 22 - 24 May 2016, accepted.
  206. X. Gong, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, L. Martens,” A power data driven energy-cost-aware production scheduling method for sustainable manufacturing at the unit process level”, 21 IEEE Int. Conf. Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (http://www.etfa2016.org/), accepted.
  207. D. Plets, R. Mangelschots, K. Vanhecke, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Mobile Application for Real-Time Testing and Optimization of Path-Loss Models”, 2016 IEEE 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications - (PIMRC): Mobile and Wireless Networks, Valencia, Spain, 4-6 September, 2016, accepted.
  208. M. Deruyck, D. Renga, M. Meo, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Reducing the impact of solar energy shortages on the wireless access network powered by a PV panel system and the power grid”, 2016 IEEE 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications - (PIMRC): Mobile and Wireless Networks, Valencia, Spain, 4-6 September, 2016, accepted.
  209. Trogh, D. Plets, A. Thielens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Comparison of Human Body Compensation Models for RSSI Based Localization and Tracking”, IEEE International Smart Cities Conference ISC2 2016 - special sessions, 12 to 15 September 2016, Trento, Italy, accepted. Invited.
  210. J. Haxhibeqiri, M. Mehari, W. Liu, E. De Poorter, W. Joseph, I. Moerman, J. Hoebeke, “Wireless Handover Performance in Industrial Environments: a Case Study”, 21st IEEE conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Sept. 6-9, 2016, Berlin, Germany, accepted.
  211. M. Deruyck, J. Wyckmans, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Emergency Ad-Hoc Networks by Using Drone Mounted Base Stations for a Disaster Scenario”, IEEE WiMob 2016 Workshop Third International Workshop on Emergency Networks for Public Protection and Disaster Relief EN4PPDR'16, New York, USA, October 17-19, 2016, accepted.
  212. X. Gong, M. Van der Wee, T. De Pessemier, S. Verbrugge, D. Colle, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “ Energy- and labor-aware scheduling for sustainable production: A case study on plastic bottle manufacturing through blow molding processes”, The 24th CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering) conference on Life Cycle Engineering (LCE), March 8 −10, 2017, Kamakura, Japan, accepted 2016.
  213. B. Fadi, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, Mustapha Benjillali, A. Tribak, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, “Miniaturized 2.4 GHz Antenna and Path Loss Investigations for Metal Containers Monitoring”, The international conference on wireless networks and mobile communications (WINCOM'16), Fez, Morocco, 26- 29 October, 2016, accepted.
  214. M. Ghandi, Z. Guennoun, M. Benjillali, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, “Path Loss Characterization of Horn-to-Horn and Textile-to-Textile On-Body Channels at 60 GHz”, The international conference on wireless networks and mobile communications (WINCOM'16), Fez, Morocco, 26- 29 October, 2016, accepted.
  215. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, A. K. Fall, H. Li, C. Leduc, M. Zhadobov, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, L. Martens, W. Joseph, ”Design and Calibration of A 60-GHz Personal Exposimeter for Exposure Assessment in Specular and Diffuse Environments”, BODYNETS 2016, Turin, Italy, December 15–16, 2016, accepted.
  216. M. Deruyck, J. Wyckmans, L. Martens, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Spreading the traffic load in emergency ad-hoc networks deployed by drone mounted base stations”, URSI workshop Radio Science for Humanity, Sophia Antipolis, February 1-3, 2017, accepted.
  217. S. Aerts, C. Calderon, B. Valič, M. Maslanyj, D. Addison, T. Mee, C. Goiceanu, L. Verloock, M. Van den Bossche, P. Gajšek, L. Martens, M. Röösli, E. Cardis, W. Joseph, “Exposure to electric and magnetic fields at intermediate frequencies of household appliances”, International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium. March 26-30, 2017. Firenze, Italy, accepted 2016, invited.
  218. B. Hanssens, M-T Martinez-Ingles, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, J-M Molina-Garcia-Pardo, C. Oestges, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Measurement-based Analysis of Reverberation Times At 94 GHz in an Indoor Environment” , 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP 2017, Paris, France, 19-24 March 2017, accepted.
  219. S. Benaissa, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, B. Sonck, F. Tuyttens, L. Vandaele, W. Joseph, “Internet of Animals: On- and Off-body Propagation Analysis for Energy Efficient WBAN Design for Dairy Cows”, 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP 2017, Paris, France, 19-24 March 2017, accepted.
  220. S. R. Kshetri, E. Tanghe, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, L. Martens W. Joseph, “Polarimetric Properties of Indoor MIMO Channels for Different Floor Levels in a Residential House”, 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP 2017, Paris, France, 19-24 March 2017, accepted.
  221. S. K. Goudos, M. Deruyck, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Performance Comparison of 4G and Massive MIMO Network Configurations using Heuristic and Metaheuristic Approaches”, 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP 2017, Paris, France, 19-24 March 2017, accepted.
  222. D. Plets, A. Sels, J. Trogh, K. Vanhecke, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “An Assessment of Different Optimization Strategies for Location Tracking with an Android Application on a Smartphone”, 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP 2017, Paris, France, 19-24 March 2017, accepted.
  223. T. Tarnaud, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Effect of myelin parameters and membrane channel dynamics in the SENN model”, 2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 5 - 8 March 2017, accepted.
  224. X. Gong, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Integrated energy- and labor-aware production scheduling of a blow molding process based on multi-objective optimization”, European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-2017), Barcelona, Spain, accepted 2017.
  225. Reza Aminzadeh, Arno Thielens, Patrick Van Torre, Sam Agneessens, Matthias Van den Bossche, Hendrik Rogier, Luc Martens, Wout Joseph, “Design and Calibration of A Wearable Personal Distributed Exposimeter for LTE 800-2600 MHz Downlink Bands”, 14th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, during May 9-12, 2017, accepted.
  226. R. Martinez Alonso, D. Plets, M. Deruyck, G. G. Nieto, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Coverage Range, Capacity and Energy Efficiency of TVWS Technology”, 12th International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB2017 June 7-9, Cagliari, Italy, accepted.
  227. Toon De Pessemier, Luc Martens, Wout Joseph, “Intuitive human-device interaction for video control and feedback”, 12th International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB2017 June 7-9, Cagliari, Italy, accepted.
  228. D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Simulation of Spatial Variations of RF Exposure Within a Macrocell”, 2017 IEEE APS symposium on antennas and propagation and usnc-ursi radio science meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, July 9–15, 2017, accepted.
  229. B. Minnaert, B. Thoen, D. Plets, W. Joseph, N. Stevens, “Optimal Energy Storage Solution for an Inductively Powered System for Dairy Cows”, IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference WPTC 2017 conference, paper no. 270037, Taipei, Taiwan, May 10-12 2017, accepted.
  230. S. Benaissa, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, J. Trogh, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, A. Van Nuffel, F. André M. Tuyttens, B. Sonck, W. Joseph, “Off-Body Sub-Ghz Wireless Channel Characterization for Dairy Cows in Barns”, ICLTDF 2017: 19th International Conference on Livestock Technology and Dairy Farming, Amsterdam, The Netherlands May 14-15 2017, accepted.
  231. S. Aerts, C. Calderon, B. Valič, M. Van den Bossche, L. Verloock, M. Maslanyj, D. Addison, P. Gajsek, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Typical emissions of electric and magnetic fields at intermediate frequencies by household appliances”, BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5 - 9 2017, accepted.
  232. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, P. Van Torre, S. Agneessens, M. Van Den Bossche, S. Dongus, M. Eeftens, A. Huss, R. Vermeulen, R. De Seze, P. Mazet, E. Cardis, H. Rogier, M. Roosli, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Effect of Human Body Morphology on Measurement Uncertainty of A Multi-Band Body-Worn Distributed-Exposimeter”, BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5 - 9 2017, accepted.
  233. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Human EM-exposure comparison of future wireless technologies: ATTO vs. massive MIMO”, BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5 - 9 2017, accepted.
  234. A. Thielens, S. Declerck, A. Bockstael, S. Aerts, D. Botteldooren, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields emitted by a Mobile Phone in Three Exposure Conditions”, BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5 - 9 2017, accepted.
  235. M. Foerster, A. Thielens, W. Joseph, M. Röösli, “Decreases in adolescents’ figural memory performance associated with individual RF-EMF exposure due to mobile phone use”, BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5 - 9 2017, accepted.
  236. G. Vermeeren, A. Thielens, O. Caytan, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, J. Bauwelinck, H. Rogier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Radiofrequency Exposure induced by an Attocell of an Ultra-High Density Access Network”, BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5 - 9 2017, accepted.
  237. S. Benaissa, D. Plets, T. de Pessemier, J. Trogh,  E. Tanghe, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, A. Van Nuffel, J. Vangeyte, F. Tuyttens, B. Sonck, W. Joseph, “Behavioural activity recognition using neck-mounted accelerometers in dairy barns”, 8th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (EC-PLF), Nantes, France, 12-14 September, 2017, accepted.
  238. J. Trogh, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Bluetooth Low Energy Based Localization and Tracking for Livestock Monitoring”, 8th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (EC-PLF), Nantes, France, 12-14 September, 2017, accepted.
  239.  S. Benaissa, F. Tuyttens, D. Plets, T. De Pessemier, J. Trogh, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, A. Van Nuffel, W. Joseph, B. Sonck, “Behaviours classification using leg-mounted accelerometers in dairy barns”, 2017 EFITA CONGRESS – Montpellier, France – July 2 – July 6 2017, accepted.
  240. P. Van Torre, S. Agneessens, R. Aminzade, A. Thielens, M. Van den Bossche, W. Joseph, H. Rogier, “Wearable multi-antenna multi-band measurement system for personal radio-frequency exposure assessment”, European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 11-15, 2017, accepted.
  241. A. M. Samoudi*, S. Kampusch, E. Tanghe, J. C. Széles, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, W. Joseph, “Percutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Assessment of Sensitivity of Neural Activation to Electrode Position”, 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’17), Jeju Island, Korea from July 11 to 15, 2017, accepted, invited.
  242. A. Karaagac, J. Haxhibeqiri, M. Ridolfi, W. Joseph, I. Moerman, J. Hoebeke, “Evaluation of Accurate Indoor Localization Systems in Industrial Environments”, 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation - ETFA 2017, September 12-15, 2017, Limassol, Cyprus, accepted.
  243. J. Haxhibeqiri1, A. Karagaac, F. Van Den Abeel, W. Joseph, I. Moerman, J. Hoebeke, “Indoor LoRa Coverage and Performance: an Industrial Environment Case Study”, 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation - ETFA 2017, September 12-15, 2017, Limassol, Cyprus, accepted.
  244. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, P. Van Torre, S. Agneessens, M. Van Den Bossche, S. Dongus, M. Eeftens, A. Huss, R. Vermeulen, R. De Seze, P. Mazet, E. Cardis, H. Rogier, M. Roosli, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Does the Human Body Alter Measurement Uncertainty of A Multi-Band Wearable Distributed Radio Frequency Exposure Meter?”, European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 11-15, 2017, accepted.
  245. R. M. Alonso, D. Plets, M. Deruyck, G. G. Nieto, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Infrastructure Cost, Power Consumption and Radiofrequency Exposure in TVWS: a comparison with LTE networks”, 2017 IEEE Broadcast Symposium, Arlington Virginia, USA, October 10 – 12, 2014, accepted.
  246. D. Plets, A. Eryildirim, S. Bastiaens, N. Stevens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “”A Performance Comparison of Different Cost Functions for RSS-Based Visible Light Positioning Under the Presence of Reflections”, 4th ACM Workshop on Visible Light Communication Systems (VLCS 2017) at 23rd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom2017). October 16th, Snowbird, UT, USA, accepted.
  247. Guy Torfs, Haolin Li, Sam Agneessens, Johan Bauwelinck, Olivier Caytan, Wout Joseph, Hendrik Rogier, Arno Thielens, Dries Vande Ginste, Xin Yin, Piet Demeester,” ATTO: Wireless networking at fiber speed”, ECOC conference 2017, Gothenburg Sweden, 17-21 September, 2017, invited, accepted.
  248. M. Deruyck, A. Marri, S. Mignardi, L. Martens, W. Joseph, R. Verdone, “Performance Evaluation of the Dynamic Trajectory Design for an Unmanned Aerial Base Station in a Single Frequency Network”, 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2017), Montreal, QC, Canada, 08-13 October 2017, accepted.
  249. M. Matalatala, M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Simulations of beamforming performance and energy efficiency for 5G mm-wave massive MIMO networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference IEEE WCNC 2018 conference, Barcelona, Spain, 15-18 April, 2018, accepted.
  250. B. Hanssens, K. Saito, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, C. Oestges, W. Joseph, J-i. Takada, “Modeling the Power Angular Profile of Dense Multipath Components Using Multiple Clusters”, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, UK, April 9-13, 2018, accepted.
  251. B. Hanssens, S. R. Kshetri, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, J. Hoebeke, A. Karaağaç, J. Haxhibeqiri, D. P. Gaillot, M. Liénard, C. Oestges, L. Martens, W. Joseph , “Measurement-based Analysis of Dense Multipath Components in a Large Industrial Warehouse”, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, UK, April 9-13, 2018, accepted.
  252. N. Podevijn, J. Trogh, A. Karaagac, J. Haxhibeqiri, J. Hoebeke, L. Martens, P. Suanet, K. Hendrikse, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “TDoA-based Outdoor Positioning in a Public LoRa Network”, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, UK, April 9-13, 2018, accepted.
  253. E. Tanghe, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, N. Podevijn, S. Denis, N. Bni Lam, B. Bellekens, R. Berkvens, M. Weyn, M. Lienard, L. Martens1, W. Joseph, “Dense Multipath Component Polarization and Wall Attenuation at 1.35 GHz in an Office Environment”, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, UK, April 9-13, 2018, accepted.
  254. S. K. Goudos, M. Deruyck, D. Plets, Luc Martens, W. Joseph, “A Novel Design Approach for NB-IoT Networks Using Hybrid Teaching-Learning Optimization”, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), London, UK, April 9-13, 2018, accepted.
  255. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, S. Agneessens, P. Van Torre, M. Van den Bossche, H. Rogier, M. Röösli, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Dual-BandWearable Exposure Meter for Personal RF Exposure Assessment in Indoor Environments: On-body Calibration in a Reverberation Chamber”, 2nd URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, 28 May – 1 June 2018, accepted.
  256. Y. Miao, E. Tanghe, P. Laly, D. Gaillot, D. Plets, M. Weyn, R. Berkvens, L. Martens, Wout Joseph, “Exploring the Feasibility of Indoor Human Positioning by Using Radio Channel Properties of a Single Link”, 2nd URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, 28 May – 1 June 2018, accepted.
  257. S. Benaissa, F. Tuyttens, D. Plets, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, H. Cattrysse, W. Joseph, B. Sonck, “A comparison between RumiWatch noseband and neck-mounted accelerometer for automated measurement of ingestive-related cow behaviors”, XIX. World Congress of CIGR 2018, April 22-25, 2018, to Antalya, Turkey, accepted.
  258. R. M. Alonso, D. Plets, Y. H. Santana, G. G. Nieto, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “emulation of a dynamic broadcasting network with adaptive radiated power in a real scenario” IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting 2018, Valencia, Spain, June 6-8, 2018, accepted.
  259. T. Tarnaud, E. Tanghe, S. Haesler, C. Mora Lopez, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Investigation of the stimulation capabilities of a high-resolution neurorecording probe for the application of closed-loop deep brain stimulation", 40th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii from July 17-21, 2018, accepted.
  260. W. Joseph, K. Vanhecke, C. Geuzaine, L. Verloock, M. Van Den Bossche, M. Verlaek, M. Goethals, L. Martens, “QGIS Calculation Method for Evaluation of ELF Electromagnetic Field Exposure of General Public due to Overhead Power Lines”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2018, Piran, Portoroz, Slovenia, Jun 25-29, 2018, accepted.
  261. A. Thielens , M. Van den Bossche, C. Brzozek, C. Raj Bhatt, M. J. Abramson, G. Benke, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Microenvironmental personal and head Exposure measurements of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields in Melbourne, Australia”, BioEM2018 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), June 24-29, Portorož, Slovenia, accepted.
  262. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Industrial indoor massive MIMO human EM-exposure evaluation”, BioEM2018 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), June 24-29, Portorož, Slovenia, accepted. A. Huss, S. Dongus, R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, P. Van Torre, R. De Sèze, E. Cardis, M. Eeftens, W. Joseph, R. Vermeulen, M. Röösli, , “Improving the accuracy of personal radiofrequency measurements using a novel body-worn measurement device and comparison with measurements using exposimeters”, BioEM2018 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), June 24-29, Portorož, Slovenia, accepted.
  263. R. Aminzadeh, A. K. Fall, J. Sol, A. Thielens, P. Besnier, M. Zhadobov, N. De Geerter, P. Parappurath Vasudevan, L. Dupré, R. Van Holen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Human Exposure Assessment in Indoor Environments Using A 60 GHz Personal Exposure Meter”, BioEM2018 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), June 24-29, Portorož, Slovenia, accepted
  264. G. Vermeeren, S. Kuehn, B. Debaillie, G. Torfs, N. Kuster, P. Demeester, W. Van Thillo, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Exposure assessment of 60 GHz communication antenna and 79 GHz automotive radar”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2018, Piran, Portoroz, Slovenia, Jun 25-29, 2018, accepted.
  265. S. Aerts, J. Wiart, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Long-term spatio-temporal RF-EMF exposure assessment in sensor network”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2018, Piran, Portoroz, Slovenia, Jun 25-29, 2018, accepted.
  266. S. Aerts, L. Verloock, M. Van Den Bossche, X. Vergara, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Characterization of the exposure due to smart-home devices and other residential RF sources”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2018, Piran, Portoroz, Slovenia, Jun 25-29, 2018, accepted.
  267. D. Plets, N. Stevens, S. Bastiaens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Impact of LED Power Uncertainty on Visible Light Positioning Accuracy”, 11th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing CSNDSP18, 18-20 July 2018, Budapest, Hungary, accepted.
  268. S. Benaissa, F. Tuyttens, D. Plets, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, H. Cattrysse, W. Joseph, B. Sonck, “'Decision-Tree and Support Vector Machine Algorithms for the Automated Measurement of Ingestive-related Cow Behaviors”, EurAgEng 2018 conference, 8 – 12 July 2018, Wageningen, the Netherlands, accepted.
  269. T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, T. Van Renterghem, E. Tanghe, “Intensity Dependent Spiking Modes in an Ultrasonically Stimulated Subthalamic Nucleus Computational Model”, 2018 NYC Neuromodulation Conference; NANS Summer Series, 24-26 August 2018, NY, USA, accepted.
  270. D. Nikolayev, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, T. Tarnaud, C. M. Lopez, M. Welkenhuysen, L. Martens, “Uniform Current Density Electrodes for a High-Density Deep-Brain-Stimulation Lead”, 2018 NYC Neuromodulation Conference; NANS Summer Series, 24-26 August 2018, NY, USA, accepted.
  271. N. Podevijn, D. Plets, J. Trogh, A. Karaagac, J. Haxhibeqiri, J. Hoebeke, L. Martens, P. Suanet, W. Joseph, “Performance Comparison of RSS Algorithms for Indoor Localisation in Large Open Environments”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2018, 24 – 27, September 2018 Nantes, France, accepted.
  272. S. Bastiaens, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Response Adaptive Modelling for RSS-based VLP Tilt and Ageing compensation”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2018, 24 – 27, September 2018 Nantes, France, accepted
  273. D. Plets, N. Podevijn, J. Trogh, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Experimental Performance Evaluation of Outdoor TDoA and RSS Positioning in a Public LoRa Network”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2018, 24 – 27, September 2018 Nantes, France, accepted.
  274. J. Trogh, W. Joseph, L. Martens, D. Plets, “Radio Map Optimization Through Unsupervised Learning for Indoor Localization”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2018, 24 – 27, September 2018 Nantes, France, accepted.
  275. S. Bastiaens, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “RSS-based VLP under influence of LED transmitter non-idealities”, 29th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2018), 9-12 September 2018 – Bologna, Italy, accepted.
  276. S. Castelló-Palacios, C. Garcia-Pardo, N. Cardona, A. Vallés-Lluch, R. Aminzadeh, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, “Elaboration of Simple Gel Phantoms for 5G/mmWave Communications”, 29th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2018) special session W11 WIreless Body COMunications in Medicine (WIBCOMM), 9-12 September 2018 – Bologna, Italy, accepted.
  277. M. Matalatala, M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, S. Goudos, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Joint optimization towards power consumption and electromagnetic exposure for 5G Massive MIMO networks”, PIMRC 2018 Special Session SS3: Electromagnetic Exposure in 5G Networks29th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2018), Bologna, Italy, September 9-12, 2018, accepted.
  278. F. Challita, P. Laly, M. Lienard, D. P. Gaillot, J. M. Molina, W. Joseph, P. Degauque, “MIMO in Tunnel: Impact of Polarization and Array Orientation on the Channel Characteristics”, IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO) international conference, Mauritius, 15-18 October 2018, accepted.
  279. R. Schoeters, T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, R. Raedt, E. Tanghe, “Comparison between direct electrical and optogenetic subthalamic nucleus stimulation”, EMF-MED 2018 1st EMF-Med World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields, Split, 10-13 September 2018, accepted.
  280. P. P. Vasudevan, R. Aminzadeh, B. Descamps, L. Dupre, N. De Geeter, L. Martens, W. Joseph, R. Van Holen, “In Vivo Electrical Conductivity Imaging of Animal Tumor Model at 7T using Electrical Properties Tomography”, EMF-MED 2018 1st EMF-Med World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields, Split, 10-13 September 2018, accepted.
  281. A. M. Samoudi, T. Van de Steene, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Assessment of nerve cathodal block for the percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation”, EMF-MED 2018 1st EMF-Med World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields, Split, 10-13 September 2018, accepted.
  282. D. Nikolayev, M Welkenhuysen, N Gunster, W Joseph, E Tanghe, C M Lopez, L Martens, “Design and Characterization of TiN Electrodes for a Planar High-Resolution DBS Probe”, Cell-NERF symposium on neurotechnologies, Leuven, Belgium, September 30, 2018, accepted.
  283. M. Matalatala, M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, S. Goudos, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “'Multi-cell Massive MIMO Network Optimzation towards Power Consumption in Suburban Scenarios”, Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2018), October 23-25, 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, accepted.
  284. S. Aerts, W. Joseph, L. Martens, J. Wiart, “Use of Artifical intelligence to model exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields based on sensor network measurements”, UMEMA2018 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Modeling for Engineering Applications http://umema2018.fesb.unist.hr/ 10-11 December 2018, Split, Croatia, keynote
  285. T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, T. Van Renterghem, E. Tanghe, “Interaction of electrical and ultrasonic neuromodulation: a computational study”, 3rd International Brain Stimulation Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 24-27 February, 2019, accepted.
  286. B. De Beelde, N. Podevijn, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, "Joint antenna and channel modelling for communication in metallic kitchen environments”, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2019 convened session Assessment and modeling of antennas and radio channels jointly, Krakow, Poland, 31 March-5 April, accepted, invited.
  287. M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, P. Degauque, W. Joseph, "Experimental Investigation of V2I Radio Channel in an Arched Tunnel”, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2019 convened session Assessment and modeling of antennas and radio channels jointly, Krakow, Poland, 31 March-5 April, accepted.
  288. D. Plets, W. Deprez, J. Trogh, L. Martens, W. Joseph, "Joint Received Signal Strength, Angle-of-Arrival, and Time-of-Flight Positioning”, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2019 convened session Assessment and modeling of antennas and radio channels jointly, Krakow, Poland, 31 March-5 April, accepted.
  289. M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, F. Challita, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, R. Berkvens, M. Weyn, B. Lannoo, L. Martens, W. Joseph, "Experimental Characterization of V2I Radio Channel in a Suburban Environment”, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2019 convened session Assessment and modeling of antennas and radio channels jointly, Krakow, Poland, 31 March-5 April, accepted.
  290. R. Aminzadeh, J. Sol, P. Besnier, M. Zhadobov, L. Martens, W. Joseph, " Estimations of Absorption Cross Section of a Skin Phantom In A mm-Wave Reverberation Chamber”, 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2019 convened session Assessment and modeling of antennas and radio channels jointly, Krakow, Poland, 31 March-5 April, accepted.
  291. D. P. Gaillot, P. Laly, S. Cheng, M. Lienard, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Polarimetric Path Loss Models for Indoor Scenarios with Diffuse Components”, 2019 URSI Commission B International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2019), San Diego, CA, USA, from May 27 to 31, 2019, accepted, invited.
  292. F. Challita, P. Laly, M. Lienard, D. P. Gaillot, P. Degauque, W. Joseph, “'Experimental Study of Depolarization and Antenna Correlation in Tunnels in the 1.3 GHz band”, ICT 2019, accepted.
  293. J. Gomez-Tames, E. Rashed, A. Hirata, T. Tarnaud, E. Tanghe, T. Van de Steene, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Setting Reference Levels in the Human Safety Guidelines via Nerve Activation Intercomparison”, 2019 Joint International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Sapporo" (EMC Sapporo & APEMC 2019), Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, June 3 to 7, 2019, acccepted.
  294. T. Van de Steene, E. Tanghe, E. Kanusias, B. Dabiri Razlighi; S. Kampusch, W. Joseph, “Exposure and neuronal excitation by wireless power transfer for auricular vagus nerve stimulator” , 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT 2019), Oslo, Norway, 8th -10th May 2019, accepted, invited.
  295. M. Mohamed, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, M. Cheffena, “Characterization of Off-Body Area Network Channels During Walking” , 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT 2019), Oslo, Norway, 8th -10th May 2019, accepted.
  296. D. Nikolayev, R. Sauleau, W. Joseph, L. Martens, M. Zhadobov, “Ensuring Robust and Tissue-Independent Operation of Implantable, Ingestible, and Injectable Antennas”, 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT 2019), Oslo, Norway, 8th -10th May 2019, accepted, invited.
  297. S. Bastiaens, W. Raes, N. Stevens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Experimental Evaluation of RSS-based VLP accuracy with Photodiode Changeover”, Global LiFi Congress, February 12-13, 2019, Paris, France, accepted 2019.
  298. R. Schoeters, T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, R. Raedt, L. Martens, E. Tanghe, “Channelrhodopsin-2 model with improved computational efficiency”, 28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting. CNS*2019, Barcelona, Spain, July 13 to July 17, 2019, accepted 2019.
  299. T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, T. Van Renterghem, E. Tanghe, “Ultrasonic neuromodulation in multi-compartmental neuron models”, 28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting. CNS*2019, Barcelona, Spain, July 13 to July 17, 2019, accepted 2019.
  300. F. Challita, P. Laly, M. Lienard, D. P. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, “'Impact of Polarization Diversity in Massive MIMO for Industry 4.0”, 28th edition European conference on Networks and Communications EuCNC 2019, Valencia, Spain, June 18-21, accepted 2019.
  301. D. Nikolayev, M. Zhadobov, W. Joseph, L. Martens, R. Sauleau, Radiation Performance of Highly Miniaturized Implantable Devices, 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Paris, France, 29 sept- 4th October 2019, accepted 2019.
  302. Chiaramello E., Plets D., Fiocchi S. , Bonato M., Tognola G., Parazzini M., Le Brusquet L., Martens L., Joseph W., Ravazzani P, “Innovative stochastic modeling of residential exposure due to a WiFi source placed in uncertain position”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2019, Montpellier, France, Jun 23-28, 2019, accepted.
  303. D. Nikolayev, W. Joseph, M. Zhadobov, R. Sauleau, L. Martens, “Exposure Assessment of Body-Implanted Capsules in the 100-MHz–5-GHz Range”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2019, Montpellier, France, Jun 23-28, 2019, accepted.
  304. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Hybrid Ray-Tracing/Finite-Difference Time-Domain method for human EMF-exposure assessment of a massive MIMO technology”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2019, Montpellier, France, Jun 23-28, 2019, accepted.
  305. S. Aerts, Y. Huang, L. Martens, W. Joseph, J. Wiart, “Measurement-based modeling of RF-EMF exposure in urban environments using artificial intelligence techniques”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2019, Montpellier, FRance, Jun 23-28, 2019, accepted.
  306. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A Wearable Multi-Band SARwb-Meter for RF Dosimetry in Indoor Environments”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2019, Montpellier, France, Jun 23-28, 2019, accepted.
  307. A. Huss, S. Dongus, R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, S. Agneessens, P. Van Torre, R. De Sèze, E. Cardis, M. Eeftens, W. Joseph, R. Vermeulen, M. Röösli, “Improving the accuracy of personal radiofrequency measurements using a novel body-worn measurement device and comparison with measurements using exposimeters”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2019, Montpellier, France, Jun 23-28, 2019, accepted.
  308. M. Eeftens, R. Aminzadeh, S. Dongus, A. Huss, R. de Sèze, P. de Llobet, M. Van den Bossche, A. Bürgler, E. Cardis, P. Mazet, A. Thielens, P. Van Torre, S. Agneessens, R. Vermeulen, H. Rogier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, M. Röösli, “A five-country study of microenvironmental electromagnetic fields using two personal exposimeters and a distributed body-worn sensor”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2019, Montpellier, France, Jun 23-28, 2019, accepted.
  309. G. Vermeeren, M. Van Den Bossche, R. Aminzadeh, S. Aerts, P. Leroux, M. De Meyer, J. Bergs, A. Philippron, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields induced by advanced metering infrastructure in an urban environment”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2019, Montpellier, France, Jun 23-28, 2019, accepted.
  310. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Occupational compliance distances for multiband base station antennas”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2019, Montpellier, France, Jun 23-28, 2019, accepted.
  311. Van Renterghem, K. Sun, K. Filipan, K. Vanhecke, T. De Pessemier, B. De Coensel, W. Joseph, D. Botteldooren,”Interactive soundscape augmentation of an urban park in a real and virtual setting”, International Congress on Acoustics 2019, Aachen, September 9-13, 2019, accepted.
  312. Sun, K. Filipan, F. Aletta, T. Van Renterghem, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, D. Botteldooren, Bert De Coensel, “Classifying urban public spaces according to their soundscape”, International Congress on Acoustics 2019 ICA2019, Aachen, September 9-13, 2019, accepted.
  313. Dekoninck, W. Van Hauwermeiren, J. David, K. Filipan, T. De Pessemier, B. De Coensel, W. Joseph, L. Martens, D. Botteldooren,” Opportunistic in-vehicle noise measurements assess road surface quality to improve noise mapping: preliminary results from the MobiSense project”, International Congress on Acoustics 2019 ICA2019, Aachen, September 9-13, 2019, accepted.
  314. Shen, J. David, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “An efficient genetic method for multi-objective continuous production scheduling in Industrial Internet of Things”, 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) EFTA2019, Zaragoza, Spain, September 10th - 13th, 2019, accepted.
  315. C. Li, J. Trogh, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, J. Hoebeke, E. De Poorter, W. Joseph, “CRLB-based Positioning Performance of Indoor Hybrid AoA/RSS/ToF Localization”, International conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2019), Pisa, Italy, accepted2019.
  316. Podevijn, D. Plets, M. Aernouts, R. Berkvens, L. Martens, M. Weyn, W. Joseph, “Experimental TDoA Localisation in Real Public LoRa Networks”, International conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2019), Pisa, Italy, accepted 2019.
  317. Plets, S. Bastiaens, M. Ijaz, Y. Almadani, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Three-dimensional Visible Light Positioning: an Experimental Assessment of the Importance of the LEDs’ Locations”, International conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2019), Pisa, Italy, accepted 2019.
  318. Li, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, P. Suanet, J. Hoebeke, E. De Poorter, W. Joseph, “RePos: Relative Position Estimation of UHF-RFID Tags for Item-level Localization”, 2019 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications IEEE RFID-TA, accepted 2019, invited.
  319. Thielens, R. Aminzadeh, L. Martens, W. Joseph, J. Rabaey, “Channel Gain for a Wrist-to-Arm Scenario in the 55-65 GHz Frequency Band”, BODYNETS 2019 - 14th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks, Florence, Italy, October 2-3 2019, accepted 2019.
  320. Nikolayev, W. Joseph, R. Sauleau, M. Zhadobov,  L. Martens, A. Skrivervik, “Influence of Body-Implanted Capsule Dimensions and Materials on Achievable Radiation Efficiency”, 2019 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) APMC2019, 10 - 13 December 2019, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, accepted 2019.
  321. Castellanos, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Multi-frequency Backhaul analysis for UABS in disaster scenarios”, Sixth International Workshop on ICT Systems for Public Protection and Risk Reduction at WiMob 2019, 21-23 Oct. 2019, Barcelona, Spain, accepted 2019.
  322. Podevijn, J. Trogh, D. Plets, M. Aernouts, N. BniLam, R. Berkvens, L. Martens, M. Weyn, W. Joseph, “Compass Aided TDoA Tracking in LoRaWAN networks”, IEEE/ION PLANS - Position Location and Navigation Symposium 2020, Portland, Oregon, USA. 20-23 april 2020, accepted 2019, invited.
  323. Aernouts, N. BniLam, N. Podevijn, R. Berkvens, W. Joseph, M. Weyn, “Combining TDOA and AOA with a Particle Filter in an Outdoor LoRaWAN network”, IEEE/ION PLANS - Position Location and Navigation Symposium 2020, Portland, Oregon, USA. 20-23 april 2020, accepted 2019, invited.
  324. Almadani, M. Ijaz, S. Bastiaens, S. Rajbhandari, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “'An Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Reflections on VLP Systems in Warehouses”, IEEE British and Irish Conference on Optics and Photonics (2019) BICOP 2019, 11-13 December, 2019, accepted 2019.
  325. Yusuf, B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, Eli De Poorter, L. Martens, W. Joseph “Fall Detection of a Person in a Reverberant Environment Using Bistatic Radar”, URSI Benelux Forum, Brussel, Belgium, December 3 2019. Winner best paper award
  326. De Beelde*, E. Tanghe, M. Yusuf, D. Plets, E. Depoorter, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Sub-GHz Path Loss Modelling at 869 MHz in the Hull of a Ship”, URSI Benelux Forum, Brussel, Belgium, December 3 2019.
  327. M. Samoudi, G. Vermeeren, D. Nikolayev, M. Song, Y.-H. Liu, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “ Multilayer Ultra-Miniature Loop Antenna for Insertable Pill Application”, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, accepted 2019.
  328. D. Nikolayev, Z. Sipus, M. Bosiljevac, W. Joseph, M. Zhadobov, R. Sauleau, L. Martens, A. K. Skrivervik, “Optimal Frequency of Operation and Radiation Efficiency Limitations of Implantable Antennas”, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, accepted 2019.
  329. M. Yusuf, B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, E. De Poorter, L. Martens, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Liénard, W. Joseph”, Estimation of the Number of Persons in a Reverberant Environment using Bistatic Radar”, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, accepted 2019.
  330. C. Li, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, P. Suanet, N. Podevijn, J. Hoekebe, E. De Poorter, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Phase-based Variant Maximum Likelihood Positioning for Passive UHF-RFID Tags”, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, accepted 2019.
  331. P. Laly, D.P. Gaillot, G. Delbarre, M. Van Den Bossche, G. Vermeeren, F. Challita, E. Tanghe, E.P. Simon, W. Joseph, L. Martens, M. Liénard ”, Massive Radio Channel Sounder Architecture for 5G Mobility Scenarios: MaMIMOSA”, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2020 convened session Assessment and modeling of antennas and radio channels jointly, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, accepted, invited.

  332. B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, M. Yusuf, D. Plets, E. De Poorter, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “60 GHz Path Loss Modelling in Ships”, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, accepted 2019.

  333. Benaissa, L. Verloock, D. Nikolayev, M. Deruyck, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, F.A.M. Tuyttens, B. Sonck, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Joint Antenna-Channel Modelling for in-to-out-Body Propagation of Dairy Cows at 868 MHz”, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2020 convened session Assessment and modeling of antennas and radio channels jointly, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, accepted, invited.

  334. J. Goethals, D. Nikolayev, G. Vermeeren, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Sub-GHz body antenna in-to-out hoof communication, “Channel Characterization for Horse Hoof to Base Station Communication”, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-20 March 2020, accepted 2020

  335. De Coensel, K. Filipan, W. Van Hauwermeiren, J. David, L. Dekoninck, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, L. Martens, D. Botteldooren, “Opportunistic sensing for road pavement monitoring”, Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland, accepted 2019.
  336. M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, F. Challita, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, W. Joseph, “Experimental Characterization of Non-Stationary V2I Radio Channel in Tunnels”, VTC2020-Spring 25 – 28 May, Antwerp, Belgium, accepted 2020.
  337. Vallero, M. Deruyck, W. Joseph, M. Meo, Caching at the edge in high energy efficiency wireless access networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2020), Dublin, Ireland, 7-11 June 2020, accepted 2020.
  338. Martinez Alonso, A. Coto Guerra, E. Fontes Pupo, D. Plets, G. Guillén Nieto, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Assessment of White Spaces Quality in Rural Areas: a large-scale spectrum survey”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting IEEE BMSB 2020, June 2-5 2020, Paris, France, accepted 2020.
  339. Martinez Alonso, D. Plets, A. Coto Guerra, Y. H. Santana, E. Fontes Pupo, A. G. Garcia, R. C. Alvarez, , G. Guillén Nieto, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Experimental Assessment of harmful interference among Broadcasting and Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks in real scenarios”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting IEEE BMSB 2020, June 2-5 2020, Paris, France, accepted 2020.
  340. Bastiaens, K. Deprez, L. Martens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Visible Light Positioning with Light Signals of Opportunity”, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting IEEE BMSB 2020, June 2-5 2020, Paris, France, accepted 2020.
  341. S. Aerts, L. Verloock, M. Van den Bossche, D. Colombi, L. Martens, C. Törnevik, W. Joseph, “Design and validation of an in-situ measurement procedure for 5G NR base station RF-EMF exposure”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2020, Oxford, UK, June 21-26, 2020, accepted for BioEM2020 conference collection book.

  342. S. AertsG. VermeerenM. Van Den BosscheR. AminzadehP. LerouxM. De MeyerJ. Bergs, B. Braem, G. Degreef, A. PhilippronL. Martens, J. Wiart, W. Joseph, “One year of measurements in an RF-EMF sensor network in Antwerp, Belgium”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2020, Oxford, UK, June 21-26, 2020, accepted for BioEM2020 conference collection book.

  343. A. Thielens, M. K. Greco, D. Bell, D. B. Mortimore, L. Verloock, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure of Insects”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2020, Oxford, UK, June 21-26, 2020, accepted for BioEM2020 conference collection book.

  344. M. Velghe, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, “RF-EMF Exposure from Hotspots Induced by Maximum Ratio Field Combining in 5th Generation Networks”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2020, Oxford, UK, June 21-26, 2020, accepted for BioEM2020 conference collection book.

  345. G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, M. Verlaek, M. Goethals, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Comparison of calculated, simulated, and measured RF EMF exposure at cellular communication frequencies between 800 MHz and 2600 MHz in the proximity of base station antenna sites”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2020, Oxford, UK, June 21-26, 2020, accepted for BioEM2020 conference collection book.

  346. R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “One year of measurements in an RF-EMF sensor network in Antwerp, Belgium”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2020, Oxford, UK, June 21-26, 2020, accepted for BioEM2020 conference collection book.

  347. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “User and non-user EMF-exposure assessment of massive MIMO in an outdoor urban environment using Ray-Tracing method with stochastic geometry”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2020, Oxford, UK, June 21-26, 2020, accepted for BioEM2020 conference collection book.

  348. P. Necz, R. Aminzadeh, A. Thielens, W. Joseph, M. Roösli, G. Thuroczy, “Personal exposure measurements by a multi-band body-worn distributed (BWDM) exposure meter in Hungary”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2020, Oxford, UK, June 21-26, 2020, accepted for BioEM2020 conference collection book.

  349. Nikolayev, W. Joseph, L. Martens, M. Zhadobov, R. Sauleau, A. K. Skrivervik, “'Application of Fundamental In-Body Radiation Limitations to Practical Design of Antennas for Implantable Bioelectronics”, 2020 IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference IEEE IMBioC 2020, Toulouse, France, December 14-17, 2020, accepted 2020.

  350. Velghe, S. Shikhantsov, L. Martens, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, “Beam width assessment of a Linear Array for MaMIMO applications at 3.5 GHz using measurements and raytracing“, The XXXIII General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI), Rome, Italy, August – September, 2021, accepted 2020.
  351. Aminzadeh, J. Sol, A. Thielens, P. Besnier, M. Zhadobov, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Personal Distributed Exposure Meters for the mm-Wave Band “, The XXXIII General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI), Rome, Italy, August– September, 2021, accepted 2020. invited
  352. A. Eerdekens, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, J. Fontaine, E. De Poorter, W. Joseph, “Resampling and Data Augmentation For Equines' Behaviour Classification Based on Wearable Sensor Accelerometer Data Using a Convolutional Neural Network”, IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent systems COINS 2020, Barcelona, Spain, July 27-29, accepted 2020.
  353. T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, R. Schoeters, L. Martens, T. Van Renterghem, E. Tanghe, “Robustness of ultrasonic modulation of the subthalamic nucleus to GABAergic perturbation”, 29th annual computational neuroscience meeting cns*2020, Melbourne, Australia, July 18-22, 2020, accepted 2020.
  354. R. Schoeters, T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, R. Raed, E. Tanghe, “Computational Modelling of the Locus Coeruleus”, 29th annual computational neuroscience meeting cns*2020, Melbourne, Australia, July 18-22, 2020, accepted 2020.
  355. G. Castellanos, G. Teuta, H. Paz, W. Joseph, “Coexistence for LTE-Advanced and FSS services in the 3.5GHz band in Colombia”, 10th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference (ASMS), September 7 – 10, 2020, Graz, Austria, accepted 2020.
  356. B. De Beelde, David Plets, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “D-band mm-wave channel-antenna modelling for indoor scenarios”, 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2021, Düsseldorf, Germany, 22-26 March 2021, accepted 2020, invited.
  357. J. Goethals, D. Nikolayev, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Design and verification of On-Body Sub-GHz Antenna in the Challenging Environment of a Horse Hoof”, 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2021, Düsseldorf, Germany, 22-26 March 2021, accepted 2020, invited.
  358. K. Shen, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, Y. Miao, “Genetic Algorithm Combined with Ray Tracer for Optimizing Cell-Free mMIMO Topology in a Confined Environment”, 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2021, Düsseldorf, Germany, 22-26 March 2021, accepted 2020.
  359. D. P. Gaillot, P. Laly, N. Dahmouni_, G. Delbarre_ M. Van den Bossche, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, E.P. Simon, W. Joseph, L. Martens, M. Lienard, “Measurement of the V2I Massive Radio Channel with the MaMIMOSA Sounder in a SuburbanEnvironment”, 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2021, Düsseldorf, Germany, 22-26 March 2021, accepted 2020.
  360. C. De Cock, W. Joseph, L. Martens, J. Trogh, D. Plets, “Smartphone-based Floor Number Detection for Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Applications”, 2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Lloret de Mar, Spain, 29 November - 2 December 2021, accepted.
  361. S. Bastiaens, J. Mommerency, K. Deprez, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Received Signal Strength Visible Light Positioning-based Precision Drone Landing System”, 2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Lloret de Mar, Spain, 29 November - 2 December 2021, accepted.
  362. S. Coene, C. De Cock, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Using SAGE on COTS UWB Signals for TOA Estimation and Body Shadowing Effect Quantification”, 2021 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Lloret de Mar, Spain, 29 November - 2 December 2021, accepted.
  363. S. Aerts, K. Deprez, D. Colombi, L. Verloock, M. Van den Bossche, L. Martens, C. Törnevik, W. Joseph, “Assessment of 5G NR base station RF-EMF exposure in commercial network in Switzerland”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  364. S. Aerts, S. Wang, T. Samaras, L. Diez, C. ApostolidisS. IakovidisA. ManassasR. Agüero, J. Wiart, W. Joseph, T. Samaras, “What has been the impact of Covid-19 on the environmental exposure to RF-EMF?”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  365. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, M. Verlaek, M. Goethals, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Calculated, simulated, and measured RF EMF exposure in the proximity of cellular base station antenna sites between 800 MHz and 2600 MHz”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  366. E. De Borre, W. Joseph, R. Aminzadeh, P. Mueller, M. Boone, I. Josipovic, S. H. Zadeh, N. Kuster, S. Kuehn, L. Martens, A. Thielens, “Radio-Frequency Exposure of Yellow Fever Mosquito”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  367. D. Toribio, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, “frequency absorption of western honey bee in the near field ”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  368. G. TognolaB. MasiniM. BonatoE. Chiaramello, S. Aerts, W. Joseph2, J. Wiart,P. Ravazzani, “EXPOAUTO – An international research project on cumulative exposure of people of different ages to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from new technologies in automotive services and connected objects”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  369. M. Velghe, S. Aerts, L. Martens, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, “Protocol for 5G Personal RF-EMF Exposure assessment”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  370. A. Ahmad, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Smart Contact Lenses: Computed WEASAR and Absorbed Power Density in the Human Eye in Response to an Implanted Retinal Stimulator”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  371. K. Deprez, S. Aerts, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Design of a Low-Cost Modular 5G RF-EMF Exposure Sensor,” Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  372. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G.Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Numerical assessment of the spatiotemporal duty cycle of 5G Massive MIMO in anoutdoor urban environment using radio-frequency Ray-Tracing”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  373. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G.Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Collocated and distributed Massive MIMO from the human EMF exposure perspective: a comparative study”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2021, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 26-Oct 1, 2021, accepted.
  374. B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Indoor Radio Channel Modeling at D-Band Frequencies”, 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2022, Madrid, Spain, March 27 – April 1, 2022, accepted, invited.
  375. B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Outdoor Line-of-Sight Path Loss Modeling at 140 GHz”, 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2022, Madrid, Spain, March 27 – April 1, 2022, accepted.
  376. J. Goethals, A.-M. Leys, G. Vermeeren, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Dog IoT: path loss and link budget analysis for a canine wireless body area network”, 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2022, Madrid, Spain, March 27 – April 1, 2022, accepted.
  377. S. Benaissa, D. Nikolayev, G. Vermeeren, F. A.M Tuyttens, B. Sonck, L. Martens, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “A Design Approach for in-Body Antennas for Animal Biotelemetry Applications”, 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2022, Madrid, Spain, March 27 – April 1, 2022, accepted.
  378. S. Benaissa, T. Van De Gucht, L. Vandaele, N. Peiren, M. Thys, F. A.M. Tuyttens, D. Plets, W. Joseph, B. Sonck, ”Real-Time Classification of Cattle Behaviour using Accelerometer Sensors”, European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming 2022, Vienna, Austria, 29th August - 2nd September 2022, accepted 2022.
  379. A. Eerdekens, A. Callaert, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “ Dogs’ Behaviour Classification Based on Wearable Sensor Accelerometer Data”, 5th conference on Cloud and Internet of Things CIoT 2022 Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, accepted 2022.
  380. C. Li, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, P. Suanet, J. Hoebeke, E. De Poorter, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Deep Learning Enables Robust Drone-based UHF-RFID Localization in Warehouses”, 3rd URSI AT-AP-RASC, Gran Canaria, 29 May – 3 June 2022, accepted 2022.
  381. B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, M. Yusuf, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “868 MHz Channel Model for an Industrial Container Terminal”, 3rd URSI AT-AP-RASC, Gran Canaria, 29 May – 3 June 2022, accepted 2022.
  382. B. De Beelde, D. Plets, E. Tanghe, C. Li, W. Joseph, “V-band Rain Attenuation Measurement Setup”, 3rd URSI AT-AP-RASC, Gran Canaria, 29 May – 3 June 2022, accepted 2022.
  383. T. Plovie, R. Schoeters, T. Tarnaud, L. Martens, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, “Influence of input parameters in temporal interference stimulation on single cell neurons”, 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'22), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 11-15 July 2022, accepted 2022.
  384. F. Soyka, T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, E. Tanghe, “The Influence of Membrane Channel Dynamics on Occupational Exposure Limit Values”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  385. T. Tarnaud, F. Soyka, R. Schoeters, T. Plovie, W. Joseph, L. Martens, E. Tanghe, “ EONS: Evaluation of Non-Sinusoidal Magnetic Fields for Electromagnetic Safety to Intermediate Frequencies”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  386. J. Gomez-Tames, T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, A. Hirata, “Evaluation of Cortical Electrostimulation Thresholds in Human for Uniform Magnetic Field Exposure at Intermediate Frequencies”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  387. K. Deprez, L. Verloock, L. Colussi, S. Aerts, M. Van den Bossche, J. Kamer, J. Bolte, L. Martens, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Comparison of assessment methods and setups for in-situ 5G NR base station exposure”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  388. R. Wydaeghe, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, P. Demeester, W. Joseph, “Realistic Human Exposure from a 28 GHz and 3.5 GHz Base Station using a Hybrid Ray-Tracer/FDTD method”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  389. E. De Borre, D. Toribio, P. Müller, W. Joseph, T. Suter, A. Tielens, “The influence of a 1 GHz exposure on pupae development of Aedes aegypti”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  390. D. Toribio, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, D. Plets, A. Thielens, “ Radio-Frequency Absorption of a Western Honey Bee in the Near Field of Antennas”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  391. M. Velghe, S. Bouchelga, X. Cheng, J. Wiart, M. Guxens, E. Cardis, L. Martens, W. Joseph, A. Thielens, “SAR Induced by a Near-Field Radio-Frequency Source in a 6-year Old Boy”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  392. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, P. Demeester, W. Joseph, “User and non-user EMF exposure to the downlink Zero-Forcing transmission of distributed Massive MIMO in an industrial environment”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  393. G. Vermeeren, E. A. M. Vivanco, W.Joseph, L. Martens, “Human exposure to electromagnetic fields from 5G fixed wireless access points at 60 GHz”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  394. S. Aerts, K. Deprez, L. Verloock, R. G Olsen, L. Martens, P. Tran, W. Joseph, “Assessment of RF-EMF exposure near 5G NR small cells”, Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, accepted 2022.
  395. K. Deprez, S. Aerts, L. Verloock, R. Boucquey, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Measurements of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure of smart meters”, ISES 2022 Annual Meeting, September 25-29, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, accepted 2022.
  396. C. Li, S. De Bast, E. Tanghe, S. Pollin, W. Joseph, “Contact-Free Pedestrian Tracking Using Massive MIMO-OFDM Communication System”, European Microwave Week 2022, September 25-30, 2022, Milan, Italy, accepted 2022.
  397. K. Shen, F. Heyse, T. De Pessemier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Energy-efficient Flow-shop Scheduling in the Printing Industry using Memetic Algorithm”, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2022, 6-9 September 2022, Stuttgart, Germany, accepted 2022.
  398. M. Sun, Y. Wang, K. Liu, C. De Cock, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Smartphone-based WiFi FTM Fingerprinting Approach with Map-aided Particle Filter”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2022, 5-8 September, Beijing, China , accepted 2022.
  399. S. Bastiaens, S. Goudos, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Towards Illumination-aware Visible Light Positioning Network Planning”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2022, 5-8 September, Beijing, China , accepted 2022.
  400. C. De Cock, S. Coene, B. Van Herbruggen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “IMU-aided detection and mitigation of Human Body Shadowing for UWB positioning”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2022, 5-8 September, Beijing, China , accepted 2022.
  401. V. P. Rekkas, S. Bastiaens, S. Sotiroudis, D. Plets, W. Joseph, S. K. Goudos, “A Multi-objective Approach to Indoor Wireless Heterogeneous Networks Planning ”, 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference SEEDA-CECNSM 2022, Ioannina, Greece, September 23th-25th, 2022, accepted 2022.
  402. J. Goethals, D. Nikolayev, Vermeeren, W.Joseph, M. Deruyck, “Conformal In-Body Bolus Antenna for Precision Goat Farming”, 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2023, Florence, Italy, March 26 – March 31, 2023, accepted.
  403. E. P. Simon, P. Lally, J. Farah, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, D. P. Gaillot, “Measurement of the V2I Channel in Cell-free Vehicular Networks with the Distributed MaMIMOSA Channel Sounder”, 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2023, Florence, Italy, March 26 – March 31, 2023, accepted.
  404. R. M. Alonso, D. Plets, S. Pollin, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Outlier Detection and Spectrum Feature Extraction Based on Nearest-Neighbors Correlation and Random Forest Algorithm”, IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC (ICC): Cognitive Radio and AI-Enabled Networks, 28 May – 1 June 2023, Rome, Italy, accepted 2023.
  405. J. Goethals, R. J. F. Tenorio, S. Mathijs, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “In-Concrete Integrated Sensing and Communication Antenna Design for Concrete Maturity Monitoring”, 2023 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT2023), 15-17 May, 2023, in Aalborg, accepted 2023.
  406. Shikhantsov, H. Li, S. Aerts, O. Caytan, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Calibrated measurements of the EMF enhancement in the downlink of a 6G distributed antenna array test-bed”, URSI GASS 2023, Sapporo, Japan, 19 - 26 August 2023, accepted 2023.
  407. H. Van Bladel, K. Deprez, B. Stroobandt , S. Goegebeur, S. Aerts, L. VerloockL Martens, W. Joseph, “Design, Calibration and Validation of a Low-Cost Broadband Add-On RF-EMF Exposure Sensor for Legacy and 5G NR Technologies”, 2nd Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2023, Oxford, United Kingdom, 18-23 June 2023, accepted 2023.
  408. K. Deprez, L. Colussi, E. Korkmaz, S. Aerts, D. Land-, S. Littel, L. Verloock, D. Plets, W. Joseph, J. Bolte, “Evaluation of Low-cost 5G Electromagnetic Field Sensors: calibration and comparison”, 2nd Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2023, Oxford, United Kingdom, 18-23 June 2023, accepted 2023.
  409. B. Stroobandt, H. Van Bladel, S. Goegebeur, S. AertsK. Deprez, M. Velghe, L. Verloock, A. F. Veludo, M. Röösli, M. Guxens, W. Joseph, “Assessment of 4G and 5G uplink exposure measured with 3 devices in different microenvironments in the city of Ghent”, 2nd Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2023, Oxford, United Kingdom, 18-23 June 2023, accepted 2023.
  410. S. Goegebeur, S. AertsK. DeprezL. Verloock, W. Joseph, “Modelling RF-EMF exposure in urban environments for 5G frequencies”, 2nd Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2023, Oxford, United Kingdom, 18-23 June 2023, accepted 2023.
  411. R. Wydaeghe, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, P. Demeester, W. Joseph,, “New Hybrid QuaDRiGa-FDTD Method for Realistic Human Exposure Assessment at 28 GHz with 6G Cell-Free Massive MIMO in 3D Outdoor Environments”, 2nd Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2023, Oxford, United Kingdom, 18-23 June 2023, accepted 2023.
  412. F. Soyka, C. Alteköster, T. Tarnaud, R. Schoeters, T. Plovie, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, “Comparing the SENN and the MRG Electrostimulation Models in the Context of Occupational Exposure Limit Values”, 2nd Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2023, Oxford, United Kingdom, 18-23 June 2023, accepted 2023.
  413. A. F. Veludo, K. Deprez, B. Stroobandt, H. van Bladel, S. Aerts, L. Verloock, S. Goegebeur, S. Dongus, N. Loizeau, G. Tognola, M. Parazzini, J. Wiart, W. B. Chikha, P. de Llobet, M. Guxens, W. Joseph, M. Röösli, “Activity-based micro-environmental surveys in ten European countries to monitor radiofrequency-electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF): A measurement protocol”, 2nd Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2023, Oxford, United Kingdom, 18-23 June 2023, accepted 2023.
  414. G. Vermeeren, M. Depoorter, D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Human exposure to electromagnetic fields from 5G fixed wireless access points at 60 GHz: influence of amplitude and phase steerings”, 2nd Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2023, Oxford, United Kingdom, 18-23 June 2023, accepted 2023.
  415. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Numerical evaluation of the organ-specific exposure to collocated 5G and distributed 6G antenna array base stations”, 2nd Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2023, Oxford, United Kingdom, 18-23 June 2023, accepted 2023.
  416. M. Alijani , Bastiaens , W. Joseph , D. Plets, “An Experimental Analysis of Visible Light Positioning (VLP) in NLOS Environments”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2023, 25 – 28, September 2023 Nuremberg, Germany, accepted 2023.
  417. M. Alijani , Steccanella , W. Joseph, D. Plets, D. Fontanelli, “Monte-Carlo Simulation of Cooperative Localization Techniques for Inter-Vehicle Distance Estimation”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2023, 25 – 28, September 2023 Nuremberg, Germany, accepted 2023.
  418. M. Alijani , Steccanella , W. Joseph, D. Plets, D. Fontanelli, “Lagrange Interpolation in Satellite Positioning for Inter-Vehicle Distance Estimation: A Case Study”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2023, 25 – 28, September 2023 Nuremberg, Germany, accepted 2023.
  419. C. De Cock, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, D. Plets, “Semi-Unsupervised Mitigation of Human Body Shadowing for Indoor UWB pedestrian tracking”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2023, 25 – 28, September 2023 Nuremberg, Germany, accepted 2023.
  420. C. Li, E. Tanghe, S. Pollin, W. Joseph, “Ubiquitous Indoor Fine-Grained Positioning and Tracking: A Channel Response Perspective”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation IPIN 2023, 25 – 28, September 2023 Nuremberg, Germany, accepted 2023.
  421. S. Coene, A. Colpaert, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, Z. Cui, S. Pollin, W. Joseph, “Path loss modeling for air-to-ground channels in a suburban environment”, 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2024, Glasgow, UK, March 17 – March 22, 2023, accepted 2023.
  422. R. Wydaeghe, A. Moerman, O. Caytan, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, H. Rogier, S. Lemey, P. Demeester, W. Joseph, “New Hybrid Ray-Tracing/FDTD for EMF Exposure in 6G Networks using Semantically Classified Google Earth Photogrammetry with Measurement Validation”, 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2024, Glasgow, UK, March 17 – March 22, 2023, accepted 2023.
  423. Y. Feng, M. Guenach, A. Bourdoux, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, “D-band Channel Modelling by 3D Ray Tracing for Joint Communications and Sensing”, 4th IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing, March 19 - 21, 2024, Leuven, Belgium, accepted 2024.
  424. S. Shikhantsov, O. Caytan, A. Moerman, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, "Design, construction and evaluation of a non-metallic numerically-controlled Cartesian positioning platform for low-interference EMF measurements in 6G and beyond", 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and ITNC-USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, 14-19 July 2024 in Florence, Italy, accepted 2024.
  425. H. Van Bladel, B. Stroobandt, A. F Veludo, K. Deprez, M. Roösli, M. Guxens, W. Joseph, “RF-EMF exposure assessment with add-on uplink exposure sensor in different microenvironments in three European countries”, 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  426. B. Stroobandt, H. Van Bladel, S. Goegebeur, S. Aerts, K. Deprez, L. Verloock, A. F. Veludo, M. Röösli, M. Guxens, W. Joseph, “Exploratory analysis of 4G and 5G uplink RF-EMF exposure using network parameters in outdoor microenvironments in Belgium during a maximum uplink usage scenario”, 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  427. M. Benini, S. Goegebeur, M. Bonato, S. Gallucci, M. Parazzini, W. Joseph, G.Tognola, “Prediction of field exposure generated in urban setting by ITS-5.9 GHZ V2X vehicular connectivity with co-kriging spatial interpolation”, 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  428. S. Vecsei, P. P. Necz, K. Deprez, B. Stroobandt, H. Van Bladel, M. Guxens, W. Joseph, M. Röösli, A. F. Veludo, G. Thuróczy, “Case study on personal exposure to RF-EMF in educational microenvironments in Hungary” 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  429. J. Van der Straeten, H. Van Bladel, K. Derpez, S. Aerts, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, “Design of a low cost triaxial 5G RF-EMF exposure sensor” 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024
  430. G. Castaño-Vinyals, A F. Veludo, MM Maule, K Polanska, T Vrijkotte, G Tognola, J Wiart, W. Joseph, M. Röösli, M Guxens, “Use of communication devices among young people: results from a multicountry survey” 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024
  431. A. F. Veludo, B. Stroobandt, H. van Bladel, Ni. Loizeau, N. Sandoval Diez, H. Jalilian, M. Guxens, W. Joseph, M. Röösli, “Exploring RF-EMF levels in Swiss micro-environments: An evaluation of environmental and auto-induced downlink exposure in the era of 5G” 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024
  432. P. Hulls, M. Guxens, G. Castaño, M. Roosli, W. Joseph, K. Polańska, P. Politański, F. de Vocht, “A qualitative exploration of 5G, its implementation across Europe, and its role in the workplace” 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  433. R. Wydaeghe, E. Ofli, S. Benkler, G. Del Castillo, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, , G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, N. Kuster, W. Joseph, “Accelerating mmWave exposure simulations and OUTREACH idea to Industry” 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  434. R.Wydaeghe, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, “Characterization of EMF hotspots for realistic exposure assessment in end-to-end simulations using a hybrid QuaDRiGa/FDTD tool” 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  435. K. Deprez, T. Van de Steene, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Gommé, M. Verlaek, M. Goethals, K. Van Campenhout, D. Plets, W. Joseph,, “High-Voltage Power Line Magnetic Field Monitoring: A Sensor Solution” 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  436. Y. Yang, G. Vermeeren, D. van den Akker, L. Verloock, J. Wiart, G. Tognola, W. Joseph, “Assessment of Human RF Exposure from ITS-5.9 GHz Vehicular-Road Connectivity by Numerical Dosimetry and In-lab Measurements” 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  437. T. Plovie, R. Schoeters, T. Tarnaud, L. Martens, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, “Contribution of Ion Channel Nonlinearities to the Mechanism of Temporal Interference Stimulation”, 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024..
  438. G. Vermeeren, L. Verloock, S. Aerts, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “In-situ assessment of uplink duty cycle for 4G and 5G wireless communications”, 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  439. S. Shikhantsov, O. Caytan, A. Moerman, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “A non-metallic robotic Cartesian positioning platform for EMF assessment in future wireless networks”, 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  440. M. Guxens, M. Maule, M. Röösli, K. Polanska, T. Vrijkotte, J. Schwartz, Marie-A. Bind, M. Ha, K. Yamazaki, W. Joseph, P. Leveque, B. Selmaoui, Y. Percherancier, Ja. Grellier, N. Salas, P. Rubio, D. Oughton, E. Cardis, G. Castaño, “, “Project GOLIAT – 5G exposure, causal effects, and risk perception through citizen engagement”, 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024..
  441. L. Belackova, M. Eeftens, R. Aminzadeh, H. Van Bladel, M. Van Den Bossche, V. Griffon, E. Cardis, S. Dongus, A. F. Veludo, M. Guxens , W. Joseph, P. de Llobet, P. Mazet, P. Van Torre, A. Thielens, R. Vermeulen, J. Wiart, M. Röösli, A. Huss, “Temporal change of outdoor RF-EMF levels in European Countries: a microenvironmental measurement study – example of the Netherlands, 3th Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2024, Crete, Greece, June 16-21 2024, accepted 2024.
  442. A. Saboor, E. Vinogradov, Z. Cui, S. Coene, W. Joseph, S. Pollin, “Elevating the Future of Mobility: UAV-enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems”, 7th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet 2024), December 4-6 2024, Rabat, Morocco, accepted 2024.
  443. Y. Yang, G. Vermeeren, W.Joseph, “Design of a Compact 868 MHz On-Body Matched Antenna for Relaying Biomedical Implants”, 19th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2025, Stockholm, Sweden, March 30 – April 4, 2025, accepted.
  444. R. Wydaeghe, O. Caytan, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, H. Rogier, S. Lemey, P. Demeester, W.Joseph, “Holographic Phase Retrieval of RF-EMFs for Human Exposure Assessment using Fine 3D Electric Field Measurements in a Real Environment from a Beamforming 28 GHz Antenna”, 19th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2025, Stockholm, Sweden, March 30 – April 4, 2025, accepted.
  445. E. De Kuyffer, K. Shen, L. Martens, W. Joseph, T. De Pessemier, Vessel route planning optimization combined with time windows versus worker scheduling for offshore windmill maintenance, The Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications INTELLI, March 9-March 13, 2025, Lisbon, Portugal, accepted 2025.

C2 - Reports, abstracts at conferences

  1. Workshop: “Stralende technologie in huis”, W. Joseph, L. Martens, D. Cosaert, W. Weyns, Vlaams Parlement, 22 februari 2006.
  2. W. Joseph, L. De Marez, T. Deryckere, K. De Moor, L. Martens, “Bridging the gap between QoE and QoS for mobile applications”, Q2S/NTNU International workshop on Network Media Handling, Trondheim, Norway, October 29, 2007, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  3. W. Joseph, D. Plets, L. Martens, and E. Deventer, “Coverage and parameter evaluation in a DVB-H trial in Ghent”, EBU (European Broadcasting Union) forecast seminar 2007, Geneva, Switzerland, November 20 – 21, 2007, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  4. W. Joseph, D. Plets, L. Verloock, L. Martens, E. Deventer, H. Gauderis, MADUF (Maximize DVB usage in Flanders): plenaire vergadering, Coverage aspects for DVB-H Access Network, Gent, 20 Maart 2008.
  5. W. Joseph, third best scientific paper award presented in the Platform Competition to Wout Joseph at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, June 11 – 15, 2007, Kanazawa, Japan. In recognizing this accomplishment, the board also recognizes the enabling role and stewardship of the preceptor: Luc Martens.
  6. W. Joseph, E. Reusens, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “Experimental Determination of On-Body Channel for Two Humans in Multipath Environment”, 7th COST2100 MCM meeting- Braunschweig, Germany, February 16th-18th, 2009, TD(09)702.
  7. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, M. Lienard, A. Nasr, P. Stefanut, D. Gaillot, P. Degauque, and L. Martens, “Clustering of Channel Parameters by Block Diagonal Matrix Decomposition”, 7th COST2100 MCM meeting- Braunschweig, Germany, February 16th-18th, 2009, TD(09)712.
  8. W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “Statistical Approaches to determine whole-body SAR from Exposimeter data and impact of body” Working Group Meeting of WG1 “Measurement Methods” of the COST Action BM0704, November 4 2009, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  9. M. Deruyck, W. Vereecken, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, M. Pickavet and L. Martens, “Characterization of green wireless access networks,” 4th Strategic Energy Forum, Brussels Belgium, Poster, December 10 2009.
  10. E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, M. Lienard, A. Nasr, P. Stefanut, L. Martens, and P. Degauque, “Statistics of Multipath Component Clustering in an Office Environment”, 10th COST2100 MCM meeting - Athens, Greece, February 3rd - 5th, 2010, TD(10)10019.
  11. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “In-body Path Loss Model for Homogeneous Human Tissues”, 11th COST2100 MCM meeting - Aalborg, Denmark, June 2-4, 2010, 2010, TD(10)11017.
  12. W. Joseph, “General public exposure due to electromagnetic fields of LTE and new wireless technologies in different environments”, International 4G/LTE workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, October 27, 2010, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  13. Davy Gaillot, E. Tanghe, P. Stefanut, W. Joseph, M. Lienard, P. Degauque, and L. Martens, “Statistics of Multipath Component Clustering in an Office Environment”, 12th COST2100 MCM meeting - Bologna, Italy, November 23rd - 25th, 2010, TD(10)12022.
  14. D. Kurup, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, “In-body Path Loss Model for Homogeneous Human Tissues Part 2”, 12th COST2100 MCM meeting - Bologna, Italy, November 23rd - 25th, 2010, TD(10)12023.
  15. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), cursus en voordracht: seminar EM fields and Radiation: interaction with humans, Bilbao May 16-18, 2011. Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  16. S. Aerts, D. Deschrijver, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, F. Goeminne, L. Martens, and T. Dhaene, “A new methodology for RF-EMF exposure assessment based on sequential surrogate modeling”, 7th International Workshop on Non Ionizing Radiation, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May 9-10, 2012, accepted.
  17. A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Organ specific averaged SAR for the central nervous system”, 7th International Workshop on Non Ionizing Radiation, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May 9-10, 2012, accepted.
  18. G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Whole-body absorption in heterogeneous adult and child human body model in realistic environments”, 7th International Workshop on Non Ionizing Radiation, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, May 9-10, 2012, accepted.
  19. A. Thielens, Luc Martens, W. Joseph, M “How much Radio Frequency Radiation is absorbed in our bodies?”, 13th edition of the FEA PhD Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, December 5, 2012, paper 1350 http://symposium.fea.ugent.be/node/1350
  20. A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, D. Kurup. and, W. Joseph, and L. Martens, “Compliance Boundaries for LTE Base Station Antennas at 2600 MHz”, 6th COST IC1004 MCM meeting, Malaga, Spain February 6-8, 2013, TD(13)06002.
  21. M. Deruyck, W. Joseph, B. Lannoo, D. Colle, L. Martens, “Designing Energy-Efficient Wireless Access Networks: LTE and LTE-Advanced”, 6th COST IC1004 MCM meeting, Malaga, Spain February 6-8, 2013, TD(13)06012.
  22. T. De Pessemier, K. De Moor, L. De Marez, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Quantifying QoE indicators in a Living Lab Context”, 2nd IEEE BTS GOLD Workshop: Next Generation Broadcasting, Cagliari, Italy, March 4-5, 2013.
  23. S. Aerts, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Sequential measurement method to construct RF-EMF exposure heat maps”, 2013 Conference Environment and Health – Bridging South, North, East and West. August 19th to 23rd, 2013, Basel, Switzerland, Paper no. 3088, accepted.
  24. D. Urbinello, A. Huss, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, J. Beekhuizen, R. Vermeulen and M. Röösli, Assessment of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure levels across several European cities”, 2013 Conference Environment and Health – Bridging South, North, East and West. August 19th to 23rd, 2013, Basel, Switzerland, Paper no. 130214, accepted.
  25. D. Urbinello, W. Joseph, L. Verloock, L. Martens, and M. Röösli, Assessment of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure levels across several European cities”, 2013 Conference Environment and Health – Bridging South, North, East and West. August 19th to 23rd, 2013, Basel, Switzerland, Paper no. 130417, accepted.
  26. E. Tanghe, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Experimental Analysis of Dense Multipath Components in an Industrial Environment”, 7th IC1004 MC and Scientific Meeting, Ilmenau, Germany, May 28-31, 2013. TD(13)07015.
  27. I. Stevens, S. Aerts, T. Evens, L. De Marez, W. Joseph, L. Martens Risk as analysis and risk as feelings’ in practice: Presenting a segmentation based on the reconciliation of objective RF-EMF exposure measurements and subjective risk perception profiles, “22nd SRA-E Conference”, Trondheim, Norway, 17-19 June, 2013, paper no. 269.
  28. H. Rogier, S. Agneessens, A. Dierck, F. Declercq, P. Van Torre, L. Vallozzi, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, and W. Joseph, “Active Textile Multi-antenna Systems for Energy-efficient Body-centric Communication”, 34th Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS conference, Stockholm, Sweden 12-15 August, 2013, accepted.
  29. L. Martens, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, “Existing metrics and their limits in view of a population exposure assessment”, LEXNET workshop, Berlin, September 18th, 2013.
  30. M. Deruyck, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, L. Martens, “Designing green wireless access networks: optimizing towards power consumption versus exposure of human beings”, 8th IC1004 MC and Scientific Meeting, Ghent, Belgium on September 26-27, 2013, TD(13)08010. 
  31. M. Marinova, E. Tanghe, A. Thielens, L. Vallozzi, G. Vermeeren, W. Joseph, H. Rogier, L. Martens, “Diversity Performance of Off-body UWB-MIMO”, 8th IC1004 MC and Scientific Meeting, Ghent, Belgium on September 26-27, 2013, TD(13)08032
  32. D. Plets, W. Joseph, S.Aerts, K. Vanhecke, and L. Martens, “Prediction Tool for Localized Absorption in Indoor Environments”, 8th IC1004 MC and Scientific Meeting, Ghent, Belgium on September 26-27, 2013, TD(13)08026.
  33. A. Thielens, H. De Clercq, S. Agneessens, J. Lecoutere, L. Verloock, F. Declercq, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, H. Rogier, R. Puers, L. Martens, and W. Joseph, “Design and Calibration of a Personal, Distributed Exposimeter for Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Assessment”, 8th IC1004 MC and Scientific Meeting, Ghent, Belgium on September 26-27, 2013, TD(13)08033.
  34. Q, Braet, Luc Martens, W. Joseph, “Real-time wireless network modelling for more robust networks”, 14th edition of the FEA PhD Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, December 6, 2013,
  35. F. Heereman, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, L. Verloock and L. Martens, , “Performance Loss Due to Diffuse Multipath for IEEE 802.11 Systems”, 14th edition of the FEA PhD Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, December 6, 2013
  36. S.Aerts, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Sequential Measurement Method to Construct RF-EMF Exposure Maps”, 14th edition of the FEA PhD Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, December 6, 2013,
  37. I. K. Vin, D. P. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, P. Laly, M. Liénard, and L. Martens, “Polarization Properties of Specular and Dense Multipath Component in a Large Industrial Hall”, 9th COST IC1004 MCM meeting, Ferrara, Italy, February 5-7, 2014, TD(14)09028.
  38. B. Hanssens, E. Tanghe, L. Martens, W. Joseph, C. Oestges, “Measurement-based Analysis of Doppler Characteristics for Ultra-Wideband Radio Channels in an Office Environment”, 9th COST IC1004 MCM meeting, Ferrara, Italy, February 5-7, 2014, TD(14)09011.
  39. A. Bamba, J-M. Molina-Garcia-Pardo, D. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, B. Hanssens, M-T. Martinez-Ingles, W. Joseph, M. Lienard and L. Martens, “Experimental Investigation of the Characteristics of the Electromagnetic Reverberation in the UWB bands”, 10th COST IC1004 MCM meeting, Aalborg, Denmark, May 26-28, 2014, TD(14)09011.
  40. M. Pakparvar, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, A Heuristic Cognitive Decision Engine for Throughput Optimization of WLANs, 3th international IEEE BTS GOLD workshop: Broadcasting in the IP era” (IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting), 19-20 May 2014, website www.http://btsgold2013.diee.unica.it/
  41. P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, E. Tanghe, E. Simon, M. Liénard, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “MIMOSA: Real time MIMO channel Sounder based on a highly flexible Software Architecture”, 12th COST IC1004 MCM meeting, Dublin, Ireland, January 28-30, 2014, TD(15)12020.
  42. M. Deruyck, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Martens, “Optimizating wireless access networks towards both power consumption and electromagnetic exposure of human beings”, 12th COST IC1004 MCM meeting, Dublin, Ireland, January 28-30, 2014, TD(15)12012.
  43. S. Cheng, D. P. Gaillot, E. Tanghe◦, P. Laly,T. Demol, W Joseph, L Martens, and M Lienard, “Full-Polarimetric Distance-Dependent Model for Large Hall Scenarios”, 12th COST IC1004 MCM meeting, Dublin, Ireland, January 28-30, 2014, TD(15)12005.
  44. S. Aerts, W. Joseph, L. Colussi, J. Kamer, L. Martens, J. Bolte, “Interpolation in between road measurements in RF-EMF exposure assessment”, ISEE-YOUNG 2015 Young Researchers Conference on Environmental Epidemiology, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 2nd - 3rd, 2015, accepted 2015.
  45. A. M. Samoudi, E. Tanghe, S. Kampusch, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, J. C. Széles and W. Joseph, Neural Simulation for Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation, 4th meeting of the COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF - MED), Prague, November 17-18, 2015.
  46. D. Plets, Xu. Gong, W. Liu, M. Mehari, J. Hoebeke, L. Martens W. Joseph, demo iMinds The Conference, Brussel, Belgium, 28 april 2016.
  47. M. Deruyck, D. Renga, M. Meo, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Reducing the impact of solar energy shortages on the wireless access network powered by a PV panel system and the power grid”, 2th COST IRACON (CA15104) MCM meeting, Lille, France, May 30-June 1, 2016 TD(16)01006.
  48. B. Hanssens, E. Tanghe, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, C. Oestges, D. Plets, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “An Extension of the RiMAX Algorithm for Ultra-Wideband Channels”, 2th COST IRACON (CA15104) MCM meeting, Lille, France, May 30-June 1, 2016 TD(16)01019.
  49. E. Vinogradov, A. Bamba, W. Joseph, C. Oestges, “Physical-Statistical Modeling of Dynamic Indoor Power Delay Profiles”, 2th COST IRACON (CA15104) MCM meeting, Lille, France, May 30-June 1, 2016 TD(16)01017.
  50. World Health Organization WHO: WHO Environmental Health Criteria Monograph on RF fields, “Environmental personal exposure assessment and exposure assessment”, John Bolte and W. Joseph, 2016.
  51. N. De Geeter, W. Joseph, R. Van Holen, G. Crevecoeur, and L. Dupré, “Estimating the electrical conductivity values of human tissue in the low frequency domain using induced current MR electrical impedance tomography – a feasibility study on phantoms", 20th International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG2016), Seoul, Korea, October 1 to 6, 2016
  52. E. Tanghe, A. M. Samoudi, S. Kampusch, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, J. C. Széles, W. Joseph “Numerical Modelling of Percutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Investigation of the Percentage of Activated Axons Using Different Stimulation Patterns”, COST EMF-MED Workshop on Non-Thermal EMF Cancer Treatment, Warsaw, 15 February 2017, 5th meeting of the COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF - MED), Warsaw, Poland, February 15-17, 2017.
  53. A. M. Samoudi E. Tanghe, S. Kampusch, L. Martens, E. Kaniusas, J. C. Széles, W. Joseph, “Numerical Modelling of Percutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: Assessment of Sensitivity of Neural Activation to Electrode Position”, COST EMF-MED Workshop on Non-Thermal EMF Cancer Treatment, Warsaw, 15 February 2017, 5th meeting of the COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF - MED), Warsaw, Poland, February 15-17, 2017.
  54. T. Tarnaud, L. Martens, W. Joseph, E. Tanghe, “ Effect of myelin parameters and membrane channel dynamics in the SENN model”, 5th meeting of the COST Action BM1309: European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications (EMF - MED), Warsaw, Poland, February 15-17, 2017.
  55. M. Deruyck, A. Marri, S. Mignardi, L. Martens, W. Joseph, R. Verdone, “Performance Evaluation of the Dynamic Trajectory Design for an Unmanned Aerial Base Station in a Single Frequency Network”, 4th COST IRACON (CA15104) MCM meeting, Lund, Sweden, May 29-31, 2017, TD(17)04018.
  56. D. Plets, J. Trogh, S. Benaissa, W. Joseph, L. Martens,  “Internet-of-Animals: wireless communication and location tracking”, 4th COST IRACON (CA15104) MCM meeting, Lund, Sweden, May 29-31, 2017, TD(17)04020.
  57. S. K. Goudos, A. Tsiflikiotis, D. Babas, K. Siakavara, F. Mira, C. Kalialakis, G. K. Karagiannidis, M. Deruyck, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Evolutionary Design of a Dual Band E-shaped Patch Antenna for 5G Mobile Communications”, 4th COST IRACON (CA15104) MCM meeting, Lund, Sweden, May 29-31, 2017, TD(17)04020.
  58. L. Wang, G. Vermeeren, M. Prim, W. Joseph, Carles Ferrer, ”Characterization and Implementation of In-to-out Body Wireless Sensor Data Transmission for Smaller Ruminants”, 5th International Symposium on Sensor Science, Barcelona, Spain, 27–29 September 2017, accepted.
  59. S. Benaissa, F. A.M. Tuyttens, D. Plets, L. Martens, L. Vandaele, A. Van Nuffel, W. Joseph, B. Sonck, “Classification of cow behaviours using leg- and neck-mounted accelerometers in dairy barns”, International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) Benelux conference, Hoogeloon, The Netherlands, October 12, 2017, accepted.
  60. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, G. Torfs, W. Joseph, “Numerical Assessment of Human Electromagnetic Exposure in ATTO-cell Wireless Networks”, UMEMA workshop Uncertainty Modeling for Engineering Applications, Polito, Turin, Italy, November 23-24, 2017, accepted.
  61. René de Seze, Jerome Lesage, Vincent Griffon, Elodie Vauquelin, Stefan Dongus, Reza Aminzadeh, Elisabeth Cardis, Marloes Eeftens, Anke Huss,  W. Joseph, Arno Thielens, Patrick Van Torre, Roel Vermeulen, Martin Röösli, “ Improving the accuracy of personal radiofrequency measurements using a novel body-worn measurement device and comparison with measurements using exposimeters”, Conférence Effets Biologiques et Sanitaires des Rayonnements Non-Ionisants, Montpellier, France, 2 Oct. 2018, accepted.
  62. Witrisal, C. Anton-Haro et al, W. Joseph, D. Plets, Whitepaper on New Localization Methods for 5G Wireless Systems and the Internet-of-Things" https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325347373_Whitepaper_on_New_Localization_Methods_for_5G_Wireless_Systems_and_the_Internet-of-Things

C3 - Patents

A. Thielens, W. Joseph, L. Martens, Personal radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation exposimetry, US patent office, priority date 12/02/2016, number US15/042,625, https://patents.google.com/patent/US20170234915A1/en

M. Yusuf, E. Tanghe, W. Joseph, L. Martens, People detection, European Patent Office, priority date 13/03/2021, published 16/09/2021, number WO2021180879

Selection of invited talks

  1. Q2S/NTNU International workshop on Network Media Handling, Trondheim, Norway, October 29, 2007, Invited by organizers, “Bridging the gap between QoE and QoS for mobile applications”
  2. EBU (European Broadcasting Union) forecast seminar 2007, Geneva, Switzerland, November 20 – 21, 2007, Invited by organizers., “Coverage and parameter evaluation in a DVB-H trial in Ghent”.
  3. COST BM 0704 workshop on “Workers’ EMF Exposure: Recent Developments and Future Challenges”, 27-28 oktober 2011, “In-situ exposure assessment of airport traffic control systems”, Invited by organizers, Vienna, Austria.
  4. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), EM fields and Radiation: interaction with humans, Bilbao May 16-18, 2011. Invited by organizers
  5. W. Joseph, “General public exposure due to electromagnetic fields of LTE and new wireless technologies in different environments”, (invited presentation) International 4G/LTE workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, (2010).
  6.  W. Joseph, B. Braem, E. Reusens, B. Latré, L. Martens, C. Blondia, and I. Moerman, “Design of Energy Efficient Topologies for Wireless On-Body Channel”, (invited presentation) 17th European Wireless Conference, Vienna, Austria, Italy, pp. 82-88, April 27 to April 29, (2011).
  7. W. Joseph, “Environmental exposure assessment studies and personal exposure assessment”. (invited presentation) Workshop on dosimetry and epidemiology Paris, France, Nov-Dec 2011.
  8. W. Joseph, Electric Power Research Institute EPRI workshop on Radio-frequency population exposure assessment, Washington DC, USA,18 October 2012”.
  9. W. Joseph, “New modelling approaches for RF-EMF”, invited for Plenary Proposal BioEM 2014 New avenues in epidemiological exposure assessment”, BioEM2014 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Cape Town, South Africa, 8-13 June 2014. invited.
  10. W. Joseph, “Personal Distributed Body Area Network for Exposure Assessment in Real Environments, European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies 6th Edition (Special edition on wireless and mobile applications) ECUMICT 2014, March 27 - 28 2014, Gent, Belgium. Keynote speech - invited.
  11. W. Joseph, EuCAP 2016 - Invited Speaker in SEMCAD/Sim4Life workshop, RF EMF exposure evaluation of an ultra high density wireless access network, Davos, Switzerland, Wednesday April 13, 2016. invited
  12. W. Joseph, “Software-based systems for practical evaluation of the EU directive”, invited for workshop on The Occupational EMF Exposure Directive 2013/35/EU; an interactive workshop for discussion of implementation and compliance issues”, BioEM2016 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Ghent Belgium, June 5-10 2016, Invited by organizers
  13. W. Joseph, “Expositions électromagnétiques : entre perceptions et réalités” CITC, Salle : EuraTechnologies, Salle de conférence 2, Lille, France, Invited by organizers, June 29 2016.
  14. VOKA Industry 4.0, Case study: draadloze communicatie in een industriële productieomgeving, Gent, March 4, 2016. Invited by organizers
  15. W. Joseph Keynote speech at the  6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), MOCAST 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 4-6 2017, “Internet of Animals: an energy-efficient system for health monitoring and localization of cows”.
  16. PRENNE van Koninklijke Vlaamse Vereniging voor Preventie en Bescherming (PREBES), “Elektromagnetische velden: De nieuwe Europese Richtlijn elektromagnetische velden en Bepaling van de blootstelling van werknemers aan elektromagnetische velden” (Maurits De Ridder en Wout Joseph), 18 maart 2014, Affligem.
  17. Belgian Society for Occupational Hygiene: EU directive for occupational exposure: legislation and exposure assessment (Maurits De Ridder en Wout Joseph), 16 mei 2014, Brussel.
    Dienst Voortgezette Opleidingen (DVO) “Niet-ioniserende straling” (Wout Joseph en Luc Martens), KAHO Gent, 22 mei 2014
  18. Dienst Voortgezette Opleidingen (DVO) “Niet-ioniserende straling: basisbegrippen en metingen en simulaties” (Wout Joseph), Odisee-KAHO Gent, mei 2015, april 2016, april 2017
  19. PRENNE van Koninklijke Vlaamse Vereniging voor Preventie en Bescherming (PREBES), “Metingen van elektromagnetische velden op de werkvloer” (Maurits De Ridder en Wout Joseph), 1 december 2016, Affligem.
  20. WVVA (Wetenschappelijke vereniging van arbeidsgezondheidskunde): VUSA (Vlaams universitaire studiedag arbeidsgeneeskunde): Radiofrequente straling in kantoren: bronnen, blootstelling en preventiemaatregelenmaatregelen, 18 mei 2017, Brussel.
  21. UMEMA workshop, Polito, Turin, Italy, “Advanced SAR Assessment Applying Surrogate Modelling", November 23-24 2017
  22. Invited presentation at inauguration prof. Bolte, Haagse Hogeschool, Den Haag, the Netherlands, February 1, 2018, “advanced personal exposimetry, EMF exposure mapping and IoT perspectives”. ”, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren
  23. Invited presentation “Wireless localisation and tracking: large scale massive localization”. Sorbonne, Paris, France, 29 November 2018. ”, http://www.federation-electronique.upmc.fr/fr/manifestations-a-venir/eme-colloque-localisation-sans-fil.html Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  24. Invited presentation at the 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology ISMICT, May 2-10, 2019, Oslo, Norway, “WBANs for Internet-of-animals”, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  25. Invited presentation “Realistic in-situ exposure of 5G networks” at the BioEM2019 joint annual scientific conference of EBEA and BEMS, Montpellier, June 2019, http://www.bioem2019.orgl”, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  26. Invited presentation “Exposure assessment of Internet-of-Things devices: from home automation to smart meters” at EPRI Environmental Aspects of Transmission and Distribution International Workshop, London, UK, March 12-13, 2019, invited
  27. Invited presentation “Exposure assessment of Internet-of-Things devices: from home automation to smart meters” at EPRI Environmental Aspects of Transmission and Distribution International Workshop, London, UK, March 12-13, 2019, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  28. Invited presentation “Exposure evaluation of pilot 5G network using advanced beam-steering antennas” at 8th GSMA EMF Forum, Brussel, Belgium, October 15, 2019, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  29. Invited presentation “5G real-life exposure how to assess by simulations and measurements” at Nano and Bio-photonics NB-photonics symposium, Gent, Belgium, September 29, 2019, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.
  30. Invited keynote and tutorial at CNR, 5G International PhD School (+90 students) Dec. 2019- Rome, Italy keynote “First numerical and experimental assessment of 5G real-life exposure” and invited tutorial “human exposure to electromagnetic fields:  from mobile phones to 5G base stations”, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.

  31. Invited presentation “RF and Smart Cities (60C)” at EPRI PDU Electric and Magnetic Fields and Radio-Frequency Health Assessment and Safety (P60) Advisory, September 15, 2020, EPRI-USA Online, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.

  32. Invited presentation at 2020 International PhD School (+90 students) Dec. 2020- online “Stochastic-raytracing simulations of 5G base station and 5G in-situ measurements”, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.

  33. Invited presentation at 33rd Workshop of the Wireless Community about Wireless technologies for social distancing December 2, 2020 – online, “Impact of environment and body on localisation and ranging”, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.

  34. Invited presentation “Electrical Vehicle Wireless Charging Technologies” at EPRI PDU Electric and Magnetic Fields and Radio-Frequency Health Assessment and Safety (P60) Advisory Meeting, September 14, 2021, EPRI-USA Online, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.

  35. Invited presentation “5G Exposure Measurement Study Exposure from 5G small cells” at EPRI PDU Electric and Magnetic Fields and Radio-Frequency Health Assessment and Safety (P60) Advisory Meeting, February 16-17, 2022, EPRI-USA Online, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.

  36. Invited presentation “Seawind collaboration: Using Jørgen Bach Andersen’s Room Electromagnetic Theory and Method to Assess Absorption in Humans” at Eucap 2022: Jørgen Bach Andersen Memorial Session, March 30 2022, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.

  37. Invited presentation “Review talk: Challenges of 5G NR exposure assessment” at IRPA 2022 European Congress on Radiation Protection, 30 May – 3 June 2022 Budapest Congress Centre / Budapest, Hungary, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren.

  38. Invited presentation “Measurement methods for in situ 5G MaMIMO exposure assessment and application in commercial 5G deployments” in workshop “Monitoring of EMF exposures in real daily lives” at the Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society BioEM2022 Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren

  39. Invited presentation “Challenges and changes in RF-EMF exposure measurements” in workshop “Radiofrequencies and health: research in a fast-moving environment” ANSES and the International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC, WHO workshop, Paris, France, November 23 2022, Voordracht op uitnodiging van de organisatoren (130 participants on site and total of >600 people present including online)

  40. Invited for +20 talks about non-ionizing radiation and interaction with humans


  • June 2015    General chair and organiser, IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting BMSB 2015, June 17-19, 2015 Ghent, Belgium, 130+ participants
  • June 2016    Co-chair, Bioelectromagnetics conference 2016, June 15-19, Ghent, Belgium, 300+ participants
  • Sept. 2013    general chair, COST VISTA/IC1004 conference, >120 participants, Sept. 2013, Ghent Belgium
  • March 2012    chair, International workshop “IEEE BTS GOLD workshop on the future of broadcasting” (IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting), 50 participants, Ghent Belgium
  • March 2012    Session chair, convened session “Joint antenna-channel issues in Body Area Networks” at the Eucap 2012 conference in Prague, The Czech Republic
  • March 2013    co-chair, 2nd international IEEE BTS GOLD workshop: The Next Generation Broadcasting” (IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting), 50 participants, Cagliari, Italy
  • Sept. 2013    co-chair, 3th intern. IEEE BTS GOLD workshop: Broadcasting in the IP era, Brasov Romania
  • Sept. 2013    Session organiser/chair, special URSI session “Propagation & network planning, channel modelling and human exposure” at ICEAA-IEEE APWC-EMS 2013, in Torino, Italy
  • April 2015    session chair “Dense Multipath Component (DMC) characterization for radio channel modeling” at the EUCAP 2015 conference in Lisbon, Portugal
  • August 2016    Co-organiser of a special session (with Prof. Ilangko Balasingham) at the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'16) Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida USA, August 17-20, 2016
  • Nov. 2016 Co-organiser/co-chair of the IEEE BTS Young Professionals workshop YP-BTS  , "Bridging the Gap Between Broadcast Cellular and Broadband Wireless", chairs: Gabriel-Miro Muntean, Wout Joseph, Nov 17-18, 2016 in Dublin, Ireland, website http://www.eeng.dcu.ie/~BTSYP/
  • Jun. 2017 Organizer of workshop “5G and IoT exposure: RF-EMF Exposure assessment and novel measurement devices” at the BioEM2017 joint annual scientific conference of EBEA and BEMS, Hangzhou, China, June 2017
  • Co-organiser/co-chair of the IEEE BTS Young Professionals workshop YP-BTS, " The Convergence of Broadcasting and 5G Enabling Technologies", chairs: Guiseppe Aranti, Wout Joseph, April 16-17, 2018 in Calabria, Italy, website www.ieee-btsyp18.unirc.it
  • Co-organiser/co-chair of the IEEE BTS Young Professionals workshop YP-BTS, "5G Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation in Broadband Multimedia and Broadcasting ", chairs: John Cosmas, Wout Joseph, April 15-16, 2019, London, UK
  • Chair Short-Courses and Workshops Eucap 2021 Conference Organizing Committee (COC) member Eucap 2021 conference, March 22-26, 2021, Düsseldorf, Germany
  • TPC board Bioelectromagnetics conference BioEM 2021,
  •  Co-chair, BioEM2021 conference of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), September 26-October 1, 2021 Ghent, Belgium http://www.wica.intec.ugent.be/bioem2021/home.

  • General TPC Chair Bioelectromagnetics conference BioEM 2022, 19-24 June 2022, Nagoya, Japan

 Promotor PhD dissertations (28)


  • W. Joseph and L. Martens, third best scientific paper award presented in the Platform Competition to Wout Joseph at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, June 11 – 15, 2007, Kanazawa, Japan.
  • D. Plets, W. Joseph, L. Martens, Winner of prestigious IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Symposium BTS Matti Suikula Award 2007 at the 57th Annual IEEE Broadcast Technology Society Symposium, October 2007, Washington DC, USA.
  • M-C Gosselin, V. Kellerman, G. Vermeeren, S. Benkler, S. Kuehn, A. Hadjem, A. Gati, W. Joseph, M. Wong, J. Wiart, F. Meyer, L. Martens, and N. Kuster, second best scientific paper award in the Platform Competition at Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association BioEM2009, June 14 – 19, 2009, Davos, Switzerland.
  • Promotor scriptie Steven De Lausnay en Thomas Standaard, KAHO Sint-Lieven Hogeschool Gent, 2009 – 2010, “Ontwikkeling van een draadloos communicatiesysteem voor de oplossing van het probleem van de dode-hoek spiegel bij vrachtwagens”. laureaten van de Barco High Tech Award, promotor W. Joseph.
  • Promotor scriptie Vincent Sercu & Carlo Goessaert, Hogeschool Gent, 2010-2011, “Communicatiekanaal tussen gestapelde containers nabootsen in een sensor netwerk testbed”. Promotor samen met prof. I Moerman – IBCN, W. Joseph. Laureaten van de derde “M&I-Informatie Scriptieprijs” ontvangen in het Hodshon Huis, te Haarlem.
  • A. Thielens, H. De Clercq, S. Agneessens, J. Lecoutere, L. Verloock, F. Declerq, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, H. Rogier, R. Puers, L. Martens and W. Joseph, “Personal Distributed Exposimeter for Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Assessment”, BioEM2013 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 10-14, 2013, accepted. The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European Bioelectromagnetics Association are honored to present the Joseph Morrissey Memorial Award for the First best scientific paper presented in the platform competition to Arno Thielens, at their joint meeting Bioelectromagnetics 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 10-14, 2013 in recognizing this complishment, both societies recognize the enabling role and stewardship of the preceptors Luc Martens, Wout Joseph
  • S. Lambert, M. Deruyck, W. Van Heddeghem, B. Lannoo, W. Joseph, D. Colle, M. Pickavet, P. Demeester, “Post-peak ICT”, EOS award at FEAR FEA Research Symposium, December 11, 2015.
  • S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Human EM-exposure comparison of future wireless technologies: ATTO vs. massive MIMO”, BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5 - 9 2017. best poster presentation award (1st ) place Bioelectromagnetics 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 5-9, 2017
  • R. Aminzadeh, et al,  third best scientific paper award presented in the Platform Competition
    “Human Exposure Assessment in Indoor Environments Using A 60 GHz Personal Exposure Meter”, BioEM2018 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), June 24-29, Portorož, Slovenia, 2018.
  • Outstanding poster award: T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, T. Van Renterghem, E. Tanghe. "Interaction of electrical and ultrasonic neuromodulation", 3rd International Brain Stimulation Conference, 24-27 February 2019, Vancouver, Canada
  • Excellent paper award” at EMC Sapporo 2019 J. Gomez-Tames, E. Rashed, A. Hirata, T. Tarnaud, E. Tanghe, T. Van de Steene, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Setting Reference Levels in the Human Safety Guidelines via Nerve Activation Intercomparison”, 2019 Joint International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Sapporo" (EMC Sapporo & APEMC 2019), Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, June 3 to 7, 2019.

  • SSPH+ Award 2019 for the best published article in Public Health (in PhD) at the Swiss Public Health Conference, Winterthur, Switzerland, 28 August 2019. M. Foerster, A. Thielens, W. Joseph, M. Eeftens, M. Röösli, “Prospective cohort study on adolescents' memory performance and individual brain dose of microwave radiation from wireless communication” Environmental Health Perspectives, accepted 2018. (IF: 9.78, Rank: 4/229, Q1)

  • Best paper award URSI Benelux Forum, December 2019 M. Yusuf, B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, Eli De Poorter, L. Martens, Wout Joseph “Fall Detection of a Person in a Reverberant Environment Using Bistatic Radar”

  •   best poster award: N. Podevijn, D. Plets, M. Aernouts, R. Berkvens, L. Martens, M. Weyn, W. Joseph, “Experimental TDoA Localisation in Real Public LoRa Networks”, International conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2019), Pisa, Italy, 2019.

  • Best paper award URSI Benelux Forum, December 2019 M. Yusuf, B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, P. Laly, D. P. Gaillot, M. Lienard, Eli De Poorter, L. Martens, W. Joseph “Fall Detection of a Person in a Reverberant Environment Using Bistatic Radar”

  • Best student paper competition at URSI AT-AP RASC 2022, June 2022, B. De Beelde, E. Tanghe, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Outdoor Angular Path Loss Modeling at Sub-THz Frequencies”

  • Paper award URSI Benelux Forum, 2nd place, February 2022 C. Li, E. Tanghe, J. Fontaine, L. Martens, J. Romme, G. Singh, E. De Poorter, W. Joseph, “DUDAR: Device-Free Pedestrian Tracking Using Commodity Ultra-Wideband Radios

  • R. Wydaeghe, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, P. Demeester, W. Joseph, “Realistic Human Exposure from a 28 GHz and 3.5 GHz Base Station using a Hybrid Ray-Tracer/FDTD method”, 1st Annual Meeting of Bioelectromagnetics BioEM2022, Nagoya, Japan, June 19-24 2022, 2nd best scientific paper award presented in the Poster Competition
  • D. Toribio, W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, D. Plets, A. Thielens, “ Radio-Frequency Absorption of a Western Honey Bee in the Near Field of Antennas”, award for interdisciplinary research at FEARS 2022 (20th Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Research Symposium) with his poster entitled “Radio-Frequency Absorption of a Western Honey Bee in the Near Field of Antennas
  • Presentation award G. C. Tache, B. De Beelde, D. Plets, W. Joseph, M. Deruyck award for the best presentation of the day of the Annual Conference of Informatics, MUltimedia and Telecommunications Technologies, LACETEL,  (ACIMUTT 2022) in Cuba with the presentation “60 GHz network planning for fixed wireless access.”

  • K. Deprez, T. Van de Steene, L. Verloock, E. Tanghe, L. Gommé, M. Verlaek, M. Goethals, K. van Campenhout, D. Plets, W. Joseph, “Watch the power! Monitoring of magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines”, International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) Europe Workshop 2024, 19-21 March 2024, Berlin, German, winners of the ISES Europe 2024 Poster Award. K. Deprez First place winner of the ISES 2024 ISES Europe chapter poster competition  


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