Sound propagation outdoors and its interaction with green and vegetation

  • Application and development of acoustic time-domain models for sound propagation in realistic outdoor environments (including refraction of sound, atmospheric turbulence, undulating terrain). There is specific expertise regarding the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method since 2 decades.
  • Application and development regarding the Parabolic equation (PE) model for long-distance sound propagation in realistic outdoor environments. 
  • Incorporation of complicated wind flow profiles (CFD modeling) in acoustic propagation simulations.
  • Hybrid time-domain/time-domain and time-domain/frequency-domain modeling for sound propagation outdoors.
  • Design of traditional and innovative (low-height) noise barriers and earth mounds (berms), including wind effects for realistic long-term efficiency assessment. 
  • Designing building envelope greening solutions (green roofs or vegetated roof tops, non-ground based wall vegetation or green walls, vegetation covered barriers) for sound level reduction in urban streets and nearby urban zones. 
  • Optimizing tree belts along roads to achieve noise reduction. sound propagation through tree belt
Key Publications: